II| Bulls are not nice

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The next morning, the five demigods woke up bright and early so that they could return to camp.

Although there were still a few days left of school Chiron had insisted that they returned.

Daphne knew immediately something was wrong with Camp and her heart felt heavy when Chiron had told the group of demigods what was happening.

Thalias tree had been poisoned; and a layer of protection from mythological monsters was no longer there.

Since the discovery of the poisoned tree, there was constant patrol around the border of camp. Cabin Five had eagerly volunteered and so for majority of the time it was they who patrolled.

Chiron's job was also at risk, Daphne knew this, Mr. D (being the camps director) had to do something about the tree.


Daphne hated Cabin Eleven now with every fibre and bone in her body.

The girl hated how it served as a constant reminder of Luke. His bunk, in which Daphne used to mess up just to annoy him, was now empty.

It's pristine sheets were neatly made, surprising Daphne. She would've thought somebody else would've taken it by now, but of course Cabin Eleven was always less crowded during the school year.

Many demigods were safe to return home to their parents and live a normal life. Especially those from the gods which didn't radiate as much power.

Looking around the cabin, Daphne sighed heavily.

It was lonely, the feeling of being in here and not having Luke around to yell at her, to complain about the small things.

"Daph!" Exclaimed a voice behind her.

Daphne turned around to be greeted by Travis running up to her and throwing his arms around her.

"Hey Trav." Daphne hugged him tighter.

Throughout the school year, she had spoke to them every now and again but it didn't compare to seeing her siblings in person.

Connor stood a few paces behind and immediately after Travis let go the older brother hugged the daughter of Hermes.

"It's so good to see you two." Daphne told them, pulling away.

Connor smiled. "You look more grown up."

"And you've both gotten taller," Daphne smirked, "who knew that was even possible."

Connor and Travis gasped dramatically, the pair were now taller than her. "You wound us, Evans."

Daphne retaliated by sticking out her tongue. After their wholesome reunion, Daphne placed her bag onto her bunk and headed out the cabin.

"I'm off to find my friends, see you two at dinner?"

"Of course, don't get killed on your way out." Travis nodded.

Daphne rolled her eyes with a smile on her face and exited Cabin Eleven.


Daphne was stood with Oliver, when metal bulls began charging over the hill.

Oliver's eyes widened and he instinctively stood in front of Daphne, who had already clicked her sword charm on her bracelet.

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