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Happy Reading ❣️


Author's Pov ✨🙋🏻‍♀️

It's almost 1 year still jk didn't saw her face but happy that he got to know her name cause of his cousin.

(I forgot Tae's cousin name...)

'Kookie! I heard today's Jesus birthday.' Jimin said he shrugged shoulder while mumble 'So what' looking towards the gate waiting for his 'Pretty Doe.'

'They arrange some perfomance and will perform in church's auditorium.' Jimin said smiling he groan 'then let them perform what I can do with that.'

Jimin roll his eyes and hit on his head he hissed in pain while glared at him 'don't disturbe me jimin.'

'Why is she late today?' Jk mumble.

'She came early today and she is in the auditorium preparing for her special dace perfo....

Jimin stop talking and stood dumb jk run towards auditorium in snap like a road runner.

'What can I do with it.' He mimic him and strode to auditorium with enthusiasm.

... Inside Auditorium ...

Jk walked inside in hustle other looked at him in irritation he roll his eyes and took infront seat without caring other glare and unpleasant look for him.

'Now, next performace of our flower's group girls.' A woman announce softly other clapped included jk boringly.

The flower's group girls came on the stage they are 5 beautiful girls in the group.

They start balle dancing with grace in devotion towards their perfomance jk was busy to search if his doe is among them.

Jk's eyes widen when he recognize pair of a doe eyes 'Is she my pretty doe?' Jk mumble and clapped in enthusiasm.

'Fuxking finally!!! Oh God she is so so so naah beautiful word is fade infront of her.' He thought grinning 'flawless.' He mumbled again while enjoying her only pretty doe performance.

His Love Kim Taehyung... ✨


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His eyes only stuck on pretty doe while she is so focused in her perfomance.

They end the perfomance with the bow  other start clapping with praise and jk came back on the earth once again.

He stood up while clapped happily and shouted 'Amazing Doe!' she lift head in shocked and wide her eyes after seeing jungkook infront row.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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