6. Metamorphosis

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The female began stretching, each extension of the limb making a loud crackling noise. As she rolled her head around, the popping of gases being released made her let out a sigh of relief, eyes rolling to the back of her head. Stretching her arms above her head, her skin seemed to shift and the muscles moved about underneath. The crackling and popping noises of stretched joints turned to sharp cracks and twists of bone parting from muscle, her form slowly changed before Aileens eyes. Her hunched 5'0 figure slowly unfurled as she stretched upwards. It was almost like watching a caterpillar turn into a butterfly, the woman reassembling her form from underneath her skin, bending and shaping to how she wished. What was a pale, old woman turned into a tall lady who was bursting with colours. Her dishevelled form had straightened up, her garments weaved with gold threads and the trim heavily embellished with precious jewels. What had been a gummy grimace had turned into a youthful grin, teeth of ivory shining brightly behind her painted mauve lips. Her skin was the colour of a sunset, the golden glow complimenting the gold jewellery that hung around her neck and wrists. Aileen noticed small wisps of smoke lingered in the air, smelling closely of burnt roses.
"Ahhhh~ much better! I hate that form, it's so claustrophobic. It pinches..."
The woman grinned, ruffling Aileen's hair.
Aileen stared up at her. She had grown a foot and there was something about her that left her speechless. Dante's vampire wives were stunning, however there wasn't the same feeling of coldness when she looked at this lady. She felt warm and enticing but at the same time, Aileen couldn't muster a word. She was still fighting off the urge to throw up after watching her change into this form.
"Wow I'm really surprised! Most humans start screaming or crying... or throwing up. Or all three!"
She said cheerfully.
"I've been in this house for almost two days. I'm pretty much almost desensitised to most things now."
Aileen replied back coldly.
This made the woman laugh loudly, making Aileen blush. She didn't think that it was that funny. It was actually very disturbing with what she had to put up with. It was understandable how her fathers mental health ended up the way it did after ten years of service under Dante.
"Aha! I can tell why Dante let you stay. Humans have gotten so funny recently!!! You guys' humour has improved greatly over the years. Your pessimism is so refreshing."
She exclaimed, clasping her hands.
Her red locks swayed from underneath a veil that enshrouded her hair, coins hanging off from around the hem.
Aileen slowly sat down on the bed, her gaze never leaving the beautiful woman who was staring back at her with a smile.
"Is this the reason you were in that trapdoor? Are you like them, Dante and crew?"
Aileen asked, to which the woman laughed.
Her full body chuckle caused all of the coins on her veil and waist to crash against each other, shaking her head.
"Oh no, no, no! Can't stand vampires. They always think they're better than you. Like we get it, everyone likes vampires, you're more popular with the humans. At least the humans don't know about me! What's the point of being a secret to the public if the public already knows."
She said,
"Apart from me."
"Now look here- I haven't told you what I am. I have merely made my presence known. You don't know what I am. Besides, it's not like you can go around talking to other humans. You've got his bracelet~ hehehe!"
The redhead grabbed Aileens wrist and waved her hand.
Aileen snatched her hand away and glared up at her.
"I don't even know who you are. But you seem to know a lot about this bracelet."
She snapped.
"Oh! Where are my manners? I am Chrysus! And I know about your bracelet because I know the owner. The pig headed and insufferable inferno called Dante. I hate him! He is so mean and always tries to upstage me! I know that because of that bracelet, you cannot go further than your Master demands. You also cannot defy him. I know this because I also made the bracelet, so I guess I'm the reason you're in this mess! Oops- my bad!"
Chrysus laughed, making Aileen scowl.
"Don't wrinkle your face like that Miss! Unlike me, you'll get wrinkles."
She teased, flicking the end of Aileens nose.
"If you made it, you know how to take it off. Right? So... take it off."
Aileen demanded, outstretching her arm, to which Chrysus stared back blankly.
"I am sorry Miss. I forged it many centuries ago. I forgot. It's not my most favourite thing I made so I kinda forgot. I don't hold onto every little thing in my life. I bet Dante stole it.... Thieving bastard."
She hissed.
Aileen groaned in frustration, throwing herself backwards onto the bed.
She stared up at the ceiling, the numbness feeling taking back over her.
"Aww! Cheer up! It's not that bad- is it?"
