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Ch. 7

"Everything okay?"

She was gone longer than I expected, I honestly almost fell asleep. I ended up eating the rest of my food and getting invested in the stupid movie she had on. "I'm sorry, him and Seokjin were giving me an earful but oddly relaxed a bit once I told them you were here" I smirk now, I knew they liked me. "Don't get too cocky, I think they were just happy I wasn't with my ex again" I nod as she gets on the couch, I pull the blanket back so she can cuddle up to me. Which surprisingly she does "No one seems to like the dude, what did he do cheat on you or something?" I knew I was pushing and maybe I was doing so too hard but I needed to know the extent of their hatred. "That among other things, he just wasn't the guy I thought he was. He did a lot of criminal activity and didn't treat me the best towards the end. I thought I loved him though so I stupidly stayed longer than I should have. I guess I just have a small weakness for him" it was rather hard for me to keep my composure, the thought of them together made me want to do unthinkable things. Not to mention the fact that she loved him, that was enough for me to put a bullet through Yoongi's head.

"I can see why everyone is so upset with you, but don't worry beautiful, as long as I'm around you won't be making those foolish mistakes"

She rolls her eyes and smiles, I can tell she's tired now much like I am but still she's fighting the urge to sleep. Sitting up she crosses her legs and turns towards me "Tell me about yourself" I yawn and stretch before sitting up myself, this couch was as comfortable as my bed. "What do you want to know?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, her sleepy eyes observe my face closely. "Everything, even things your closest family or friends don't know" I chuckle but there is a seriousness in her eyes that makes me slightly nervous. Because with her, I felt like I couldn't lie. I felt like I had to be one hundred percent honest with her or she'd see right through me and that was fucking scary. "I'm not a very good guy either y/n but I'm trying to be for your sake" she tilts her head, her eyes never leave mine which makes my insides turn. "Why for me?" I shrug and run my fingers through my hair, I felt nervous and slightly intimidated, which was new. "Honestly I don't know, I just feel like I have to be good, better. In order to be worthy enough for your time" she smiles at that "That's refreshing, I think you're doing a decent job so far. But if you want to continue hanging out I need to know where you're at" I raise my brow in question, which makes her smile deepen.

"Like what is it you want from me? To be friends? Fuck buddies? Something more serious? And if it's either of the last two I need to know that you are only messing around with me"

I felt turned on and slightly flustered by her sudden dominance, she never struck me as that type of girl and honestly I don't usually go for that. I liked being the dominant one, the one in charge and calling the shots and yet this still had me hooked. It still made me crave her. "If I want either of the last two are you going to only fuck with me? I don't share beautiful" she raises a brow and looks at me for a moment, it's like she's studying me. Seeing if she wants the headache or if she's fine with her current situation. Which deep down we both know she's not, I know she wants me just as badly but something holds her back for some reason and I can't figure out what it is. I couldn't remind her of Yoongi that much can I? "If and only if we cross that line then yes I will commit to only fucking you but for now maybe we should continue getting to know each other" I roll my eyes which makes her softly chuckle "aka I want to keep fucking my side piece but still keep me as a backup" she fully laughs now which makes me irritated but only because she's so cute and because that's my move. "When you put it like that, it sounds so mean" "you are mean, dangling your cute sexy self in front of me only to pull it away. I've already had a taste y/n and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't craving you since"

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