7. An Unlikely Saviour

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Aileen felt like she was rotting away from the inside out. She was too weak to explore her prison and too mentally hurt to do anything.
She felt stupid, alone and betrayed. How could she let herself get into such a predicament. This was the second time within a week she had gotten herself trapped.
Moping in her misery seemed to pass time, but so did seething in anger.
"If I get out I am going to snap her stupid head off. And I am also gonna punch Dante's stupid face in and wear his teeth as dangly new earrings."
Aileen grumbled to herself, rolling from the foetal position onto her back.
Her whole body ached from the hard floor, which she felt like she had been lying on for a week. Her thoughts of sadness and madness were interrupted by a creaking noise. Aileen sat up and stared at the ceiling, squinting trying to make sense of what was happening up there. It sounded like something was being moved.
"H-hey! Down here! I am here!"
Aileen yelled, slowly getting to her feet.
Her bones cracked and ached as she stood up and she was woozy from not eating. A groan left her lips as little light began to pool into the inky abyss from above.
That's when she saw him. Dante.
There he was. His smug face stared down at her with a look that screamed 'I told you so.'
"There you are Renfield! I have been wondering where you have been for the past few days! God you look like shit."
He said, voice filled with amusement.
Dante jumped down with ease, his knees barely bent at the force of the impact.
Aileen ran up to him with a closed fist, intending to punch him in the stomach but of course, he stepped out of the way causing her to stumble to her knees.
"Go to hell Dante. I don't want to see you."
Aileen groaned from the floor.
To that, he laughed and stared down at her, kicking her shoe.
"Aww, I guess I can just leave you down here. By yourself. You seemed to be thriving down here anyways."
He cooed.
Getting up to her feet, Aileen glared at him as he seemed to be enjoying this too much.
"How long was I down here?"
She asked.
"Mmm... like two days? Maybe three. I do not know. I just noticed that I could not hear you grumbling and being the miserable sod that you are. I had plenty of time to do some reading though without you being in the way. Your father really did document everything. It made quite the interesting yet disturbing read."
He mused.
Dante sighed before picking up Aileen, throwing her over his shoulder. Too upset to argue, Aileen accepted her fate.
Dante jumped up through the hatch which was in a room she had not been in before. To be fair the house that she now currently resided in had too many rooms to count. Perfect for the sadistic psychopaths to hide out in. Using his foot, Dante kicked the trapdoor close with minimal effort before putting Aileen back down.
Taking a look around it was clear they were in the nicer area of the house once more. Various portraits of Dante and his wives lined the walls, some of them very scantily clad. There was a bed that had crushed velvet bedding that was in disarray, pillows scattered across the floor with also an assortment of garments mingled in with them. A hand painted mural of a forest was on the back wall with gold leaf accents to match the gold hardware that the furniture had. The room had no electrical lighting but a large candelabra hung from the ceiling, candles in various states of melting that had been put out recently by the smell of it. Aileen also spotted some of her fathers journals on a desk tucked away in an alcove. He had been in this room the whole time. He must have known she was stuck down there.
That bastard.
"I do not want to carry you for too long. Last time you threw up all over my back. By the way, I have added that to your duties. I was rather fond of that coat. Now, worm, tell me how you ended up there? As amusing as it is to think you just fell into that oubliette, I do not think you are that stupid. Do not get me wrong, I think you are stupid. All humans are by default but that is what makes them endearing, no?"
He asked.
Aileen did not reply.
Instead she decided to lie on the cold floor, the coolness soothing the redness of her cheeks from anger. Dante seemed less than impressed with her choice of action.
"Are you going to reply or are you going to sit and whimper like a kicked puppy?"
He snapped.
"I'm hungry and I'm thirsty."
Aileen gruffly said.
To her surprise, he didn't get angry. In fact when Aileen felt a cold breeze and he had disappeared. After a few minutes he had returned with a glass of water and what appeared to be a sandwich.
"You made that? Just now, for me?"
Aileen asked cautiously.
"Yes. Fucking take it and do not be such a brat. I cannot have you perishing, yet. Especially from something as trivial as dehydration or starvation. Humans are so pathetically weak. I have never done anything like this for any of my Renfields. So just take it."
Dante sighed.
Aileen took the water and the sandwich. The water had bits floating in it but she chugged it, not going to complain since he had done her a favour. Biting into the sandwich, Aileen grimaced but continued to eat it.
"What, what is wrong with what I have made!"
Dante said, clearly offended that she was not enjoying her meal.
"It... it doesn't have any butter in it. It's dry. And what did you put in it?"