Aileen did not reply.
"It is that bad! Yeesh... sorry. If only there was a way I could fix it."
Chrysus sighed, leaning against the wall next to the mirror.
"Maybe- maybe there is!"
She said gleefully.
Aileen sat up and stared at her. She's already had so many hopes crushed today and she didn't know whether or not to trust this stranger. Yet, what did Dante do that was nice? He stole her stuff, he snapped her leg, made her kill a man and so much more.
"Well? Don't just tease me. You're no better than them. They do this all the time."
Aileen said glumly.
"Ah! You have my word! I don't lie. I could never lie."
Chrysus said sternly.
Aileen rose to her feet and stepped towards the glimmering woman.
"What do you need? There's always a catch. Do you want an eye, steal my kidney?"
She mumbled.
Chrysus laughed, clapping her hands together. She brought Aileen into a tight embrace, the faint smell of roses and sandalwood seemed to linger around Chrysus. She was warm and her skin soft but the cold contrast of the coins made Aileen wince as they touched her skin. Chrysus pulled away and cupped Aileens face in her hands and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Oh my sweet child. All I need is your name. Your real name."
She said softly.
Her gentleness was off putting, her mouth was curled into a small smile but it seemed to be a smirk behind it. There was no warmth in her eyes, only cold cool eyes of a viper staring back at her.
"My name..."
Aileen whispered back.
Chrysus hands moved her hands to Aileens shoulders, her grip tightening in impatience.
"Yes. Your name. I thought I said that pretty clearly."
She snapped.
Her happy demeanour had changed to that of a ravenous animal. But Aileen wanted out. She didn't care. However, as hard as she tried, her name could not leave her lips. Her mouth opened yet a mangled croak was all she could muster. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she felt a hand touch her shoulder and Chrysus' face dropped. Aileen turned around to see Dante.
His eyes looked groggy and his long hair had been tied back. He had changed into a long white night dress with a velvet robe on top.
"What the fuck are you doing, Renfield."
He hissed.
Aileen turned back to look at Chrysus to catch her walking into the mirror and disappearing.
"Ah! How did she do that!"
Aileen exclaimed.
"No. I asked what the fuck were you doing."
Dante said, his grip tightening on her shoulder.
Aileen felt the bracelet tighten around her wrist and the burning pain set in once more. She winced in pain.
"I was helping Chrysus!"
She yelled and the pain vanished.
"Pfft- that is not her name. Or at least that is not the name she told me. She changes it a lot. Why on earth are you helping her? Can you not get it through your puny brain that maybe I had set a trap to capture her. She is a menace. She had been there for sixty years. I was sure I was going to get rid of her. Your father helped me put her in that damn place! But you had to come along and ruin it because you are just a stupid useless Renfield. Cannot do anything right, always snivelling an apology. Stupid, pathetic Renfield."
Dante spat.
"UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT GIVE HER YOUR NAME. She will eat you. Yes you will be happy for maybe a day or two but she always comes back with a hungry belly. I bet she is starving... I almost feel for her. After my imprisonment I do know the painful feeling of hunger. However my pain is now my joy as I now know how that horrible wench felt and it is exactly what she deserves!"
He said gleefully.
However his attitude turned dark and he removed his hand from her shoulder.
"What did she tell you, Renfield?"
His voice lost its merriness and there was an uncomfortable aura.
"Well... that she could take my bracelet off. If I told her my name."
Aileen mumbled.
Dante scowled and walked towards the mirror before smashing it with his fist. Splinters of glass flew everywhere, making Aileen flinch.
"There. Now she cannot get here. I have seen her do that before. She chopped off my old Renfield's hand and ate it. The bracelet fell off so technically she did not lie. But that did not stop me from retrieving him back, killing him slowly, watching him writhe like the useless worm he is."
His voice returned back to its cheerful self, a sadistic grin spread across his face at the old memory.
"But my dad had two hands, not one."
Aileen replied back.
Dante scoffed and tutted.
"Obviously I have had more than one Renfield. This was maybe 600 years ago. You are all the same. Sad sack of meat with no real use. Poor weak defenceless humans."
He berated her.
"Apart from the fact that my father managed to trick you."
Aileen mumbled.
