Chapter 20~Goodbye Daniel!

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Emma POV:

I walk into school and head to my locker.

I wonder if Jax will come over?


I don't want to sound weird, but I waited here all morning and no Jax!

I walk to class really upset.

Jax POV:

I walk to homeroom, trying to cover my sadness from Emma breaking up with me!

I didn't pick her up this morning because I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to see me.

But I'm not mad at her!

If she thinks that we should cool it for a while, then I'll support her!

Emma POV:

It's break time and I'm heading to my locker.

As I turn the corner theirs no one in the hallway but one person, Jax.

I keep my head down and avoid eye contact.

"Emma, I'm not mad!" He says.

"Your not?" I ask.

"Yeah! If you think that we shouldn't be together then that's fine! I'll support that!" He replies.

"No it's not that I," He looks at me strangely, wondering what I'm going to say next.

"Never mind!" I finish.

"Hey, Andi and I were going to have lunch together. Wanna come?" I offer.

"Sure!" He says.

We head their.

Jax POV:

As Emma and I are heading to the cafeteria, I really want to put my arm around Emma, but I don't because she'll get mad!

We get their and grab our lunch.

We sit OPPOSITE from each other on the table Andi's sitting at.

"So, how have things been?" Emma asks.

"Good. How about you?" I reply.

"Good!" She smiles.

"I met Jessie! She's so cute!" Emma says.

"Yeah, she didn't stop talking about you last night!" I reply.

Then it just went silent.

Andi slid down her chair mumbling "AWKWARD!"

Then GiGi comes bursting in doing her blog.

She pushes Andi off of her chair onto the floor to get her out of her way.

"This is Miss Imformation with some juicy news! Jemma is over for the second time! Are you sad about it or happy about it? Take the poll! Now Emma, who broke things off?" GiGi asks.

"I did!" Emma says.

"Jax what did you do?" She turns around facing me.

"Not much," I don't really want to say all the details to the school.

"Do you want to get back together?" GiGi faces Emma.

"Um, a" Emma doesn't know what to say.

"And their you have it! Theirs a maybe chance that Jemma will be back. Do you want Jemma back together! Or should they move on! Take the poll on my blog!" GiGi finishes.

"Good job! But next time, talk a little more! It's like you barley got two words out!" GiGi comments and walks away.


Emma POV:

It's after school and Daniel comes over.

"Hey Emma!" He's says a bit flirty like.

"Hi Daniel. Look, I know what your doing and that you saw the Miss Infirmation update, but I'm just not in the mood for romance right now." I say and walk away.

"But you've done it before! Remember the time where you broke up with Jax and on the same day you got back together with me!" He complains.

"To be fare though, I had an evil clone running around, Jax was evil, and oh yeah, we were about to die!" I reply.

"So, how this different?!" Daniel asks.

"Because, my clones gone, Jax is good, and we're alive!" I say.

"This has something to do with why you chose Jax over me! Something to do with we argue a lot!" He teases.

"Yeah! Ok, I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm not sure if theirs much hope of is getting together!" I yell.

He tries to say something but I walk away.


Daniel POV:

I go over to Mia's house.

I storm into her basement.


She looks at me concerned.

"I want to be the inner me! Where do I start!" I say.

She smiles.

"Good! Step one!" She says grabbing my collar.

She pulls me towards her and we kiss.

Goodbye Daniel!


Hi guys!

I wrote this chapter in a whole day!

I'm so tired!

Good News!

I got a new laptop, so now I can do my stories online!


Anyway, bye! 😝🙉😉

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