Aileen asked.
She pulled apart the sandwich. It consisted of what appeared to be mayonnaise, wilted lettuce and a raw egg cracked into it.
"I do not know what humans eat. It cannot be dry, it has got wet stuff in it, egg is wet and so is the sauce, no? Be grateful I made you anything. Now, pray tell the little spawn of Renfield. How did you end up in the oubliette?"
Dante asked, the annoyance coming back into his voice.
Aileen continued to glumly eat the worst sandwich of her life in silence.
Does she tell him about her second bout with Chrysus or would that unfurl new profound rage she had not seen in him before, after all he said to stay away from her. But on the other hand, she hadn't actively sought her out, she just appeared when she was alone by herself. Dante glared down at her the whole time she was silent and Aileen began to feel the burning sensation on her wrist. Scratching at the bracelet, she hissed and threw the plate at Dante. The burning pain stopped as she successfully made contact and Dante shouted as the plate smashed against his leg.
"Do not be so rude! I am not the mind reader of the house. I cannot magically know what is happening to you, stupid bitch."
He hissed.
Both of their attention was distracted when the door slowly creaked open and two heads popped out from behind it.
"Is everything okay here?"
Melancholy asked softly, her large frame towering over Sorrows.
When Sorrow saw Aileen her face lit up and she ran towards her and hugged her tightly.
"Oh my days! I have not seen you! Are you okay? Have you been eating? Where did you disappear to?"
She asked worriedly.
Her kindness made Aileen a little stunned and her physical contact made her cry. Aileen began to pour fresh tears and couldn't stop it. Sorrow's worry made her think that maybe not everyone hated her. Melancholy stepped into the room and noticed the shattered plate and sighed heavily before leaving and coming back with a dustpan shortly afterwards, cleaning up the shards.
"Is no one going to check that I am okay? She threw a plate at me!"
Dante yelled in disbelief.
Melancholy stopped cleaning up the mess to cup Dante's face , his form dwarfed hers.
"Dante. You are a big boy. I am pretty sure your feelings were hurt more than the plate hurt you."
She said softly before placing a kiss on his head.
This seemed to calm him down.
"No! My feelings were not hurt. I do not have feelings. But Ratfield is keeping secrets from me and she is as stubborn as a common boar."
Dante hissed.
Exasperatedly he sat on the bed and glared at Aileen, clearly unamused at the attention that she was getting from his wives. Aileen had managed to subside her cries to little sniffles and hiccups.
"Oh quit your snivelling, it is unattractive and very unbecoming."
Dante groaned.
"H-he made me a sandwich and it had a raw egg in it. And he also knew I was stuck down there this whole time and he didn't help."
Aileen cried.
Sorrow pouted and hugged Aileen tighter, stroking her hair. It almost made her forget all the stuff that Chrysus had done, That was until Sorrow stopped stroking her hair and stared down at Aileen in disbelief.
"You did not do what I think you did. Did you?"
Sorrow said in a hushed tone.
Aileen froze.
She had forgotten she could read minds.
Dante smirked in satisfaction before leaning forwards, resting his arms on his knees.
"Now Sorrow. Tell me what Renfield did."
He said.
Sorrow looked at Aileen and then back at Dante, before mouthing the words 'sorry' to Aileen.
Without a word, she rushed over to his side and whispered in his ear.
Aileen felt a cold sweat come over her as Dantes expression shifted from annoyance, to anger, to a somewhat amused one.
Melancholy stood near Sorrow, her hand placed protectively on her shoulder as she spilled Aileens secrets to him. When she finished, she pulled back and bit her lip nervously. It seemed as if Dante was processing what she had just said to him, planning his next course of action.
The room was silent for a few moments before Aileen could hear voices coming from outside the door, it sounded like Heartache was approaching. Her laugh bounced off of the corridor before she entered the room.
"Ooo! Are we having a party here? Wait-"
Heartaches face twisted in confusion as she saw Aileen.
"I was just... I was just talking to you."
She said in a confused tone.
Everyone stared at the blonde before they ran out of the room, a collection of annoyed groans could be heard before they walked back into the room.
"Well done Renfield. Do you know what you have done? You fucking idiot."
Dante spat.
Aileen's bottom lip wobbled, they all seemed to be angry at her and she didn't even know what she had done. Dante rolled his eyes at the sight of Aileen crying again and turned to face Heartache.
"How long have you been with 'Renfield' Heartache? Because she has royally screwed us all. You did not say anything to her."
He asked.
"About a day... or two."
Heartache mumbled.
