Krieg in meinem Kopf

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"Are we in dema?" He asks, I hesitate slowly standing to my feet aswell "I...also don't know"


He trips ever so slightly before pushing past me "you were on the ship too, right?" I nod and hesitantly follow him. He looks around, seeming to be thinking

Suddenly it hit me he's the singer from the ship.. "the bishops let you dye your hair pink?" I snicker

He frowns as he's snapped from thought, "yes. Wasn't like it was in my best interest" he says glancing from over his shoulder

Soon enough he found another wet jacket on the shore of the snowy beach "could this be Joshs..?" He mumbles to himself

I gently grab the jacket from his hand "ooOo more people?" I say smiling and looking up at him slightly, he grabs the jacket back from my hands. Slightly irritated

"Maybe.. I know we're not in trench, and definitely not in dema. And their was lots of people on that ship" he pauses "including you"

I shrug "okay.. uhm, what's trench?"

He looks at me dumbfounded before slowly reaching out to my shoulder "do you know anything about the banditos or basically anything outside of dema?" He says with a softer tone compared to his usual harsh one

My face cringes slightly and I knock his hand off "no idea, I've heard rumors about the outside though.."

He nods looking more hopeful "okay well, I've been on the outside Many times" he makes a bunch of hand gestures while talking "and right outside DEMA is trench, that's were the banditos are. And my best friend" his lip curls up slightly

"But I'm not sure what island we're on.."

I try to hold back a slight laugh but he immediately caught on, and drops his hands "heh.. sorry"..


The sun is setting and it's cold af.. my fingers felt like they were moving in slow motion from how cold they were, we got to know each other on a more personal level gathering wood for the night. It was hard to find dry wood and stuff we could actually pick up, Tyler's been yapping for the past few hours and trying to start random competitions

"I got like 5x more wood then you" he says pridefully, trying to hide how cold he was

I roll my eyes "wwwow.. a few twigs, Unlike You, I actually have LOGS of wood AND berries that are probably poisoned"

He scoffed "oh, please. Don't toot your own horn" he pushes past me, trying to walk faster

I immediately pick up my pace "I hear jealousy~" I say in a sing song voice and knock his shoulder as I pass him

He grunts as he stumbles and quickly picks up the wood he dropped, seeing me oh most to the cave his eyes widen and he immediately sprints to the cave to get their before me.

My eyes light up as I thought I had this but got pushed to the snow, dropping my small logs as Tyler beats me to the cave, "CHEATER!" I say loudly as I could basically feel his grin

"Sorry I forgot! It's only okay when you do it" he drops his wood on the cave floor, i make it back and drop my wood "exactly!" I laugh and sit on the cold-semi wet cave floor

"by the way.. I have no idea how to make a fire" he straightens his posture "of course.. but whatever- I'll do it" he huffs "thanks" I roll my eyes and cross my arms, resting them on the tops of my knees, smiling

I ohmost drowned on a ship, somehow outside of dema, on some random island, with weird aliens, with the most snotty grown man, and super fucking cold..


(Ist es offensichtlich, dass dies meine erste Geschichte ist?😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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