chapter five

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but it's not that easy

"you're home late. again." you state, arms crossed over your chest as felix groans, shutting the door behind him.

"just had a lot of homework." he shrugs, walking past you, completely ignoring you as he headed to your toddlers room.

"don't go in there. he's asleep." you warn him. he stops in his tracks, turning around to give you an annoyed look.

"i haven't seen my son all day." he tells you.

"maybe if you came home on time instead of past his bedtime you'd get to see him." you retort.

"maybe you put him to bed too early."

"he's two, he can't stay up late." you reply, honestly shocked at his words.

"he's two and he hardly sees his dad."

"who's fault is that? you leave before the sun rises in the morning, and you don't come back until it's dark. i mean, what do you expect, honestly?" you scoff.

"because i'm working. you know, so you can turn on these lights. so you can use the water, so we can survive. and i have school on top of that." he argues.

"you chose to go back to school." you remind him.

"so that we don't have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore!" he raises his voice.

"lower your voice." you warn him. felix rolls his eyes.

"maybe just, put him to bed an hour later."

"no. i'm not going to compromise his schedule just because you want to be out with some girl." you spit.

"some girl? is that what you think i'm doing?" his eyes widen comically.

"i don't know, felix. why else would you be out every night until ten o'clock. there's no chance anyone is at that school that long."

"i am." he replies blankly. "in fact, i'm pissed that you think i'm doing otherwise."

"i don't know why you have to lie— it's okay if you're meeting a girl, but don't complain that you don't see your son because of it."

"you— are you fucking serious right now?" he scoffs, voice raising slightly again.

"i told you, lower your voice." you warn him again, pointing a stern finger at him. he scoffs again, walking forward, roughly grabbing you by the arm and pulling you outside of your apartment. "felix— what are you-"
you stop talking as he all but drags you down the stairs, until the two of you were standing in the parking lot of the apartment complex.

"i am not seeing any girls. i come home late because i am at school catching up on work. i go to work in the morning, school in the afternoon, and homework until night. it's the only way i can fit in everything i have to get done." he tells you, voice stern.

"that's not how it was at first. you came home every afternoon for dinner." you retort.

"i'm almost a junior now. the work is a lot harder. and i got a promotion at work. it's not as easy anymore. but i'm making it work."

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