"Fuck. I should have known it was her! I am so sorry Master! I did not know it was her! I did not say anything though!"
She exclaimed, raising her hands in defence.
Dante sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. Melancholy let out a deep sigh and flicked her wrist. From the dark corners of the room a ghoul appeared before quickly disappearing.
"I have gotten my guardians to search the house for the pest."
She said in an annoyed tone.
"Ah... we are not safe. Again. Dammit I do not want to move again Master."
Sorrow whimpered.
The vampires seemed to be on edge, in fact maybe a little scared which was something Aileen hadn't seen before. Heartache fluttered nervously next to Melancholy who was now comforting the inconsolable Sorrow, Heartache giving the crying vampire gentle pats on the shoulder clearly not very good with crying people.
"No. No. NO! Do not worry my pets because-"
Dante strided over to Aileen, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulled causing Aileen to howl.
"-Renfield is going to fix it. Are you not? Look my wives in the eyes and say that you are going to make it okay."
He hissed in her ear.
Dante jerked her head in the direction of his wives who stared at her with anticipation before letting go of her hair, making her stumble to the floor and hit her chin.
Aileen groaned and rolled about on the floor.
Dante yelled, kicking Aileen in the stomach.
She whimpered and squeezed her eyes closed.
"Hey, Master. Maybe you should lea-"
Melancholy was cut off by a piercing stare and she slunk off behind Sorrow who had stopped crying by now, wiping her eyes on her sleeves and nuzzled into Melancholy's stomach.
"I don't know what I've done wrong."
Aileen whined, holding her onto her stomach.
"Y-you do not know what you have done wrong?! I will tell you what you have done wrong. You have let out an unfathomable evil into our house, gave her a lock of your hair and then also fed her! She will surely kill us all if she is not dealt with. She is angry at me and will take it out on my wives to get to me. The fact that you have given her your hair means she can take your form. And that she has also eaten an eye means she is now strong, the eyes hold power. Not as much as the heart but I know she will get one because she is a cunning rat. Also who the fuck is Sinclair and why is he in my house! Actually, I do not care, no one tell me about him, it will just give me a headache. Fuck. This has gotten too complicated and I am angry so I am now thirsty."
He shouted.
The room shook at his booming voice and Heartache peeked out from behind Melancholy. Aileen slowly got to her feet, now wobbly and feeling very sick from the boot to the stomach.
"Um... is Renfield meant to be looking so green?"
Heartache asked cautiously.
Dante whipped his head to face Aileen who had by now, lurched forwards and had thrown up at his feet. This only seemed to annoy Dante even more who quickly took his shoes off and tutted. Pacing furiously, he began plucking random hair from his head.
"I'm sorry... really I am."
Aileen said quietly.
She stared at the three women and took a deep breath in.
"And I am especially sorry to you guys. I promise I will make it up to you. I will find Chrysus and I will make sure she is dealt with."
This caused Dante to laugh bitterly. This laugh caused everyone to jump and stare at him.
"What makes you think a scrawny worm like you can stop her, hm?"
He asked.
Aileen paused to think and shrugged.
"I don't know... my dad did it."
She muttered under her breath.
Dante shook his head and sat down on the bed before flinging himself onto his back. Aileen had never seen him so defeated. This was a man that had centuries of rule and had people cowering at his mere name from what she could remember from her fathers journals. Yet, here he laid like a toddler that hadn't gotten his own way.
She was pathetic? Surely what he was doing was pathetic.
Aileen jumped as Sorrow giggled quietly.
"H-hey! Stop reading my thoughts!"
Aileen exclaimed.
Then it clicked.
"Maybe if we banded together we could stop her? Like surely we are better in numbers? Sorrow could read her thoughts and then we'd know who the real me is? And, Melancholy has her ghouls- sorry, I mean guardians. They could help? What can you do Heartache? Maybe you can have some help with this?"
Aileen asked curiously.
Heartache grimaced and shook her head.
"I'm not allowed to do my special trick."
She pouted.
"That is because you set things on fire and howl like a banshee! You would shatter all of our eardrums with your tantrums. Once we had a splendid mirror ballroom and what did the little imp do? She brought home a snack, got upset and screamed. All of the mirrors broke and shattered the ornate door! My ears were ringing for weeks!"
Melancholy exclaimed.
"But that could help us! You are all useful! I could really use some help!"
Aileen pleaded.
The moment that she said that they were useful, their attitudes changed. The thick looming air of depression had cleared and Dante sat up slowly, his hair messily tousled from lying down.
