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The ship.. the singer.. the bishops.. dema..?
I can't remember.. but its burnet into my eyes.
I wake up in a cold sweat. Literally. My jacket weighing heavy on my chest, soaked with rain followed with a cold breeze

I sit up from the icy-sandy ground.. puking up water on the cold beach, the sky still a beautiful yet disturbing indigo. Telling me it's early morning.

I lay on the ground after basically puking my guts out, my fingers and toes red from the cold, everything frozen..

"W-Wheres the ship.." I mumble out my voice strained. Wiping my mouth before weakly pulling myself up from frozen death

Walking up the beach onto this mysterious island I see smoke from behind a large hill covered with snowy trees.

My body felt as if I couldn't move from the cold of the ocean that carried me here, finding it hard to breathe, lungs filled with water.

As I got closer I find a cave, that must be were the smokes coming from..

I trip over my feet on sharp plants and twigs, falling to my knees, but as I was getting up I start seeing some weird creature

I freeze as my heart picks up, not because it looked scary but just from the shock of seeing this alien looking, cat? Deer thing..? It was very small with big paw like things?

Big pointy ears coming out the sides of its head with blue fur or hair coming out.. with big black eyes and small horns.. their was another one with larger horns and some with no horns but everything else was the same..

I push through my startled state and make the move of walking closer.. trying to keep my breathing controlled till one took notice and runs to the cave

They're scared of me?

I stand up to my full height, the others see me. A few go back to the cave while one stayed.

It didn't seem afraid and appeared to be more calm than me and walking closer without fear, "what.. are you?" I lower myself, curiously looking down at the little animal

I hear foot steps behind me and turn around instinctively, their stood a.. another creature? But bigger then the one before me, a paw is put on my hand that rested on my knee..

As if it was trying to get my attention, I feel chills its coat was kind of like a short haired cat. It took off towards the coast of the island, I follow suit

"Where you going little guy?"..

(How was chapter 1? Hehe)

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