Chapter 1- The Beginning

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(Narrator's POV)

Ever since Marco has met Star his life has been an adventure. Every time he saw Star his heart melted through his body. Star has made his life have meaning. Before, he was just a kid who led a boring, normal life. Now, he's kicking monster butt with a interdimensional princess who is the complete opposite of the safe kid he is. And he loved it.

But, there was another thing he loved too. A blonde-haired, blue-eyed, heart-dimpled, wand-weilding, fun-loving, wild-thoughted, sweet-as-sugar, warm-hearted, monster-defeating, butt-kicking, awesome girl who made him like a melted chocolate bar on the inside. He loved her. Star Butterfly. The girl of his dreams. Sure, Jackie was cute and everything, but, Star wasn't just another girl. She was a experience. Marco would've given up anything to be with Star.


(Marco's POV)

I was walking to school with the person who I loved skipping ahead of me. She didn't know it yet, but I had fallen deeply in love with her. Every time I saw her i couldn't help but chuckle or smile to myself, because she was sooooo perky and happy and optimistic all the time. I just love that. She's so.... Good. I just can't explain it. God, she made me melt. I can't resist it. I just love her.

"Marco! Whatcha thinkin' about slowpoke?" Star laughed lightly as she skipped faster. School was meters away. The laugh of Star... it was like a breath of fresh air. Nobody else could ever substitute the beauty Star had.

"Oh.... Its nothing Star." I lied as I stared hazily into space. The only thing that I could think about was Star and only Star.

After a boring day of school,...

"Hi mijos! We will be going on a special anniversary of when we met. See you kids next week!" Our parents said as they left for a week. My eyes lit up! This was the perfect opportunity for me to confess my feelings for Star. This was perfect! And it was a friday so we had a supervisorless house for a week! Perfect.

"MARCO!!!!" Star screamed. She tackled me as I blushed RED. "WE HAVE A WHOLE HOUSE TO OURSELVES!!!" She smiled and screamed as she helped me up. Her skin was as soft as fluff.

"Great Star!!! I'll make some of my nachos and we can watch some movies!" I exclaimed back.

And that's when the best week of my life started.


Author's Postnote:

WOW That was cheesy. But I hope u guys thought it was cute! Plz say if I should continue I dont know if i should... anyway, vote and comment!!! .3. Kawaii Keyboard Man!!!!! And sorry for the short chapter i will make more long ones :D

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