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I was sent to The Skeld to carry out my mission by killing the crews there as many as I could possible do. I didn't know why did we have to do that, and I never wanted to know. Really, I've never bonded to them nor have any remorse on them, so it was easier for me to wipe them out in no time.

The first day I arrived there, I sneaked in by wearing someone else's suit. I even brought fake id's card to prove whether I was really the crewmember or not. Well, dumb them for not knowing the fact that impostor was capable of faking their identity and hacking the government's system. They should've tightened the protocol, and it wasn't our fault at all for taking an advantages from their carelessness.

Right now, we the new crewmembers were all gathered in a cafeteria to have some ice-breaker session.

I sat between Purple and Yellow as they started the conversation.

''Hello guys, we should start getting along with each other since we will be all together starting today. So, may we introduce ourselves now?'' Green greeted as a leader. Everyone started to nod, agreeing.

''Let's start with me first. Since I'm wearing green suit, you all can call me green then. I'm in charge of the Skeld starting today, so if you have any problems, you can let me know about it.'' Green introduced herself. Well, I did think it makes sense why she was appointed as the leader since she looked responsible and more mature than the rest of the crewmembers here.

''Is it my turn now?'' Yellow was spacing out for a while and seeming to get surprised when everyone's gaze on him. Since he was next to Green, it was normal for us to think that he would continue the session right after her. ''...erm, I'm yellow. So call me Yellow. Or not? But my name is Luke so-''

''Yellow! You're not supposed to tell anyone your real name!'' Green cut off his word. Everyone seemed shocked to find out that someone still had enough guts to reveal their real identity.

''O- oh, really?'' Yellow got startled a bit as he tried his best to shake off his nervousness. ''I- I'm sorry. I didn't know that...''

''You should have known about the protocol since we were informed about it at the Mira HQ earlier. Were you not listening?'' I asked. Well, I tried my best to not raise any suspicious on me by interrogating someone else. Didn't know if it works though.

''I'm sorry, I think I was probably zoning out...''

''You seem pretty sus to me'' I replied. Yellow and the other looked at me confusedly. ''Maybe you're not like us?''

''What did you mean by that?'' asked Yellow. He seemed pissed off when I accused him without any proof. Well, it wasn't my problem if he got ejected when he looked this suspicious. It would probably get my task done easier.

''Well, well, enough with this pointless fight. Should we resume our session back?'' Cyan interrupted.

''Yeah, I suppose'' Green replied as she stared at both me and Yellow sharply. ''I'll keep my eyes on both of you. Next time I caught you arguing again, I have no choice other than reporting it to HQ.''

Yellow simply nodded while I kept my mouth shut.

''Well, it's your turn now, Red'' Orange said.

I nodded in return as I started introducing myself, according to the script that I've memorized before I got here.

''I'm Red. Call me Red. I chose red because I like the colour''

Yeah, the script was pretty lame to be honest but I couldn't come up with any idea so...

''That's all, Red?'' Green asked.

''Yea. I'm not really good at talking.'' I replied.

''Next, please''

''The name is purple. I like doing craft and art.'' Purple excitedly introduced himself. Despite of him wearing gloom colour, I could tell his personality was bright. 


''I'm Cyan. It's a pleasure to meet you guys'' 


''Orange. I love peace and being alone'''

''Oh. No one asked. Alright, next-''

''Pink. I don't really like pink colour, but I had no choice since no colour other than pink was available that time so I-''


''Hi guys! I'm Blue! It's really nice for us to have a conversation like this! Well, I'm here now since my goal is to be a professional astronaut. I'm not really sure if I can reach it tho, but I'll try my best!'' Blue explained, even though he was wearing helmet, I could tell he was smiling from ear to ear now through the visor.

But to his luck, everyone had a face that was stating an obvious statement like 'ain't no way I'm giving a crap about it'. Well, not really sure since I couldn't see their faces.

''Next'' Green said it loud, not interested.

''Grey. I like cooking.''

''Great. What dishes can you do?'' Orange asked, his mouth was drooling. I assumed that he's a food lover.

''Everything!'' Grey answered confidently.

''Alright, you're my best friends starting today!'' Orange said as he put his hand around Grey's shoulder, didn't seem to bother by Grey's uncomfortable look.



''That's all?'' Green raised her eyebrows.

''You're not even interested in hearing about us, why should I explain more?'' Lime was being sarcastic. Well, I couldn't blame her since I was annoyed by Green's unbothered attitude too.

''Are you picking a fighting with me?''

''It's obvious, duh. Unless if you're too dumb to be aware about it'' Lime smirked. Wait, did she?

Green was getting heated up, but she tried her best to remain cool. ''Due to your unpleasant attitude, I will have to send a report about you being rude to your senior when you're still on a mission. I hope you're not bothered if you get more tasks for yourself as a punishment?''

Lime remained silent as she finally sighed. In frustrated.

''Not really. Since I'm capable of handling extra works, not like some people slacking off at office, acting like a big boss...'' Lime replied. By her words, it seemed like she was mocking Green again.

''Alright, more extra tasks.''


Good. With the condition of them not getting along well, I could tell the mission could be done easier. I smirked behind my helmet.

''Excuse me. Is it my turn now?'' Black interrupted both of them.

''Ah, sure. Go ahead.''

''My name is Black. Hi.'' Black smiled happily. Well... why did he get so happy in such a situation? I mean, two of their members were fighting earlier, right?

''Hi.'' Surprisingly, everyone replied his greeting back. Except me, of course.

After the ice-breaker session (more like ice-maker tbh), everyone started splitting up, heading towards their own way to complete their daily task. It was just me left in the cafeteria, starting to plan on how to strike at them without getting caught....

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