chapter six

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looks different for everyone

"we're home!" felix's voice fills your ears, followed by your sons melodic giggles. you rush into the foyer, seeing felix crouched down, pulling his backpack off of his shoulders.

"how was your first day at the new school?" you squat down.

"it was great! everyone said i had the coolest backpack!" you couldn't help but chuckle, looking up at felix to see him laughing as well as his hung said backpack up on the rack. 

"is that so?" you question.

"yup! i already have so many friends!" he nods proudly.

"i'm glad!" you giggle as he pulls you into a hug, his attention quickly being drawn elsewhere as your dog comes into view.

"i missed you!" he speaks to the dog, happily patting him as the dog jumps all over him. you stand up, leaning onto felix as you watch the interaction in adoration.

"he's so cute." felix whispers, watching with the same amount of adoration. the boy paying no attention as he runs out into the backyard with the dog, throwing his ball around. you felt silly for being worried about him. the three of you having recently moved from gimpo to seoul, wondering how your son will react to the move. leaving behind his long term friends, but he seemed to be doing just fine.

the move was a necessary move. finally getting out of your cramped apartment, and into a nice house just outside the city. a place you couldn't have even dreamed of moving to after finding out you were pregnant all the way back when you were eighteen.

and it by no means was easy to get here, but you did it, with the help of felix of course.

"have you convinced him to join your class yet?" you ask felix. he had recently bought a new dance studio in seoul, and he taught the entry level class. your son was just now hitting the age to join.

"yes actually." he states proudly. you giggle as you clap, congratulating him.

"how'd you pull that off?" you ask, knowing that your son had put up a fight about it before.

"i showed him some of my super cool moves." he jokes, pulling some of the most ridiculous moves you'd ever seen, causing you to laugh hysterically.

"well i'm proud of you." you tell him honestly.

"i should be saying that to you, mrs. lee, owner of the hottest bakery in town." he gloats for you.

"please." you roll your eyes modestly.

"what? i'm just repeating what the articles said." he smiles. and it was true, your bakery had blown up in seoul, and you couldn't be more grateful. life was absolutely perfect.

"mom... dad..." your sons guilty voice filled your ears as the two of you looked down to him. and there he stood, with the dog, completely covered in mud, a trail following them from the door to where they stood.

well, as perfect as it could get with an eight year old son and a dog.

and if you had learned anything throughout these last eight years, it's that you could truly do anything you put your mind to. a long time ago you stopped seeing the glass half empty. and as cheesy as it sounds, you became a glass half full person. there is a brighter side to everything.

you were kicked out, but it led to you making an amazing friend, giving your son a wonderful god-father. you will forever be thankful to bang chan for everything he did for the two of you.

you and felix ended up going to school later than planned, but you both think it helped you discover what you truly wanted to do, rather than getting some wasted degree, only to go back later anyways to peruse your actual dreams. because what eighteen year old really knows what they want to do with their life?

felix going back to school was hard, a lot harder than when you went back to school. but it brought the two of you closer. you even believe it to be the reason you guys became a real couple.

and this move, the move to the city that you had been so worried about? it was the reason your business took off, and your son was still happy. and you could continue to provide for your little family.

everything that seemed to have a downside, had an even greater bright side. and you would hold onto that knowledge for the rest of your life.


when you headed into the bathroom that night after dinner, that all too familiar test blinking on the counter, until it read...


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