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                                 Where am I?

Darkness surrounds me, as the ice cold room stains my skin in coldness. The bedsheets tightly snuggling me in, the soft fabrics and pillows providing my neck support. The room was dark as the large and tall windows held curtains black and heavy, blocking whatever light that is left of the kingdom. Yet a small crack remains, that illuminates the room in a slight foggy light.
I peel the covers off my body, pressing my bare feet into the dark marble floors. That seemed to only consume me in more coldness. I shiver, walking to the window and pulling the curtains open. Looking out to see.
The kingdom of Alcatraz covered in snow.

My heart pounded seeing as Alcatraz wasn't in its best state but indeed it wasn't no we're to as bad as I had thought. Although many buildings had crumbled and cracked. There still remained some people of this land, Alive and living. Whilst struggling each day for life.

Slowly my eyes shifted around the room.

The room was large and tall, with a chandelier at the center of the ceiling. The room was painted black with gold outlines and highlights as carvings detailed in every corner remains. The floor was a dark marble almost resembling glass but it glistened as if it was the stars itself. The furniture was expensive being black velvet and a large mirror to the side of the bed. Everything was so dark and sophisticated. And more over... cold.

I exited the room, as the door was surprisingly left open. And peering my head out of the room the hallways were just as big as the room, perhaps even taller. As windows sat heading down the hall with the curtains pulled back. This time the hallway carpet was gold and white, with the walls being black but somehow in a lighter shade.
Paintings filled the walls and unfamiliar faces only remain. That is until I came across them.

The previous King and previous Queen. A beautiful portrait capturing they're joy. But... oddly enough it was ripped in some parts. As two boys sit side by side, there faces ripped out. And there names unknown.
"Who are they?" I whispered caressing the painting.

Suddenly I hear a door slam, echoing in the hallways ringing to my ears. My heart begins to pound and a rush of fear and worry consumed me. Reality settled in, as no place has a portrait of the Royal families all but the palace of Vertue.
I quickly ran down the hall, entering into a random door that was ever so heavy to push open. And with all my might I desperately tried to close it quietly.
After rushing into the room, I let out a deep sigh. Looking around the new room I was in.

And colder this place got.

Surrounding me were large and tall bookshelves, filled to the brim with nothing but books. Ancient text and ancient scrolls. Even dating all the way back to the early developments of this kingdom. It was odd, seeming so familiar to a place.
I slowly walked around deeper into this large library. As a flight of stairs lead up to a higher level of the library, that only remained were more books were.
Somewhere in the center of this library laid a sitting area, as red velvet chairs sat perfectly in place.
And to the right remained large windows slightly covered as the foggy light peered into the room. Candles were lit everywhere some blown out and some still burning effortlessly. But something was off about this room.
It was way colder than the rest.

"Hello?" I said out loud walking past the large book shelves.
"Is anyone here?" But no one replied, and the restless feeling in my stomach boiled.

Suddenly thunder abruptly sounded around. Echoing in the room.
"How off, winter never has thunder to accompany it." I whisper sitting down onto the small coach. By this point the room was dimmed where the sitting area laid.
I sat down gently onto the coach. Confused from its warmth, and without warning I slightly melted into it. All to be thrown off by a force I was not used to.

I fell to the floor, the coldness melting back into my body. And the boots of a large man standing before me.
Slowly my eyes lifted up to his gaze, his face slightly covered by the darkness, but the flickering candle revealing small outlines of his body. But all the more his piercing cold and deep blue eyes glared at me. With disgust, with hatred, but more over a slight fear.

"What do you think your doing?" He glared at me. His presence frightening and his watchful eyes reflecting me that cling to the floor.
"I apologize, I did not know there was someone in here."
"No one is permitted In here, How did you get in?" He says coldly whilst glaring down at me, I should have sat up and properly explained myself, but my legs trembled and my body was already weakened from weeks of no food. It was well to say I had no energy nor strength to deal with someone's presence.
"I simply pushed the door open. I wasn't trying to intrude-"
"Yet you did, you even sat on me."
He says lightening his tone almost as if he was teasing me.
"I beg your pardon? It was only a mistake!" I yelled
"You don't say."
"If you do not mind me asking. Where am I? And who are you?" He grew silent for a second. And confused was painted all over his face. Yet he gently smiled mischievously at me as if he knew something I didn't. While I could only grow more irritated and more dizzy as moments went on.

"You mean you cannot tell where you are simply by the portraits that stand outside this library? Or is it you wish to deny it?"
"Why must you speak to me so condescending, you've only just met me."
"Well when one intrudes my castle, I have no choice. After all you did... wake me."
My heart fell to my stomach. My arms trembling more and my eyes growing blurry. As standing before me was him. The tormentor of my kingdom, the one who cause all of this to happen as soon as he sat in the throne.

"You." The words slipped from my mouth, and a glare fearlessly filled my expression.
But he only seemed more amused. I stood to my feet, looking up to him.

"You must be King Alcatraz." I said looking into his eyes. My lips quivering and his aura melting off of him.
"And you must be our new maid." He smirks
"You insult me?"
"Are you not?"but I just stayed silent not knowing what cards to play. After all it is my first time stepping in the castle and the first time back in the capital after many long grueling years.

He chuckled, looking down at me his tall figure looming over me. He then slightly bent down to my ear, " Welcome to the castle." He whispers.

I grew confused, why didn't he ask me more? Is it because he already knows who I am? Is he the one who brought me here?

Is that all he thinks of me? As a mere servant girl.
Wait how did I even get here? I was falling to my death as last as I remember. And then... something saved me?
Was it this beast? This man?

"Are you the one who brought me here?" I asked, as his piercing blue eyes glared at me more.
"And if it was me?"
"Then why did you bring me here?"
"So you don't remember all that happened?"

He just smirks once again. His expression only growing more interested.

King Alcatraz observed me for a while. Smirked and slowly began to walk out of the library. His tall figure and black suit snuggly fitting him, only became a shadow as it melted into the darkness.
"Next time we meet princess, it would be wise to make sure yourself is looking like a lady."
And it was only then I had realized I was in nothing but a night gown.


Soon as the door slammed shut. I collapsed, my body cold and famished to weak to stand on its own.

And more over.

Angered by a man I had only just met.

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