chapter two

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figure something out

"are you sure— i mean, maybe the app is just wrong." felix suggests, voice panicked.

"felix... i'm sure. i'm late." your voice was already weak from the amount of crying you had already done. you'd been through this in your head at least a thousand times before telling felix.

three weeks ago, you took the pill. your period was supposed to come the following week. just in time for it to be out of the way for graduation. it was now the week of graduation, and your period had yet to make its appearance. a few days late for you was normal, but you are officially a full week late, and that had never happened to you.

"look. i don't know if it means anything, it can be late for a number of reasons. but i've just never been this late. we have to check." you tell him.

"okay, okay... i'm going." he states defensively, putting his car in drive. the nerves of this drive were much worse than the one three weeks ago. you kept over analyzing the whole situation. any time you felt any sort of sensation in your stomach, you prayed that it was a period cramp, but each time you checked, nothing. you couldn't tell if the nausea was from the nerves, or the fact that you might actually be pregnant.

before you knew it, felix was putting the car in park, huffing as he took his seatbelt off.

"i'll be right back." he grumbles, pulling a mask over his features, followed by tucking all of his hair into a black beanie. he didn't want anyone to recognize him buying pregnancy tests. hell, he didn't even want to be buying pregnancy tests. but here he was. he was out as quickly as he went in, wanting to spend as little time in there as he possibly could. he climbed back into the car, placing the bag of pregnancy tests on your lap as he secures his seatbelt once again.

"my house or yours?" you ask him, voice low. you didn't want to piss him off, you knew he was already upset. but he wasn't upset at you, just the situation.

"mine. parents won't be home for a couple more hours." he states, putting the car into drive. you could only nod as he pulls out of the parking lot, onto the road, starting the short drive back to his house. you wanted to slow down time. you weren't ready to take this test, or see what the results were. you had this horrible feeling that they would not be in your favor.

graduation was in two days. and you were about to find out if it meant anything or not. if this test ends up positive, you knew you could kiss your dreams of going to college goodbye. you knew your parents, and felix's parents would be pissed. you'd likely get kicked out, leaving you with no way to pay for college. but you couldn't blame your parents, this was your fault after all.

"stop thinking so much. we don't know anything for sure yet." felix's voice drowns out your horrible thoughts as you feel his warm hand rest on your thigh.

"i'm sorry i just... we don't really have time for something like this." you shake your head.

"that's life." he shrugs. you couldn't fathom how he was playing cool right now, when he was a complete mess buying the pill, but all of a sudden, when it's the real deal, he's fine?

but he wasn't fine. in fact, he was probably worse off than you. his hands were sweating. he had to keep readjusting his grip on the steering wheel, and if you weren't wearing jeans, you'd probably feel the sweat from his other hand on your thigh. he felt his heart beating out of his chest, and he felt as if he could throw up at any given moment. he even turned down the wrong street, but luckily, you were too caught up in your thoughts to notice.

and eventually, by some grace, he was pulling into his driveway, biting down painfully hard on the inside of his cheek to keep him from yelling out profanities, mostly at himself.

the two of you silently got out of the car, slowly walking up the driveway. felix used his keys to unlock the door, letting you inside first.

"let me know if you need my help or anything." he tells you. you only nod as you walk down the hall to his bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you. you take a deep breath, pulling each of the pregnancy tests out of the bag. you decide on taking three, just to be sure. so you grab one of felix's disposable mouthwash cups to do your business in, washing your hands before fully opening the pregnancy tests, and dipping them into the cup. you leave them there for a few seconds before pulling them out, laying them flat on the counter like the instructions said.

now, you wait.

"everything okay in there?" felix's choked voice sounds from behind the door. you gulp, reaching over to unlock it, causing him to instantly open it, closing and locking it behind him once he was in. his eyes fall onto the three tests, all of which were blinking away, awaiting results. "god this is awful." he groans, dropping his head onto your shoulder.

"we should have never-"

"i know. it was dumb." he agrees.

"felix... what do we do? if they're positive?" you ask, looking away from the tests, you couldn't bare the anticipation.

"i have no idea, honestly..." and at that, the two of you fell into complete silence. the only thing that could be heard was your shallow, nervous breaths. after a few minutes, felix decides to look up, his heart practically dropping to the pit of his stomach as all three tests read the exact same results. "fuck." at that, you look up, seeing the same thing he saw.


"fuck." you repeat his word, tears instantly brimming at your eyes as you fall to your knees. felix kneels down with you, pulling your crying form into his chest. he wanted to tell you that it would be okay, but he couldn't, because he didn't know if it would. so he settled for the next best thing.

"we'll figure something out."

orange // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now