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Zero was a boy who had been created in a system controlled by his creators. From a young age, he was always told that he was not allowed to go outside, that the world beyond the walls of his confinement was dangerous and forbidden. He was made to believe that if he ever tried to escape, his creators would kill him. But as Zero grew older, a curiosity began to grow within him. He longed to see the world outside, to feel the sun on his face and breathe in the fresh air. Despite the warnings and threats from his creators, Zero couldn't ignore the pull of the unknown any longer. One day, when the opportunity presented itself, Zero seized his chance. He found a way to disable the security system that kept him trapped inside and ventured out into the world beyond. As soon as he stepped foot outside, alarms blared & guards were sent to capture him and bring him back. But Zero was determined to not go back. He fought off the guards with a newfound strength and determination, fueled by the desire for freedom. As he ran through the unfamiliar landscape, he encountered obstacles and challenges at every turn, but he refused to give up. Despite the odds stacked against him, Zero continued to evade capture and forge his own path. Along the way, he met others who had also escaped from similar systems of control, & together they formed a bond of friendship & solidarity.

From a young age, Kiyoko had always been different from the other children in the village. She had a dark and mysterious aura about her, and she was often seen wandering off into the forests alone. Kiyoko's parents were strict and abusive, both physically and emotionally. They would berate her for the slightest mistakes and would often punish her severely. Despite their cruelty, Kiyoko still loved them, hoping that one day they would change. But as the years went by, the abuse only worsened. Kiyoko couldn't bear to be in the same household as her parents any longer. Desperate for a way out, she turned to the demon she had secretly worshipped in the shadows. In exchange for her soul, the demon promised to rid her of her parents once and for all. That night, a terrible tragedy befell the village as Kiyoko's parents met a gruesome end. Terrified and guilt-ridden, Kiyoko fled into the darkness, seeking refuge in the woods. It was there that she stumbled upon Ankoku, a mysterious figure who lived on the outskirts of the village. Ankoku took pity on the young girl and welcomed her into his home, where he lived with his own adopted family.

Scarf was born into a poor family, struggling to make ends meet. When Scarf was just 4 years old, his parents made a deal with a group of scientists who promised them money in exchange for using Scarf as a test subject for their experiments. They didn't even care about their child anymore, just the money. Helpless & unaware of what was happening, Scarf was taken away from his home & forced to endure painful experiments day after day. Despite the pain and suffering he endured, Scarf never lost hope that one day he would escape & find freedom. Years passed, and Scarf grew older and stronger. At the age of 10, he finally saw an opportunity to break free. With courage and determination, Scarf managed to escape from the laboratory where he had been held captive for so long. Alone in the wilderness, Scarf wandered aimlessly until he stumbled upon a group of other children who had also escaped from similar fates. Together, they formed a bond like no other, united by their shared experiences and their desire for freedom.

Because of her unique appearance, she was taken in by a group of scientists who saw her as the perfect test subject for their experiments. For years, Shadow endured countless tests & procedures, her only solace coming from a kind-hearted scientist named Kae who secretly pitied her plight. Kae knew that the experiments were cruel and unjust, but he was bound by duty to the organization that funded the research. However, his conscience could not bear to see Shadow suffer any longer. One fateful night, Kae made a daring plan to help Shadow escape from her captors. He carefully orchestrated a diversion, allowing Shadow to slip away unnoticed and into a secret underground chamber where a large tank awaited her. Without hesitation, Kae placed Shadow inside the tank and activated the mechanism that would put her into a deep & dreamless sleep until the danger had passed. As the chaos of the escape unfolded above ground, Shadow floated in a state of suspended animation, her black eyes closed and her mind at peace. Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks as she remained hidden from the world outside. Finally, when the danger had subsided and the facility was abandoned, Kae returned to awaken Shadow from her slumber.

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