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Happy Reading ❣️


Author's Pov ✨🙋🏻‍♀️

5 years ago...

Jk standing outside of the seoul airpot in cold weather. It's month of january, so everything is covered with snow.

He is waiting for someone since the  morning he also missed his morning flight cause of that person.

Now, it's evening and there is no sign of that person nor any information bout that person.

He sigh while thought to take night's flight of london and he made his way inside the airport.

'Jungkook!' Jk instantly turned around
in hope while his big bambi teary eyes search for his special one.

He blinked his tears away and looked at the person with his blank face that person panting heavily.

'She didn't come jimin.' Jk whispered while gulping his sadness he look at him sadly.

'Here, take this.' Jimin said while he forward a letter jk took it with shaking hands.

Tears fall from his bambi eyes after reading the letter. He sniffs crumble the paper in his fist shoved into his long coat's pocket.

'Don't ever fall in love with someone jimin. It's painful more than death.' Jk whispered in his cracked voice walked inside and didn't looked back for once.

Jimin bite his lips while turned around and walked away with his heavy heart.

Letter 👇🏻

Don't wait for me, forget everything and promise me when we meet in the future you will walk away like we are strangers.

JK board flight for london while looked at the outside of the window with teary bambi eyes.

'Indeed we are stranger.' Jk whispered looking outside, biting his wobble lips and his heart crying in so much pain.

... Present ...

Jk crying while remembered tae's last letter and parked his car in the parkin lot.

He saw jimin already waiting for him in worries, anxious and sad jk strided towards him.

'Let's go inside and you will ask about her hu..husb em let's go.' Jk said while held his hand jimin jerk his hand.

'Why me?' Jimin shout angrily he sigh avoiding his gaze, caresses his nape.

'Cause you both are good friends.' Jk said clearing his throat he rolled his eyes.

'Jungkook what's stopping you to talk with her.' Jimin said in frustration jk looked down sighing heavily he held his shoulder firmly.

'I don't know what to say and how to make you understand Jungkook. I just know that you are in pain, in suffer, in sadness same goes to Taehyung.' Jimin said sighing sadly he looked down.

'It's all happening cause of me right chim? I'm the reason of her suffering, her every pain is caused by me.' Jk said crying looking down jimin sigh.

'Don't blame yourself Kook. We know how much you tried to make her father understand. You keep your promises.' Jimin said sighing held his both hand.

'Except one. Now, it's time to fulfil that promise too.'  Jimin said he looked at him while biting his wobbled lips he gave assured nod.

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