Chapter 01:

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The night was young, and the heart-shaking sound of the lightning and thunder feared even the fearless man. The sound was enough to keep you awake the entire night. Some wondered what was going on with the weather. Some believed humanity had done something to enrage God, and some questioned if there was a possibility of there being another life, an extraterrestrial one who were fighting amongst themselves. No one knew what was actually going on, let me tell you the truth behind the dangerous night. . . come along with me to the world of magic, a place filled with beauty and peace; but not anymore. . .

A fight, battle or war; as some call it, was taking place in Roshar Scardial; meaning the mistborn series of the stormlight archive; it was a war between the two specimens, pure and dark Elements. The 4 Pure Elemental Gods; Fire, Water, Air and Earth; were commanded to send their children on earth as their last hope of continuing their reign. The gods did as they were told obeying the command of their leader. Blood was shed, lives were lost, hope was dead, peace was gone, love was abused and humanity was screwed. . . everything was at the verge of ending. Screams and shouts echoed through the air as if there was no medium carrying it.

Bodies slashed, anger blinded and hatred consumed. . .

The condition worsened as time flew away without a care, swords, battle axes, recurve bows, longbows, crossbows, spears, katana, javelin, shields and dagger; all covered with layers of blood.

Nothing seemed to be in order, soldiers turned against their own leader, innocents killed without a reason and children hurt.

No one could bring the situation under control. Night after night passed and the local civilians were afraid and wanted to protect their life. Some went to Earth and some hid in shelters

Everyone dispersed and let the war continue and take care of it on its own.

The Elemental Gods used their power to send their children on Earth each saying goodbye to their children as they would miss them, no parent would want to give up their children but this was a compulsion and an order from their leader, the children were mere babies; 6 months or 8 months old.

It was a battle to be remembered. The thunder and lightning came to a halt as a sign that the battle was over. On Earth it was merely 8-9 hours of continuous storm but in Roshal Scardial it was 4-4.5 months of continuous bloodshed and violence. Time was really quick and fast wasn't it? Historians from the land of Roshal Scardial say that the war was won by the Pure Elemental Gods, some say that the war would take place again when the new rulers arrive.

But if that was the case then what had happened to the Dark Elemental Gods? Did they go into hiding, or was their case something else.

"Ugh. . ." someone groaned, shivering, covered in blood, laying on the ground lifeless. They were able to move but not much due to the pain, "I-is s-someone t-th-there?" they asked for help, but the place was laying in silence, which took a vow never to be broken. "I-I n-need h-help, any-anyone?"they groaned in pain, trying to stand up but failed falling hard on the ground hitting the injured parts of their body.

"I n-need t-to f-find h-him" they said before passing out flying their soul to the other side of universe. The person was a male, not a man but a young boy who participated in the war, there were many like him laying in pieces on the ground covered in blood.

The war came finally to an end. . .

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