8. Midnight Feast

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Everyone had joined back into Dante's chambers once they were dressed and she noticed that the wives were dressed similarly, but each had their own colour. It was sweet, but also probably done so one didn't outdress the other.
That's also when she saw that Dante had each one of his wives colours on his persons. He had a dark crimson cravat that matched Heartaches dress, a deep purple waistcoat that paired with Sorrows dress and then deep blue jewellery that matched Melancholy's outfit.
Aileen felt very under dressed, this didn't seem to be a jeans and tshirt kind of event but it was what she was wearing.
"So! Renfield has so kindly asked to be our bait, is that not nice of her. But... she does not look like bait, does she my loves?"
Dante said, gesturing to Aileen.
"Hey! I didn't offer myself for anything, more like it was thrusted upon me. And you said I was okay with what I'm wearing."
Aileen exclaimed.
He rolled his eyes at her before pausing to think.
"We need to rough you up a little."
He suggested.
Heartache strutted over to her before messing with her hair.
"You know this would have been easier if you had not taken off all that cow shit and blood Renfield."
Heartache pointed out.
Aileen tutted but didn't want to upset the blonde who was currently teasing her hair.
Sorrow had disappeared and came back with a pot of ashes. She began smearing it over her face and clothes before stepping back and admiring her handiwork.
"I do not think it is enough still my turtle doves."
Dante pondered.
"Oh... I know what would make it look better. If her clothes were more ruined."
Melancholy suggested.
"H-hey no! This is my good shirt."
Aileen stuttered.
"That is your good shirt?"
Sorrow scoffed before raising a brow.
Before Aileen could think of a comeback, Melancholy grabbed hold of one of the sleeves and pulled, the seams tearing apart with ease. Aileen shouted before jumping back.
"My good shirt!"
Aileen whined.
Then Heartache pulled out a knife from the bust of her dress, passing it to Melancholy who then slashed the shirt some more and then her trousers.
"Ah! Perfect! Don't you think Master?"
Sorrow said gleefully.
"Hm... I still think it is missing something. It just looks like she has gotten stuck in a chimney and not been held hostage."
Dante sighed.
"What do you mean... I am a hostage."
Aileen grumbled.
"Oh! I know what I can do, Master, that could make it better!"
Heartache said excitedly.
Aileen turned around to face the blonde with a puzzled expression.
Then without warning, Heartache punched Aileen in the face square on the nose. This sent Aileen straight to the floor as blood poured for her nose.
"What the fuck Heartache!"
She shouted.
"Oops~ guess I do not know my own strength."
Heartache giggled.
The sight of blood made them all turn to her with hungry eyes, a sheen of crimson covered them. Heartache licked any blood residue off of her knuckles, not wasting a drop. Aileen's eyes were welling up as her nose stung with pain, the blood not stopping as it dribbled down her chin and onto her clothes.
"Well that could have waited till we were all outside. But she does look the part now. No one eats Renfield yet, there is better snacks outside."
Dante cautioned.
Yet his eyes did not part from the blood dribbling down her, it was instinct after all.
"I am sorry fake Aileen brought out some emotions in me and I have been feeling very angry about it. Also I could not help having another taste."
The blonde giggled.
"What! You have already had a taste!"
Sorrow exclaimed.
"Briefly Sorrow, briefly. It was after the incident."
Dante said.
He wandered over to his chest of drawers and pulled out another cravat.
"Put that on your nose to at least somewhat stop the bleeding."
Before Aileen could put it on her face, Sorrow took a quick swipe at the stream and popped her finger into her mouth. Aileen quickly covered her nose with a frown.
"Sorrow, you will ruin your appetite."
Melancholy hissed.
"But I love womens blood. I do not get to taste it often. I hate drinking from sweaty brutish men. Women are so much sweeter."
Sorrow whined.
Melancholy smiled sadly at her spouse before putting an arm around her, holding her close. But Aileen knew this was to stop her from attempting another taste.
"Right! Now she looks the part, shall we head out darlings- and Renfield. Oh yes, you will need this Renfield."
Dante walked over and handed over a long thick plank of wood to Aileen.
"What for?"
She asked cautiously.
"Well... in case you screw up you can always hit them on the head."
He said with a little too much enjoyment for her liking.
"Great... fantastic. Just what I wanted."
Aileen huffed.
Before she could protest anymore, Dante picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
"Um Master, that is not how you carry a lady. Should it not be bridal style instead of how one would carry say... a pheasant?"
Melancholy suggested.
"It is Renfield, I would not really call her a lady. Plus she has hardly complained about the way I carry her, yet. But she will if you make a big fuss."
Dante tutted.
"Can we please just leave, I am going to choke on my own blood before we ever step a foot out of this damned house."
Aileen complained, feeling the blood from her nose make its way back up her nasal passage.
She lifted her head up the best she could, pressing the cravat to her face and holding the piece of wood tighter in the other hand.
"Right, but this time close your damn eyes before I set off. I do not want you to throw up on me for the third time. I have never met such a human that could produce so much vomit."
Dante groaned.
Aileen sighed heavily before squeezing her eyes shut.
"She has got her eyes closed Master, lets go! I am hungry and Renfield is looking mighty delicious!"
Heartache teased, prodding Aileen's face.
Aileen felt the world rush by her, her hair getting stuck to the thinner patches of blood that were on her face.

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