Night problems

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Whilst engulfed in Elio's grand stories they all hadn't realised how much time had gone by, the sky began to turn a lovely shade of orange indicating that the night was approaching, every once and awhile one would leave the room to get food and drinks for the rest (most times was Zane since he could hear with his long distance hearing). "-And as I ran through the jungle, I jumped of branches and fallen trees still being chased by the hidden tribe people, after all I did take their treasures they had been protecting for like many years, probably since I don't know I was like 40 maybe a little after I died.. ooo that reminds me I need to tell you that story, it was a very intense battle-" Elio blabbered on. The team didn't mind listening to his story's but it was a little annoying when he fell off topic, "ahem- Elio the story, did you get away with the crystal amulet ?" Kai asked.

"Hmmmm I don't remember, oh wait" Elio pulled out the neck from his shirt and revealed that he had been wearing it the whole time. "Woooooow" they all with amazement, "so wait, why did you take it?" Zane asked, "well you all remember how last time you saw me I was a ghost, well I forgot to mention that the reason I know how a physical form is due to this amulet" Elio stated. "If you took it off would you turn back to a ghost?" Jay asked, Elio proceeded to take it off and once removed he was a ghost again and when it was put back on his physical form was back. "That's so cool! If I put it on would I turn to a ghost-"Jay asked again but was shortly interrupted.

"Jay that's enough questions for today, im sure Elio is very tired, he can answer them tomorrow" Kai said, "come on let me show you to your room" Cole said and the three walked down the hall the rest followed but to their own rooms. "Here we are, make you slept at home, we're just down the hall so if you need anything just come get one of us" Cole said, "thank you, I um just wanted to say that I'm sorry about the last time I was here, if I hurt you in any way I-" Elio tried to apologise. "There is no need for that Elio, I forgive you, besides we all make mistakes, right Kai" Cole said, but Kai didn't respond "hello, earth to Kai?" Cole waved his hand in front of him. "Huh oh um yeah what he said, goodnight Elio :)" Kai said.

They left Elio to settle in his new room and returned to their own. "hey babe, you ok? You seem kind of spacey", "oh yeah im ok, just thinking, wondering about...." Kai trailed off, "hey no, no thinking about him, come on Kai, that was 5 years ago you need to embrace the now" Cole said ushering him to sled in the bed with him. "Yeah I guess so" Kai said hoping in and began to drift off to sleep. Yet Kai could not sleep, he waited till his fiancée was fully asleep before sneaking out of his room, his past training had made it easy for him to sneak out unnoticed, or so he thought.

Kai continued out to the courtyard and began to climb onto the roof, once he was comfortable he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one with his fire. Grey smoke emerged from his mouth and Kai was able to relax just a bit, the bitter taste of the nicotine was a sweet taste to Kai and one that over the last years has become a sense of home for him."Kai, I have told you many times that those cigarettes are an unhealthy habit", Kai knew who it was, this happens every single night, Zane was the voice telling him to stop, he sat down next to him. "Yeah I know, but it's helping me get by, remember don't tell the others, I don't want them to worry" he said blowing more smoke.

"Kai they want to help you-", "yeah and they have been for the last 5 years, I need to be able to do this on my own, the only reason you know is cause of you robotic senses, there really touchy maybe dile them down a bit" Kai said the light from the moon and the cigarette were the only light sources. "He's going to find out sooner or later" Zane said, "I know.... what do you think he will say.." Kai asked quietly, Zane took some time to think of the best possible answer that was a true possibility but would also give Kai some closure.

"For as long as I have known Cole he has been the most understanding, thoughtful and considerate person I have ever met, when he finds out I would think to believe that no matter what it is he would not stop loving you" Zane ushered out

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"For as long as I have known Cole he has been the most understanding, thoughtful and considerate person I have ever met, when he finds out I would think to believe that no matter what it is he would not stop loving you" Zane ushered out. Kai was silent and Zane knew that Kai felt at ease, "so what is the reason this time Kai" every time Kai came out to the roof (which was basically every night) he was followed by the nindroid. Normally they would sit out there until very early in the morning when Kai headed back to get a quick sleep, Zane never need that much of a rest just a quick recharge so never minded sitting with Kai throughout the night, he would rather be there with his friend then leave him alone.

"Oh you know, thinking about the past" Kai said taking another puff of the cigarette, "the more you think the more it hurts Kai" Zane said thinking about his own past. "Yeah I know, it's just all the things I did back then, I hurt many people, I didn't tell the others but Zane, I killed some aswell" Kai admitted. Aside from Cole and Nya, Zane was Kai's best and closest friend, he trusted him with everything.

"What really!? Why!?" Zane asked, "it was one of the lower guards, I heard him talking badly about Garmadon, when I told him what the guard he ordered for me to bring him to him and any of the witnesses. When I brought him to the requested room he pulled out one of my katanas... and.. ordered" Kai cried. "Shhh it's ok Kai, you won't have to do anything like that ever again ok, everything will be ok here" Zane said hugging Kai from the side.

They both sat in silence for a long while, Kai to embarrassed to show his face and Zane thinking back to his own early days. "When I was first built-" Zane started gaining the fire ninja's attention, "I remember running and playing exploring my new found surroundings the soft snow all around me, the scientific materials my father had set up in our small home, it was nice, peaceful, I could just be what i wanted to be, until, my father grew sick and in his last moments he erased all my memories, I had no idea where I was or who I was, I only new my name from a note he had left me in my own hand" Zane went on.

"Thanks to master Wu i was able to find what I was made to do, to protect those who cannot protect themselves, except I new that something was missing and thanks to the others I was able to find my memory and restore it, but it meant I was finally able to recognise that my father was gone and I was not human, everything I had thought was real was not and I was living a lie, im thankful to Cole and Jay that they were there for me and helped me through it all" Zane finished, "if they were there to help me im sure they will be there to help you"

"Thank you Zane, it means a lot" Kai said more and more smoke surrounded the air. Eventually to sky started becoming slightly lighter indicating that it was time to go inside. "Ok I better head in for some shut eye, see you in a few hours" Kai said jumping off the roof leaving Zane, "ok cya" Zane said looking back at the sky, "miss you, father" he said before climbing in through his bedroom window.
Ok so if you couldn't tell but I love opposite shipping as well but lava is my number one ship, but I just think they would be such good friends, kind of like platonic soulmates :)

---Ok so if you couldn't tell but I love opposite shipping as well but lava is my number one ship, but I just think they would be such good friends, kind of like platonic soulmates :)

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(This is the head cannons for the story)

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