10. The Scar

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It felt like Aileen was floating, enshrouded by darkness. She sat up in the pitch blackness, she couldn't see anything else and her body felt like it had static running through it. Slowly getting to her feet, she wandered aimlessly through the void. She could make out faces, but not quite. They were unfamiliar and also unwelcoming, each one looking down at her with distaste. The more she walked, the more fuzzy she felt. It felt like she wasn't moving, but instead the world shifted beneath her feet.


She felt ungodly warm.

Aileen's neck prickled, something was warning her.

Her body was warning her.

But she didn't know why. She didn't know why until she heard the familiar noise of wet munching. Even though her brain told her to stop, her feet moved in the direction of the noise.

That is when she saw her. Chrysus.

She was bent over a body, her frame hunched over the torso, hands digging deep into the cavity. Her fingers and mouth dripped with blood, the crimson falling off of her chin like petals. Her eyes were black, her face hollowed out with carnivorous desire as she hungrily ripped into the fleshy organ she held in taloned hands.

The heart.

But who was her victim?

Aileen's presence didn't seem to alarm or alert the hungry woman as she stepped closer. The man's face was familiar, her hazy state made it hard to focus on his facial features. But something didn't sit right with her.

Aileen crouched by his head, trying to pinpoint where she knew him from.

But the more she focused, the more it didn't make sense.

For a moment she looked up and noticed the Chrysus had disappeared, however this didn't bother her.

When she stared back down, the facial features snapped into focus.

Gasping, Aileen jumped back.

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out but a strangled cry.

Her father, he was the one being feasted on.

Aileen squeezed her eyes shut to try and not look at the horror but it was all that she could see, ingrained into her memory.

When she opened it, Chrysus was back grinning at her, her nose only a hair width away from Aileen's, face still dripping with her fathers blood.

She couldn't breathe.

She couldn't move.

She couldn't-

Aileen sat up. Someone was placing a pillow over her face. Flailing her arms, it was quickly removed.

An angry Heartache was sitting on her chest, pillow in her hands. Aileen felt very sweaty and out of breath.

"What the fuck Heartache!"

She yelled.

"You were being too damn loud! You were making weird noises and woke everyone up."

She scowled.

"Heartache, we were already up, you just wanted to be mean."

Sorrow yawned.

Heartache scrambled off of Aileen before lying down next to her on the bed.

"So... what made you get all sticky and sweaty Renfield? Having some hot messy dreams? Maybe about a cute blonde?"

She teased.

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