The picnic

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Lloyd's pov

Seeing Rumi's face when she first heard 'Party All Night' was absolutely priceless.

I honestly was getting a little scared the date was going to be a mistake, but she proved me otherwise. By the time we finally reach our destination, Kai's words and all my other worries are almost entirely forgotten from my head. Almost.

I park the car on the side of a small dirt road and we get out. I grab the cooler from the backseat and haul it over to where Harumi's standing with our bag. We're in a shady clearing of a forest, and in mid- morning light it's absolutely beautiful.

"Lucky for us there's no bugs out yet." I say.

"Lloyd, this is actually so nice." Harumi says, ignoring my comment. She looks around, taking in the scenery.

"Glad you think so," I start walking across the clearing, waving for her to follow. "Cause this isent even our final destination."

_ _ _

Having walked this trail a few times, I'm pretty sure I know where I'm leading us, but I still only fully relax when I see it. Or rather, hear it.

Harumi hears it first.

"Is that a waterfall?"

I just grin at her.

She gives me a smile back, as if saying 'oh my gosh no you didn't', and rushes down the path ahead of me. Her reaction tops the one when she heard Glitter Gurls for the first time.

It's one of the tallest waterfalls in Ninjago, with a small pool at the bottom, and stunning rocky cliffs all around. The water seems so reflective and clear today, and the small beach is practically calling our names.

"What do you think?" I ask Rumi.

"I think... what did I do to get here?" She laughs, and turns back to face me. "I think I fell asleep in prison and this has all been a dream."

I smile, and grab her hand, pulling her down towards the beach.

"Well, what are we waiting for? The waters not going to swim in itself!"

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