"Shut up Renfield. Your father had more cunning than any person I had ever met. Sometimes my hatred turns into such wonder. I really thought I had humans figured out but your father did something I had never seen before. Complete starved devotion, if I said throw yourself down the stairs he would do it before the last syllable left my lips. But the whole time, he was scheming. Little dirty rat."
He growled.
"Looking at your face annoys me. You have so much of his qualities. I will not be fooled twice. I will not have you fucking it up again. Come with me. If you are closer I will be able to hear if you are up to no good. Who knows what you would do if I left you unattended. You have already caused so much hassle. Why did I ever bring you back? Oh yes. I remember. So I could see you cry and watch you crumble just like your father."
He smiled before leaving her room, Aileen running to catch up.
She followed behind him closely, scared that she would trip over on something in the dark. Aileen noticed that Dante loved to talk. She hadn't said a word, yet Dante was on a sprawling monologue. It was mainly how useless humans were and how he used to have an even nicer house before this one and it was fully staffed but they never would last long. In the end they had to move because everyone knew they were vampires. This has happened several times before that with him and his wives, having travelled around most of Europe. Aileen wondered whether he used to do this with her dad and if he just silently said nothing, using this seemingly useless information against him.
"It is a shame that we had to move to England. It is not as fun. Although there is a plus to it being very overcast and mainly farmland. We used to live closer to the South but it started getting too crowded. So we migrated North. This house was built in the 1700's, I oversaw the whole construction, even did the original drawings and plans for this house. I know every twist and turn, every trapdoor. So do not worry! If you get stuck I will come after you... after a day or two."
He joked.
Aileen noticed that they were once again in the nice part of the house, the plants here bloomed and it was well dusted. It was the first part of the house that Aileen could properly breath in. They walked past a door that was slightly ajar and a sheepish Heartache was peeking around the corner. From what Aileen could tell she was only wearing a robe.
"Hello Renfield~ causing problems?"
The blonde asked, sticking her tongue out at Aileen.
"Are you naked?"
Aileen asked.
Heartache narrowed her eyes and slipped behind the door some more, only her hands now showing.
"Well you are the one who is looking. I do not have to wear clothes in my marital room, Renfield. What did you think we would be doing the minute our husband came home."
She tutted and Aileen rolled her eyes.
"Just don't keep me up with noise."
Aileen grumbled.
Dante pushed the door closed once Heartache walked away and continued a few doors down. He opened the door and Aileen peered inside. It was a jumble of mess. There were discarded paintings, multiple bed frames that had been dismantled and mattresses lined against the wall. Chairs were stacked on top of each other on the other side of the room and it just seemed to be another junk room.
"There we go! Just find something to sleep on. Humans are not really too picky about where you sleep, no? Just find something that is comfortable and stay out of trouble till sunset. Got it? Now if you excuse me, I have three wives I have not seen for fifty years to entertain."
Dante said gleefully, clasping his hands together.
Aileen made a retching noise before wincing as Dante let the door slam on itself. She gazed upon the rubbish heap and tried to find somewhere to sleep. The mattresses had blood stains on it, so those were out of the question. There was an old sofa and she did find a dusty, moth-eaten blanket and she found that after plumping the cushions the smell wasn't that bad. It kind of smelt like an old person's house, the familiar musty warmness made her eyes feel heavy. This room was a lot warmer than her old one and she found herself being surprisingly cosy. Aileen found herself drifting away, all her worries and cares left with her.
That was until loud moaning and thudding woke her up.
A loud annoyed growl left Aileens lips, all she wanted was to get some sleep and every attempt so far had been rudely interrupted.
Getting up, Aileen grabbed a sofa cushion and threw it over her head. It dampened the noise but it still didn't completely block out the sound.
"They rut like pigs in heat..."
Aileen said to herself with a hint of disgust.
A weight at the end of the sofa made her slip the pillow off of her face.
There she was again, Chrysus.
A tinkly laugh left the woman's lips.
"Hm~ I agree! Although I would suggest it sounds more like cats in heat. Oh- how I miss romping like that though. I will say, Heartache has the most creative ideas in the sack. Although Dante isn't much further off... centuries of getting around has only aided him."
Chrysus mused.
Aileen sat up and pushed the woman off of the sofa, not expecting her to actually fall off.
She looked hurt and pouted at Aileen.
