Chapter 26~Final Battle

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Emma POV:

I walk around the corner and face Mr Novoa.

"The Chosen One! I knew you were still alive!" He teases.

"Mr Novoa. Or can I call you Jake." I say.

"It would be preferable!" He replies.

"Great! Now, I love I good fight!" I say.

"You really want to do this alone?" He asks me.

"Who said I was alone?!" I reply.

Everyone comes out and stands behind me.

"Alright then. Let's build Armies!" He says.

His clones appear.

We charge.

Katie and Sophie ties one up in rope.

Mia throws one of them to the wall and puts on one of those spider web nets on him.

Diego throws a fire ball at one of them then blows at him. He hits his head and it falls to the floor.

Maddie cast a spell that makes him not able to move.

Andi sprays one with that goo spray that makes them stuck, then tries a net on them.

Daniel doges the clones spells then grabs a mirror so that one of them bounce of it and freezes him.

Jax cast a spell on him before it could do anything.

And I acted like a warrior.

As he jumps to tackle me, I slide under him, take out my samurai swords and with one push him to the ground.

Jax cast a spell on one to tie him up.

We push them all in a class room and cast a spell.

"Before Jake bores me so much I frown, turn this classroom upside down." It works.

We run.


We see Jake about to enter the council entrance.

"Ok, Sophie and Katie. You stay over their and make sure no one comes through you!" I say.

They go over their.

"Hey Jake! No one gets past me easily!" I yell.

"Well, I do like a good fight!" He teases.

We get up and stand in front of him.

"I can take out you guys easily!" He brags.

Jake freezes Maddie, Mia and Diego.

Then he freezes Daniel and Andi.

I try to walk forward, but he puts up an invisible force field that only blocks me.

"Jax are you really going to choose this weakling?!" Jake asks.

"Jax, let's start over! We can build a better relationship!" He says.

"No, Jax you can't do this!" I yell.

"Jax, we've been partners since you were born! Join me!" Jake tries to butter him up.

Jax looks side to side, trying to see who to pick.

"Jax, do this for us! We need you!" I try.

"Jax. Your my son, I'm your father.We have a close bond!" He whispers.

"Jax. Then don't do this for us.... Do this for me!" I say.

"I love you Jax!"

"You know dad, you always had a weakness! And that was power!" Jax says as he shoves a tazer kind of looking thing onto him.The tazer thing sucks his powers away.

Jake falls to the ground.

I run up to Jax.

"Jax, you did it!" I give him a hug.

Everyone unfroze.

"What happend?" Asks Maddie.

"Jax saved us!" I reply.

"Good job bro!" Comments Diego.

I look at my watch.

"Guys. We should go! The bells about to ring and teachers can't see kids that they think are sick at school!" I say.

We turn around but we see Jessie standing there giving us a horrifying look.

Jax pushes past and neels down at her level.

"Jessie. Dad's not going to have his powers for a while. But don't worry! Everything's going to be ok!" He explains.

"I know! I saw everything!" She says.

Jax looks down in disappointment.

Then, Jessie hugs Jax.

"Jax, your a hero!" She brags.

I bend down next to him.

"Yeah! He is!" I add.

We have a group hug.

Katie comes running to us.

"Guys! The bells about to go so we should probably get going!"

We run out.


Hi guys!

Wat d'ya think?!

It was pretty dramatic!

Anyway, the next chapter will be an A.N because I don't really want to do one at the end of the chapter for the last chapter.

And also, I was thinking of doing a sequel to this book called W.I.T Academy. (Based on their spin off) it has all the characters from this show and maybe some new ones!

Anyway, I'll tell you more about that in the next chapter!

Comment if you think I should do it!


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