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                          The darkness approaches

The day the darkness approach our home, my grandmother was too sick and too frail to get up, we had heard endless rumors of the new king and his corrupt aura that decayed the lands. And never the less one surrounding village after another, decayed without a single survivor. And the people of the outskirts slowly became nothing but extinct individuals with no land left for us even if we were to have lived.

As the decaying lands approached my small section of land, I could hear the birds quickly flying away as crows cawed and trees fell so loudly, The ground roared and all remaining life ran the opposite direction even as some were to sickly to move.
With all of my might I picked my grandmother up onto my back, running away from the closely withering plains. Constantly trembling at our weight. I was only but 13 at the time frail from starvation. And with dirt sticking to my body from all the water being turned into a pool of waste from all the animals deaths that happened throughout the years.
The withering plains approached us quickly as the lands began to crack and crumble and before the giant gash was made it was once my home, a home that caved in. And succumbed to everyone else's destiny.
My grandmother tripped in my arms as the vines of a tree wrapped around her ankles and pulled her down. A tree collapsed right in front of us as her hands reaches out to me. She yells at me urging me to help her. All to suddenly... give up within my eyes. To tired of fighting, to exhaust to run, and no motivation to live.
She suddenly stopped reaching her hand out, and instead smiled at me warmly as the trees caved in around her.
The ground began to split between us cracking farther and father until eventually it sat between me and my grandmother. With tears clinging to her eyelashes and a face of kindness but despair she mouths the words to me.
"live on for me. There isn't a place you will be that I wont."tossing the one thing she clung to since the day I've stayed at her side,  in her hand a crescent silver moon necklace. With the initial "A"

The ground collapsed and the great gash was made, with me on the other side of the kingdom distanced close to the edge of the cliff. And fresh it was as the rocks continued to call and dirt fell into the deep gash.
When the withering stopped and the gash had stopped caving.
I stayed on the other side watching my kingdom crumble from afar. Unable to help unable to do anything as the wales of my people continued, and the agony spreads. All life that had somehow found a way to live perished before my eyes.

I sat at those edges everyday, with crystal large tears lingering in my eyes desperate to stream down. I collapsed into my knees the dirt staining my clothes and my tears knowing no bounds to end, for truly I had lost it all. As my kingdom sat far out of my reach but close enough to see.
My mother was gone.
My father was gone.
And my grandmother was gone as well. I was completely alone no home no family and with no one to stay by my side.

But there was something that kept me going.
A melody that played in my heart, whistling in the wind.
And in the aches of my pain and desperation I clung to that melody.

But like all humans, we grow tired. And with the lands decaying even farther out, food was scarce and if provided. It was only twisted and poisonous.

One day I walked to those edges again, my legs dragging with each step, With my eyes sunken into my skull, I was desperately hungry, and my will to live was weak,I was now seventeen. Many years had past but this pain only remained. And the memories haunting me.
I clung to my necklace that sat on my chest. My pale milky skin glowing in the moon light as in the distance small smoky fires were seen rising to the dark clouds, only an efforts of my people to warm themselves in this cold winter. "That's right it's...winter." I whispered as my voice croaked
I took a deep breath, With tears falling into the oblivion kissed by the moons distant light.

"I can't take this any longer."

I know my grandmother wanted me to live on, but her voice was hushed by my tears. And a voice that urged me to,
"Jump." A small whisper awoke in my head
"Take that leap, and jump." It whispered again.
"This life pains you does it not?"
"Then jump into the oblivion and watch your worries sink away."
"But... you are."
"And what makes you think that?"
"You're... smiling."
And it was true I was indeed smiling
"Who would've thought I would be having a conversation after all these lonely years."
"And who would've thought you could hear my voice."
"Who are you?" I smiled softly
"so it is death that calls my name."
"Well that isn't my true name. But if you jump you will find out."
"And how is that?"
"Because you meet death, when you die."
"Well death, Stay true to you word."

I let my body fall limp as snow kissed my body, The clouds letting the flakes escape. and my heart beating against my chest aching to fall into the wallowing depths.
With tears filling my eyes.
And a gentle serene smile placed on my lips.
The wind passing by my skin as my feet no longer sits clinging on the ground but instead grasped by the gravity that weighs me to my death.
My hands wanting to reach up but laying upon my sides as my deep black hair kisses my cheeks and is dampened by the melted snow that pushes me further down.

In a way the snow was my tears. Frozen, and a form of decaying.
For if it were to remain forever cold. So would my tears. Forever frozen in time.

"So death what is your name?" I asked


And that is how my journey began.
Rising from the dead.

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