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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ -🍎📻- ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

"Alastor, eavesdropping isn't polite."

"oh, I know, but when I heard my name I just had to know, you majesty~... And what's this about 'getting rid of me'?"

"It's nothing—" Lucifer attempted to deflect, but Alastor cut him off.

"Tsk, tsk. Imagine what dear Charlie would think...~ Her beloved father, plotting against someone who has been nothing but supportive of her dreams. Someone who stood by her side when her own father couldn't. Ah, the betrayal she would feel... How...Disappointing~..."

Alastor's words were painfully true. The thought of the horror and disappointment on Charlie's face if she ever learned of this was unbearable. She was already frustrated with them for not getting along, but this... this would be unforgivable in her eyes.

Despte their hatred for each other, both Alastor and Lucifer had managed to maintain a 'facade' of respect—or at least silence—in Charlie's presence. They did this not out of any newfound 'friendship' or 'respect' for each other, but purely out of love for Charlie. Well... for Alastor, just to shut her up. Lucifer loves his daughter deeply. More than anything~~...

 He couldn't bear the thought of causing her any more pain or disappointment than he already had.

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ -🍎📻- ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

The next day dawned with the heavy weight of the previous night's events still hanging over Lucifer. He covered the bite scars on his neck with his coat.

He wandered through the corridors of the hotel, he stumbled upon Charlie and Vaggie. Their faces were lit up with excitement and joy. Well, mostly Charlie. Hearing his daughter's excitement... and seeing her so full of life...

"Charlie?" Lucifer called out. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

Charlie's response was immediate and full of enthusiasm. "Yes!! The hotel is doing better than ever! We have SO many residents!! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to do the trust exercises with them!!! EEEEK!!" Her excitement was palpable, and it brought a warm smile to Lucifer's face.

As Lucifer listened to Charlie and Vaggie, he couldn't help but notice a slight twinge in his neck, despite this, he maintained his composure. However, Alastor's timing random as always, so of course he had to be here.

"Ah, what a delightful scene! The hotel thriving, smiles all around," Alastor chimed in, his voice carrying that all-too-familiar tone in his voice. How...fake. His gaze briefly met Lucifer's, a silent message passing between them—one that didn't go unnoticed by Charlie.

Lucifer stiffened, the forced smile faltering on his face as he regarded Alastor. He was all too aware of the facade he had to maintain in front of Charlie. Any sign of... well... anything bad between him and Alastor could worry her, and that was the last thing he wanted.

Charlie, picked up on the sudden shift in mood. "Dad, Alastor, is everything okay?" she asked, her excitement dimming slightly as she sensed the underlying tension.

"Indeed, Charlie. Your father and I planned yesterday, and we are just about to discuss some innovative ideas to further enhance the hotel's success... Right, Lucifer?~" (this chapter is using all my brain power)

Lucifer nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Yes, innovative ideas..." his tone a bit too strained to sound entirely convincing.

Charlie, hesitant, but returned to her conversation with Vaggie, her earlier excitement reigniting as they discussed plans for the hotel. Lucifer and Alastor exchanged another look.

As Vaggie and Charlie moved away, deep in discussion, Alastor leaned in closer to Lucifer, his voice low. "Remember our agreement, Lucifer. Don't let your... discomfort... interfere with your daughter's happiness~"

Lucifer's jaw clenched, "you don't have to remind me, Alastor..."

Charlie let out a frustrated sigh, her gaze drifting towards the door her father and Alastor had just exited through. "I just wish there was something I could do to help them understand each other better. I see it! I hate thinking that they're just pretending for my sake. It doesn't feel right."

Vaggie placed a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder, her expression softening with understanding. "Charlie, I get why you're worried. Your dad and Alastor are both.. something... and it's natural they might not see eye to eye on everything. But remember, they're both here supporting the hotel, and that means they have a common goal. It's a start."

"Charlie, your heart's in the right place, but these things take time," Vaggie explained gently. "it's going to take more than a few days to bridge that gap. The best we can do is show them how working together benefits everyone, especially the hotel, and i'm sure your exercises can work!" Vaggie says, nudging Charlie with her elbow slightly.

"But what if it gets worse, Vaggie?... What if it leads to a fight? I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me..." Charlie's voice was filled with concern, her fears evident in her eyes.

Vaggie squeezed Charlie's shoulder, offering a smile of encouragement. "Listen, we'll keep an eye on things, okay? And if it looks like it's getting out of hand, I'll— ... we'll step in. But for now, let's give them a chance to work it out on their own. They might surprise you, who knows?"

Charlie nodded, taking a deep breath. "Okay, you're right. I'll try to give them some space. It's just hard, you know? I want everyone here to be happy, to feel like they're part of a family..."

"And they do, Charlie, thanks to you!"  Vaggie reassured her. "Just keep being the amazing person you are, and things will work out. You've already created a place where demons can find a second chance. That's more than anyone could have hoped for. ♡"

With an uncertain smile, Charlie agreed to let things be, at least for the moment. However, the worry never fully left her eyes.

I'm finally working hard on this now! 942 words!! Yippee! 🥳 

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