"You're not meant to be here. I will get in trouble! And I don't want to know about their sex life, I am actually revolted at the noises they're making right now."
Aileen hissed.
"P-r-u-d-e. It is just sex. You're not a virgin because what you said is something only a virgin would say. Also Dante is preoccupied, no? He wouldn't stop even if the house was on fire. He is an asshat but he does love his ladies. He wouldn't just up and leave them, he does hate unfinished business."
The mysterious lady teased.
Clearly not amused, Aileen rolled her eyes as Chrysus pulled herself back onto the sofa. Her burgundy hair escaped her veil as she leant towards Aileen.
"So. I've been thinking about our deal. Well- ever since you teased me about a deal. I am a very hungry lady and all I want is a snack, something to tithe me over."
Chrysus hummed, wrapping a lock of Aileen's hair around her finger. It got entangled in her bangles and rings, Aileen pulled away and wincing as some strands got stuck and got pulled out.
Aileen jumped off of the sofa and scowled at her.
"I'm not making any deals with you! Dante told me what you did to one of his old Renfields."
She exclaimed and Chrysus let out a hearty laugh.
"Oh but honey! I did not like him, men are inherently evil. They think they can tame anything, especially women. I hate to see women in pain so I do my bit. Snuffing out a man at a time so he cannot do any harm. They might have not done any harm, yet. There is always the yet. I feel for you Renfield, I really do. I am not here to do you harm. I like you, a lot."
Chrysus got up from the sofa and approached Aileen.
"I might not be able to get rid of your bracelet in fear of invoking asshats- sorry. I mean Dantes, wrath. If I did that I know he would find me and make me suffer. Little prick can't kill me though, many have tried."
She said softly.
But the softness of her voice did not settle Aileen. Her demeanour showed Aileen that Chrysus had been through hell and back, the anger that hid behind her eyes frightened her.
"I have nothing to give you."
Aileen said defiantly.
"Mhm- that's what they all say. Then they're on their knees begging for me to help them."
Chrysus sighed.
"I am tired. I want to sleep, I am exhausted."
Aileen said through gritted teeth.
Seeing that her opinion was not budging, the heavily adorned woman shook her head. Then Aileen could see the cogs turning in the crafty woman's head. Humming softly, Chrysus circled Aileen like a shark, her eyes scanning the human up and down.
"What if... I take something you would never miss, hm? Something you lose every day. Say- a lock of hair?"
She asked.
Aileen frowned at her, running her fingers through her tresses. Heartache had already taken a lock for a promise. She had already lost a bit of it, what was one more.
"Why do you want my hair? Surely it's not very satisfying for your stomach."
Aileen said cautiously.
"Well- lets just say, I have my uses for it. And it's not like you would part with an eye or a hand, yet. Mmm~ What I would give to taste an eye."
Chrysus said hungrily.
"Fine. BUT! Only if you stop talking about eating eyes and how good the people I unwillingly serve are in bed."
She tutted.
Chrysus squealed in delight before pulling her into a hug.
"You have a deal! About eye eating but not about sex. I wonder if Heartache is still mad at me... My Gods she was amazing."
Aileen retched at her comment and watched as the lady waltzed over to a mirror. Aileen watched as she stepped through with ease and then came back out with a pair of scissors. Skipping towards the human, she cut off a lock of Aileen's hair, opposite to the side that Heartache had taken off of.
She then ran the lock of hair between her lips, the hair sizzling and crackling as it passed through and was reduced to ashes. Chrysus shivered with delight as a happy hum filled the room. Aileen was slightly grossed out by the scene.
"Thank you Aileen, no really. Thank you. You don't know what you have done for me just then. But I still need a snack."
She sighed with a frown.
"Well good luck. There's nothing but rotting corpses in this house. I don't think they will be very appetising to you."
Aileen said gruffly.
"That's what you think honey. I know there's one miserable soul here that would part with something for me. I am a natural born temptress, men love me and I can put up with them if I am hungry."
Chrysus giggled.
"No, leave him alone. He is a mess but he does not need your help."
Aileen said sternly.
Their serious conversation was interrupted by a loud screech.
"What the hell are they doing! I cannot sleep with this noise."
She groaned as she turned and scowled at the door.
When Aileen turned to face back to Chrysus, she was gone.
