chapter four

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we can manage

"home, sweet home, little guy." felix's voice came out in a hushed whisper as he unlocked the door to your apartment, having moved into one yourselves just months before your son was born. the place was still a mess, unpacked boxes, baby stuff lying all around. but it was better than chan's cramped guest room.

thankfully over the last nine months, you and felix worked your asses off, saving up money, buying everything you needed for the baby. and you finally had your own place to raise your son in. money was still extremely tight, especially now with you on maternity leave, but you knew that the two of you could manage.

"felix, did we ever finish building the crib?" you ask, your son passed out in your arms as felix's eyes widen.

"ummm..." he trails off, practically running to the baby's room. "just give me like— five minutes." he calls out. you chuckle, waddling over to the couch to sit down, still recovering from the pain of the birth. you took the time to study your son, noticing how much he resembled felix, but he definitely had your nose. he was adorable, and you were so in love with him.

you or felix hadn't talked to your parents since they kicked you out. the only help you had was from chan, and although to most people, that sounds incredibly sad, you found comfort in it. you and felix had slowly came to the realization that your parents would never be beneficial to either of you. if they couldn't love you at your worst, they didn't deserve to love you at your best. and now, the two of you see it as a good thing that you got kicked out.

"it's ready!" felix chirps, walking out to see you staring fondly at the baby. "are you okay?" he asks, sitting down next to you.

"i'm just thinking." you nod, rocking back and fourth.

"about?" he questions, gently squeezing the baby's arm between his fingers.

"how we got here."

"well we had sex-"

"shut up." you giggle, rolling your eyes at him.

"he has your nose." he suddenly states, booping the baby's nose.

"i know. he has the rest of you though." you laugh.

"do you wanna put him in the crib? it's ready."

"i just wanna hold him for a bit longer." you shake your head.

"alright." he nods, leaning his head against your shoulder, the two of you staring fondly at the baby. "you know i love you, right?" he adds.

"felix stop." you laugh. "we're not even a couple."

"no i know. i still love you though. you're my best friend, the mother of my child. i'm glad i'm in this situation with you." he lifts his head up to look into your eyes.

"really? you don't regret it or anything?" you question.

"not at all. do you?"

"of course not." you shake your head. "though i can't say i didn't at the beginning." you tell him honestly.

"i get that. i felt the same way at first too." he agrees. "but now i can't imagine my life being any other way." he smiles warmly.

"you ever think about what it would be like if you had went to school?"

"all the time." he nods. "but if i think too hard about it, honestly i think i'd still end up where i am now. maybe minus the baby. but i'd probably still be a dance instructor."

"yeah... i think i'd be something completely different." you tell him.

"like what?" he asks, taking the baby from your arms to hold him himself.

"real estate. you know i always wanted to do that." he laughs at that.

"boring." he fake yawns.

"yeah, i think i'd have gotten bored of it pretty quick. i love what i do now." you tell him with a chuckle.

"i do too, i think it suits you. plus, unlimited sweets in the house at all times." he rubs his stomach happily. you couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "but i had something i wanted to talk to you about." he suddenly changes the subject, his tone turning a bit more serious. you felt your heart rate quicken in anticipation.

"yes?" you ask, trying not to sound worried.

"if you disagree, tell me, because i don't want to do it if you think it's stupid..."

"okay... go on..." you urge him.

"i want to go to school now." your eyes widen momentarily, taking in the bomb he just dropped. "of course i'll still live here, i'll just commute to classes, and do the ones i can online." he explains further, seeing your slight panicked expression.

"and your job?" you ask. you hated to sound as if you were saying no, but you didn't think it would be plausible, especially if he had to leave his job.

"i can do both." he states confidently.

"are you sure? that's a lot of pressure. school, work, and a baby." you hated sounding like a mom, but hey, you were one after all.

"you think it's a bad idea right? i shouldn't do it..." he frowns slightly.

"no! no, i'm just... i don't want you to put too much on your plate. but if you think you can handle it, i'm your number one supporter. you know that. i'll always support you." you tell him honestly, followed by a warm smile.

"well, i'd like to at least try." he nods.

"what school?" you ask, knowing that he had no chance of going to the big name schools after going radio silence on all of them.

"just the community one. i just want to get a degree in business or something, so maybe i can take over the dance studio, make more money." he explains. and you couldn't argue with that. the two of you always needed more money.

but, even community college costed money.

"and how are you going to pay?"

"i have some money saved up. a couple of thousand, it should pay for at least two years." you felt relief at his words, knowing he had a plan, and that he wasn't just deciding this out of the blue. you could tell he put a lot of thought into it.

"okay." you nod.


"i think it's a great idea. hell, maybe when you graduate, i'll do the same." he smiles at that, setting the baby gently down on the free couch cushion before leaning over and pulling you into his chest.

"god i love you." he whispers, happily kissing the top of your head. you felt overwhelmed with happiness, giggling into his chest as you wrap your arms around him.

"i love you too."

orange // lee felix ✔️Where stories live. Discover now