weißes Pferd

8 2 0

"Where are you going little guy?-"

This is so surreal..

My thoughts running as I follow this cat thing, it takes me to the coast of the island near the cave and Their was a PERSON?!

Holy shit

My eyes widen and I smile slightly in a Francy as I run over to the man passed out on the shore, tripping over my feet slightly before dropping to my knees

Shaking the man "HEY- Wake Up! Please-" I shake the man, he looked so familiar.. Never mind.

The cold water hitting his feet, making me cringe.. I check his pulse, desperately hoping to not be alone "please don't be dead" I repeat over and over

Sighing in relief feeling his pulse. He's alive I stand up and scope the seen, the little cat things watching me and the one that lead me to the man

I huff thinking of how to wake him when the cat thing tries to pull the man. Failing with its little paws

That's it!

Smiling with hope I try to lift him from under his arms, walking backwards towards the cave

"Fuck your heavy..-" I say with frustration, grunting as I drag the man. Sighing and dropping his shoulders and instead grabbing his hands and trying to drag him further.

"You can- do this {y/n}!"  I say trying to motivate myself,

Grinding my teeth "Come.. ON-" I drop him once we got closer to the cave and huffing from frustration.. then taking in the cave, there was so many of the weird cat things??

Where the fuck am I!?

I gulp and turn my attention back to the man, feeling uncomfortable from being watched by the aliens..

I try shaking the man again "get the fuck up please.."  I feel myself shrink under the eyes. Getting fed up I slap the man really hard and wince

His eyes immediately snap open and he starts choking on water, my eyes widen, he leanings on his side as he throws up water. Ew

I pat his back really hard to help him puke, god it looked painful

I cringe and he lays their not moving, trying to catch his breath. "You alive?" I asked, breaking the silence but startling him, like he didn't know I was there.

He sits up but puts his hand on his chest looking around seeming to calm down before the cat aliens walk up behind him, his head snaps towards them,

"..n-Ned's?" His voice low and cracky
My brows frow.. He turns back to me

"Where's the ship.. the bi-shops" he hiccups, he seemed more lost then me

"Good question.. uh-I don't know" I say with a weak smile, making him sigh and stand to his feet, he runs his hand over his wet jacket, breathing in the air

"Are we in dema?" He asks, I hesitate slowly standing to my feet aswell "I...also don't know"




(I have no idea where this is going so TRUST🙏🏻🗣️🔥)

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