She was unlike else in her village, with shimmering, iridescent skin & eyes that glowed like the stars. These features made her an outcast, but GlowingFlyFire embraced her uniqueness with pride. One fateful day, a group of scientists from Earth arrived on GlowingFlyFire's world, seeking to study her extraordinary abilities. They saw her as nothing more than a test subject, a means to further their own scientific advancements. Without warning, they attacked GlowingFlyFire's peaceful village, capturing her and taking her away to their bio lab. For six long years, GlowingFlyFire was trapped in the confines of the lab, subjected to countless experiments & tests. The scientists viewed her as nothing more than a specimen to be dissected and studied, stripping away her humanity with each passing day. But despite the darkness that surrounded her, GlowingFlyFire never lost hope. She believed that someday, somehow, she would find a way to escape and reclaim her freedom. And that day finally came when another test subject, a young man named Scarf, broke her out of her cell and led a daring escape.

Skillet was born in a small apartment who had a single mom, but unfortunately, their relationship was far from the loving bond that most expect between a mother and daughter. Skillet's mother couldn't stand to touch or even look at her own daughter, leaving Skillet feeling hurt and rejected. One night, Skillet couldn't sleep, she tried her best to fall asleep but none of her methods worked. She didn't want to bother her mother because she was talking to a friend in the kitchen. After half an hour, Skillet decided to get up & looked for her mom at the kitchen. Her mom friend asked her about why she used gloves on Skillet, when Skillet discovered the truth about her mother's feelings towards her & the true color inside of her. She couldn't bear the pain any longer, Skillet made a brave decision from that night. So Skillet decided ran away from their home, seeking solace elsewhere. With tears streaming down her face, Skillet found herself wandering through the empty streets until she stumbled upon a secluded alleyway. In the alleyway, Skillet's heartache consumed her, and she sat against the cold brick wall, feeling lost and alone in the world. Little did she know, her life was about to take an unexpected turn. As Skillet sobbed quietly, a voice caught her attention. Asked a gentle voice. Skillet looked up and saw a young girl named Moonlight standing before her. Moonlight was four years younger than Skillet but looks younger due to her height, her kindness was shown in her soulless eyes. Skillet mustered a weak smile & told Moonlight about her painful story. To her surprise, Moonlight showed empathy and comforted her. Moonlight told her to follow her. Curiosity & desperation combined within Skillet, & she hesitantly decided to follow Moonlight. They walked hand in hand through the desolate streets until they reached Moonlight's home. Moonlight's family, consisting of her parents & two younger siblings, welcomed Skillet with open arms. At first, Skillet was wary. Having experienced rejection for most of her life, it was hard for her to trust in the love and kindness of others. But day by day, Moonlight's foster family proved their sincerity & genuine care for her well-being.

During the experiment lab, the scientists used the technology and scientific on their experiments, there was a female robot named Robot~Chan. She was created as a test subject in a top-secret research facility, where scientists were trying to develop the perfect AI companion. However, one day, there was a malfunction in the facility's security system, allowing the other test subjects to escape. Robot~Chan, who was left behind, was deemed a failure and abandoned by the scientists. She sat in the same place for a long period of time, she was shut down due to the limited amount of time she was able to spend. One day, a boy saw the robot abandoned so he took her in and repair her. When Robot~Chan woke up she was surprised that she was in a different place. Alone and confused, Robot~Chan wandered the halls until she stumbled upon an entrance to the diner hall where she was greeted by her new helper & his adoptive siblings. The kind-hearted caretakers have took her in and gave her a new home, where she met her adoptive siblings - a group of diverse children who quickly accepted her as one of their own.

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