"I need a drink. Then we can discuss our plan of action. I also need a hug."
He said gruffly.
Heartache rushed over but Dante outstretched his hand.
"Not from you. From Melancholy. You know what she can do."
This hurt Heartache who crossed her arms across her chest with a scowl.
Melancholy sat on the edge of the bed and Dante laid across her lap, head on her knees.
She softly brushed stray strands away from his face and lent in close, her inky black hair enshrouded him.
Sorrow was quietly consoling the now very angry Heartache and Aileen felt like she was intruding on a very private matter. She tiptoed over to Heartache and Sorrow.
"Why was it important that Melancholy hugged him?"
Aileen whispered.
"Well you see, Melancholy has a very calming aura about her. Have you not noticed? She can settle the most frazzled nerves and the most distraught man. Melancholy is very good at easing pain. She is a healer."
Sorrow said softly.
"It is one of the reasons I love her so much. She has brought me out of some dark times with just her mere presence."
Melancholy laughed at her words and shot Sorrow a sympathetic look.
"Sorrow. You give me too much credit. You saved me the day I met you."
The blue skinned woman said.
This made Heartache retch and roll her eyes.
"UGH- you two are the worst. I am helpful too. In fact Master, I know where you can get a bite to eat!"
Heartache exclaimed which caused Dante to perk up.
He got off the bed and walked over to Heartache.
"Where? When?"
He demanded.
Heartache shot him a mischievous smile and held her arms out.
"It will cost you a kiss. I do not give out my hunting places for free, not even for you Master."
The blonde teased.
Dante leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on her lips which brought Heartache immense happiness. He lifted her chin up with his index finger and stared down at her, hungrily.
"Well, my pets have told me they are setting up for a hunt tonight. We can gobble them up! And it will make sure my babies are safe. Win-win scenario. I know how much you love feasting on deplorable people."
Heartache said breathlessly.
Dante grinned down at her before picking up Heartache and spinning her around, the blonde letting out an excited squeal. Dante peppered kisses all over her face before realising that Aileen was still in the room and recomposed himself, putting Heartache down. Clearing his throat, he clapped his hands together.
"Very well then. That settles it! Tonight we shall go out and hunt together as husband and wives! Get dressed my darlings. We want to look our best for our food."
He said gleefully.
Then his attention turned to Aileen.
"You are coming too. Clearly I cannot leave you unsupervised because you have the habit of fucking things up. You do not need to get dressed up though. I do not really care what you wear. Cannot really shine a turd now can we?"
Aileen frowned at his comment but shrugged it off.
Her lack of reaction seemed to annoy him but he was soon distracted by his wives who excitedly chattered amongst themselves. His mood seemed to improve greatly now that his wives were happy. He slipped amongst the group, his hand wrapping around Sorrow's waist and pulled her closer and placed a quick kiss on top of her head. Aileen watched the spectacle from afar.
They were really a mismatch of people who shouldn't work.
Heartache was short tempered and seemed to be a bit of a brat, Sorrow seemed to be the more understanding one. She cared for her husband but also his wives, loving them as much as he did them. Melancholy was a mysterious enigma who was always a looming worried face. But she seemed to be the level headed glue that held the uncontrollable emotions together. It also seemed that Melancholy and Sorrow had an unbreakable bond, something that happened before Dante brought them all together. Dante banded the merry group of misfits together and looked after them, it seemed he would do anything to keep them happy and content. It was weird to see him in such a personal light, the smile and the way he looks at them you could tell he would walk across fire and brimstone to make them feel at home. But it also made her feel very alienated.
Aileen did not know what a normal, healthy family looked like. It definitely wasn't this but it was the closest she had ever seen. They were there for each other and surely that's what really mattered.
She found herself welling up and Sorrow looked over her shoulder before smiling sadly at her, welling up too.
Breaking free away from Dante's hold, she rushed over to Aileen and squeezed her tightly and began to sob.
Everyone stared in confusion at the crying Sorrow and Aileen.
"Are you guys okay?"
Heartache asked.
Sorrow nodded, not letting go of Aileen.
"You will not believe what Renfield just said. I will not repeat but she really is the sweetest little morsel."
She cried.
Not liking being called a morsel, Aileen decided to not protest due to the fact she was being hugged tight enough to crush a rib.
"You need to stop reading people's thoughts honey. You know how you get, all goopy."
Melancholy joked, walking over to Sorrow and wiped away her tears.
Aileen was stuck between the couple and couldn't get away.
"But you know I cannot turn it off Melancholy, I cannot help it."
