☆ shades of peach ☆

127 11 105

toya pov //

I look around, taking in a warm breath of the summer afternoon air. I have headphones on, playing music through them as I go on a walk through town.

Slowly strolling past trees and bushes, I count the amount of steps I take for something to think about while spectating birds that fly over my head.

I usually go on walks to clear my head, or when I get overwhelmed at home. The streets are currently very calm, barely anybody out.

The dusk sun shining through light orange clouds still manages to heat up the weather, making it quite humid with little pathetic breeze every now and again.

I have a love-hate relationship with summer. All of the friends part, with the beaches, ice cream and hanging out at parks- skateboarding and surfing and all the cool stuff.

Except it's hot. Too hot. It makes me want to die and melt into a puddle, or pull all my skin off. Sometimes I break down simply because of the uncomfortable heat, literally just bursting into tears.

And anyway, I don't even have enough people to do all that with.

I'm fine by myself with two or three friends. Always was. Always will be.

Calming music, sunsets and walks is all I need.

I spot a shop across the road from me. It's new, I'd say it probably just opened couple days ago. I saw it in the process of being made the last time I passed this area of town.

Its painted a dark mellow sage, with white letters signifying the name. Outside has a small windowsill but wide enough for a few pots in a line to fit on, pretty flowers assigned to each peice of pottery.

I immeditely get excited, identifying each type in my head as it brings a small smile to my face, brightening my mood.

I wonder if the shop is open. Nobody is in there except for the person behind the till. I don't want to hold a one on one convorsation, but... in all honesty, I do need to buy flowers for Saki.

She recently got admitted back into hospital. Tsukasa is a mess about it. I've been there for both of them, sitting with Saki and emotionally supporting her brother when he needs it.

I swallow and brave it, slipping my headphones down onto my neck as I walk in.

Pretty orange light was filtering through the windows, dimly lighting the inside and it's- quite aesthetically pleasing contents.

"Hey! I think the shop is just about to close, but I can fit you in as a last customer." The person behind the till said. I can define the features of them- it's a boy. He looks the same age as me.

"Oh I'm- so sorry. I can- I can wait till tommorow-?" I said hesitantly, fiddling with my thumbs.

"Hm?" He blinks. Shit. I'm not loud enough. I don't want to speak too much louder, though.

"I'll just come back tommorow if it's like. An issue." I speak up slightly, nervous.

"No no, that's alright. It's really not an issue." He smiled and shook his head.

"Do you need anything specific?" He asks politely, speaking in a sweet tone.

"Uh. I was looking for. Chrysanthemums, if you have any." I blink, speaking quietly and a lot more reserved compared to the boy.

He steps out from behind the counter. I can see his features a lot clearer now.

He has dusky ginger hair, it almost reminds me of the sunset outside. The yellow streaks all throughout the bangs make it better. It runs down the back of his neck and sits neatly on his shoulders.

Freckles gently dot over his face, thin circle lensed glasses sat on his nicely shaped nose. Three earrings are to both his ears- firsts, seconds and helix peircings. Olive green eyes compliment his look, giving it a finishing touch.

His outfit matches his look and energy, a cute yellow V-neck sweater vest over an oversized blouse, casual brown trousers on.

I take a second to just view him, the arts of how he moves and interacts with me.

I love people watching. Just from afar, nothing too close. Spectating how humans live life from a seperate pair of eyes other than their own is such a fascinating concept.

"We have quite a few here, follow me." He nodded, as I walk behind him as he leads me over to a corner of the shop.

His smile is warm. It gives off the energy of a sunflower in itself. Maybe he secretly is one, and nobody will ever know.

"Thank you." I nod. He walks back behind the counter, seeming to fiddle with something in his hands.

I look around the different variants and shades, before I find one sort of tucked away at the back.

I bend down and pick out the batch I soon discover to be beautiful. A few flowers are a mix of pink and orange, others red, a couple peach. Saki would love these colours.

I walk back over to the boy and place the flowers down on the side, making sure to crush none of them.

"Those are actually really nice ones. I'm surprised nobody else got them today." He smiled, his dangly earrings angling down as he looked down to carefully scan them.

"I had to dig for them a little." I reply quietly. He laughs slightly.

"That's fair." The boy responds. The total appears on the card machine, and I tap mine to it. £10 is really not bad considering I've seen some outrageous priced ones around.

"Come back again. I gotta close now, but thanks for coming." He smiles at me.

"Thank you." I nod and walk out the door. It has the same shade of green as the other parts, with a gold handle and glass in the middle.

A bell is positioned above it, making a nice chime as I leave.

Should I have said bye to him? I don't know. I try to brush it off and put my headphones back onto my head, carrying on with the song.

Gently humming along to the beat, I'm constantly catching myself out for having one thought.

I cant get the image of that boy out my head, though.

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1034 words

this is PROBABLY gonna have barely any angst in it

i kid you not i've fucking angsted myself out because i write on notes and it's usually very angst based and i've done that for months now since just after summer last year ithink like i'm DONE i quit

let's have some cute gay boys or something idk help me SOS

basically imagine akito as his upgraded 'one-act training in the morning' card cause i fcukgin lovew thatcard + glasses and frdkcles because they are my hesdcannaons 💕💕💗💗

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