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Hey guys, sorry the updates have stalled a bit. I had a family emergency out of the country, was traveling the past two weeks and of course we'd leave right as my sleep schedule began to adjust to a twelve hour time difference.

I had the revised chapter ten ready to post for the past two weeks but had to leave abruptly and honestly this was the last thing on my mind. Things are good now, my situation is going to be changing drastically in the next few months so let's get these updates done way before then so I can prepare.

So my sleep schedule is fucked up rn, but I'm back with good cell service and wifi so updates will come more steadily.

I'd like to get them done soon, the first 30 chapters or so are taking the longest with the writing style and I need to make them a bit longer to match the newer chapters of the second part. So once those chapters are done the updates will be less time consuming on my end which will be nice lol

Anyways I'm not dead lmao and I'm back sorry for the delay

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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