"Oh fuck. Sinclair."
Aileen gasped.
She ran out of the room in sheer desperation. Which way was his room? She needed to stop whatever Chrysus was planning on doing. Sure Sinclair was a pathetic loser but Aileen felt bad for him. In a way, she was also a pathetic loser. She didn't want any more bad things to happen to him. Yes he called her ugly and a boot licker but she just thinks he was jaded about her father. He seemed to place him up on such a high pedestal and it was nice to think that someone didn't think he was a pathetic little cockroach.
He did what it took to survive in this house of sadism.
Running through the house, Aileen realised that she didn't know exactly where she was. It was dark, cold and very isolating.
But then she could smell the cigarettes and stale beer, the bottles almost acting like breadcrumbs to his location.
That's when she could hear the faint blaring of the television.
Bursting into the room, Aileen saw Sinclair sitting in front of the television, unresponsive.
Aileen shouted.
This made him jump awake and he shot her a disapproving look.
"What the fuck do you want Ratfield."
He snapped.
Clearly Heartache had told him about her new name for Aileen.
"You didn't talk to Chrysus did you? What did she do?"
Aileen asked in a worried tone.
"Man shut up."
He groaned.
Clearly he was very drunk and there was going to be a struggle to get an answer out of him.
Holding his head, he winced and got out of his beanbag chair.
Stumbling around, he picked up an old beer bottle and drunk the last dregs out of it with a satisfied groan.
"It's fine Aileen~ you don't have to worry. You can't notice any difference."
Chrysus was back.
She stood next to the mirror leering, she seemed more powerful and her stance was more confident. Sinclair sat back down in his beanbag chair with a sigh.
"What did you do?"
Aileen hissed.
Chrysus giggled and walked over to Aileen, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"I wanted something, he wanted something. Business was dealt and he's happy aren't you boobie?"
Chrysus cooed, slipping away from Aileen and ruffled his hair.
Sinclair huffed in annoyance and fixed his hair, clearly not wanting anyone bothering him.
"What did you do?"
Aileen asked again.
"I ate his eye! It was- interesting. Not very tasty."
Chrysus said disappointedly.
Aileen furrowed her brows and stared at Sinclair who was clearly sitting there with two eyes.
"Well obviously I can take and I can give. It would be a bit obvious if he was ambling around with one eye, people would become suspicious. I am pretty, not stupid."
Chrysus spat.
Aileen stood there in sheer disgust.
"What did you do... for him?"
Aileen asked.
Chrysus tutted at her, waggling her finger.
"That's between me and him, I don't spread my dirty work across the place for people to see, idiot."
She said with annoyance.
Chrysus grabbed hold of Aileen and as best as she could, Aileen couldn't break free.
She was marching towards the mirror.
"I wouldn't let go of my hand if I was you! Last time someone let go of me when passing through a mirror it had a... grizzly ending to say the least."
Chrysus warned.
This made Aileen go limp as they passed through the mirror. They entered a dark room. There were no windows and no door. Aileen stared up at the woman who just grinned down at her.
"Well, I am going to leave you here. I wonder how long it will take them to find you. Will you be forgotten like a spoiled child with their new christmas puppy? Hm?"
She teased.
"Hey, at least now you can catch up on all that sleep you were bitching about earlier, maybe I am doing you a favour, Renfield."
Chrysus taunted.
Aileen lunged after her but Chrysus had passed through the mirror and all that Aileen got was a touch of cold, unfeeling glass.
Looking around the room, Aileen looked for a way to escape. But there was nothing, the room was too dark to make anything else out.
Aileen felt stupid, once again. Why did she blindly trust people that only want to hurt her. She sat on the cold, hard floor. Drawing her knees to her chest, Aileen was too tired to cry anymore, she had cried more today than she had in all her life.
Lying down on the floor, Aileen felt the numbness feeling take over her once more and her eyes were starting to get heavy. Emotionally tired and fed up, Aileen felt herself going to sleep. There was one thing she needed right now and that was to sleep.
Once she woke up, Aileen didn't even bother to move. Her stomach hurt and the hunger pains made her cranky, so to subside this Aileen decided to sleep it off.
At least in this dark oubliette she could have her dreams and no one could steal those.
But to her dismay, when she closed her eyes it was nothing but darkness.

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