Sorrow said, laughing through her tears.
Letting go of Aileen, she wiggled out between them and smiled. Heartache rushed over the the two vampiric women and hugged Sorrow with a grin plastered on her face
Dante pulled Aileen away to the side and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Maybe you do have your uses. I have never seen them so... together."
He said in a hushed tone.
"Now then my sweets, shall we get dressed?"
He asked excitedly.
"I call dibs on Renfield to help me!"
Heartache yelled before grabbing Aileens hand.
"Hey, why do you get Renfield?"
Sorrow pouted.
"Because you have your girlfriend to help you!"
Heartache stated.
"Heartache, I am your wife as well... I know me and Sorrow were together before Dante but that does not mean I do not love you either. That hurt me."
Melancholy said softly.
"Hm- now then. I do not want you to fight over Renfield, remember what happened before. That got very messy. Why do you not all go dress together, like you use too. Was that not fun? And besides, Renfield is helping me get dressed."
Dante said gleefully.
"I'm what?! I am most certainly not."
Aileen exclaimed.
"Shut up. It will be fun. I also need to talk to you, alone."
Dante snapped, scowling at her.
His attitude changed when he stared at his wives, his facial expression softening. He kissed each of his wives goodbye and Aileen noticed each one got a different kiss. Sorrow with a kiss on her forehead, their gaze lingering before they rested their heads together before they parted. Melancholy received a series of kisses, from her hand to up her arm, her bending down so he could place the last one on her neck. Finally Heartache was given a kiss on the lips that Heartache did not want to part from, tip toeing to just sneak one more which deeply amused Dante.
When the three wives finally left the room, Dante closed the door behind them, looking besotted at the last sight of his wives leaving.
His expression switched quickly when he turned to face Aileen, all traces of love gone and he looked like he was down to do business.
"Dinner plan discussions, Renfield. You will be our bait. I would suggest that Heartache use one of her pets but I am afraid she will get... angry. Very angry."
Dante said in a lowered tone.
"And you have to deal with this whole Chrysus situation so I do not want you getting distracted with a Heartache rampage. She really is a live wire, keeps me young though."
He joked.
He strode over to his wardrobe, the first intact wardrobe Aileen had seen in the house. Then it hit her what he had said.
"Wait! Why am I bait? I don't want to be bait."
She exclaimed.
Dante pulled out pieces of clothes, throwing them at Aileen which she caught. The fabrics were heavy and smelt musty, clouds of dust kicking up when she caught them. This caused her to sneeze, almost dropping the clothes.
"Well I could nit ask for my wives to be bait. They are too pretty and I do not want them hurt."
He said before disappearing behind a screen.
Aileen sat on the edge of the bed, watching as he neatly placed his clothes over the top of the screen. Only his head was visible, it disappearing for a brief moment as he bent down to take off his socks. Then he gestured for Aileen to pass him his new change of clothes. His eyes narrowed as Aileen stood in thought.
"What on earth are you thinking about?"
He demanded.
Aileen jumped at his words and made contact with his gaze.
"Don't like... vampires sleep in coffins. Why do you have a bed?"
She asked.
Stepping out from behind the screen, he walked over to a dresser and pulled out cuff links.
"I do sleep in a coffin. I just do not fuck in in a coffin. There is no room for marital activities. I have three wives, do you know how hard it is to do that within the confines of a coffin? No, you do not."
He snapped.
"Well... no need to be so sensitive."
Aileen whispered, which earned her a smack around the back of the head.
"Well do not ask me such personal questions. I do not know you that well. Now lace me up."
Dante demanded.
He turned around for Aileen to tighten the loosened lace on his corset waistcoat as he put his cufflinks on. Never having laced a corset before, she began pulling from the bottom.
"You are doing it wrong. Go from the middle where the laces come out, come on Renfield. I did not think you were this stupid."
Dante grumbled.
Aileen responded by pulling the laces from the middle tight, causing Dante to gasp which made her smile.
"Too tight?"
Aileen said coyly, trying to hide her amusement.
"You lace up like a girl. I should have done it myself."
"Well I would suggest you do it yourself but I'm basically done. It doesn't lace up any tighter, well comfortably."
Aileen snapped as she tied the middle laces together.
He turned around surprised and stared down at Aileen.
"Well then. How do I look? I would look in the mirror but... you know, I cannot see myself."
He joked.
"You look like someone that got beheaded during the French Revolution."
She quipped.
Apparently this wasn't the insult she expected it to be.
In fact it delighted him.
"Perfect! Now about dinner plans!"
He beamed.

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