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The guys really got a banner saying "intervention" and hung it up in the living room, all of them together, except for Heeseung, he was in his room. You didn't really get why they had to make an intervention for him. And why would they also do one for you and Heeseung together as well?

Well, you patiently waited and looked at your friends as they all stood there and talked to each other quickly before they called for their oldest friend.

Right in that moment, Sunoo came in, making everyone excited.

"You're back!", Riki smiled and hugged him, the others did too and you too, of course. He had been at his parents' place for a bit, helping with something and now he was back.

Then Heeseung entered the room as well, surprised by everyone being here, by Sunoo being back and by the banner. He greeted his friend and then looked at the banner and the others in confusion: "An intervention?
Seriously? For me or what?" He raised an eyebrow, not knowing what this would be about, you didn't exactly know either.

Jungwon started: "Yes, it's for you. So please sit down and listen, okay?"

Confused he nodded and sat down on a chair.

The guys exchanged looks, so Jake continued: "We've noticed you're going on many dates these days. Well, there's-"

"So an intervention for me going out with girls, seriously?", Heeseung raised an eyebrow but Jake continued: "No, I wasn't done talking... well, there's nothing wrong with that, obviously. But it's the girls you're going out with."

"What about them?"

"Well...", Jake wanted to continue and then Jay said: "They look like y/n."

Immediately you and Heeseung made eye contact but both of you quickly looked away.

Were they for real? So June was right as well? But you didn't see it...

"What?", Heeseung looked even more confused, "that's not true. They look nothing like-" he looked back at you and literally stared at you, making you nervous. "No, they don-"

Sunghoon interrupted him: "They do. Can't you see it? The hair, the eyes, even the style of clothes... exactly like y/n. Just that they aren't her, so you're obviously still wandering around wondering why they aren't the one when the one is literally right among us."

You then had to say something: "Come on... that's not true..."

All eyes were on you, making you gulp, Jake nodded and you sighed.

why not me? | Heeseung ✓Where stories live. Discover now