☆ secret stash ☆

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akito pov //

I stretch out and groan, slamming my hand down on my noisy ass phone, bitter when it forces me to actually get up.

"I hate you." I mumble and glare my phone down for at least thirty seconds, before getting up and leaving my sheets as they are.

My cat -Kaori - walks in, and basically barks at me.

"What's wrong with you?.." I sigh, petting her as she latches onto me.

"I need to go to work. Leave me alone." I drop her and shut her out, and rub my forehead frustratedly when she starts wailing on the other side of the door.

"Ena! Fix the cat!" I yell.

"No. She loveesss you." I hear a reply. Prick.

I put a random shirt on, oversized ripped cargos to compliment it. I put on all my jewellery I like and put my headphones around my neck. I collect my stuff together and put them in a bag, taking it with me as I wipe my forehead.

"Jesus, does it have to be so hot?" I mumble.

"Yeah. Make sure you drink loads of water." My mum nodded.

"I'm going to skin this cat alive one day." I say, as I restock her food, apparently earning more harassment.

"She's too cute, though." I sigh, stroking her grey and white patchy fur before I slide my headphones up around my ears, taking a few slices of pizza from yesterday to eat for breakfast.

"See you later." I call to my mum.

"Bye! Have a good day!" She said cheerfully while I put on my converse. I smile then close the door, walking down the road as I finish off the last of the slice I had in my hand.

I brush my hands together and walk in. Fixing my hair up as I dump the bag down the side.

"Why are you still in?" Kohane sighed.

"I'm covering the new guy. Cause he's ill." I mutter.

"And I don't mind. It gives me something to do in the holidays, and I like it here." I smile. She nods then shrugs, as if saying 'fair enough' telepathically.

She sits next to me and rests her head on the table.

"D'you wanna hang out later?" She asks, tilting her head to look at me.

"Where to?" I tap my fingers on the table, before finding a pen to fiddle with instead.

"Beach. I wanna go to the beach. I haven't gone yet." She nodded eagerly.

"Seriously? Go with the Shiraishi girl you met." I roll my eyes.

"No. I think that I would probably explode if I saw her in a bikini." Kohane said quickly, shaking her head.

"Idiot." I mumble, wiping my forehead. I sigh and agree to go with her. I'm not actually that reluctant. I just can't be bothered to agree immediately.

I push my glasses further onto my eyes, sorting out the creases in my shirt to be more organised.

I groan loudly, leaning back. It gets so hot in here, with the heat and the additional features to treat the flowers properly making it like a greenhouse in terms of humidity.

I stand up and grab a watering can, going outside the back of the shop and filling it up with cold water. I walk back in and pour it gently down by the soils of flowers in pots, then refilling the buckets that large bouquets sit in.

"I think I'm going to die." I hear from an exasperated Kohane. I smile.

"Don't tell anybody but I stocked up on ice lollies. I have like, a secret stash of ten in the mini freezer in the back. Get yourself one. Don't tell the manager cause he'll kick my ass." He already told me not to put my own stuff in there.

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