Thankfully, Blue really was dumb, so he said nothing when the crewmembers were gathered, discussing about another matter. Well, they still had no idea about what was coming for them, or so I thought.

Surprisingly, Blue already got himself a new friend, Orange. He said he approached him because Orange seemed lonely. However, it seemed like Orange is just an introvert, since he didn't really love the idea of being accompanied by the other.

An exceptional was given to Grey since he could cook though...

''Guys, focus on finishing your task and keep an eye on any suspicious movement.'' Green's statement caught me off guard. D- did they... already know?

''Huh? Why?''  Yellow asked.

''I was told by Mira HQ that someone among us might be an impostor.''

Damn. How did they find out about it? I mean, us impostor literally had a fake id to prove ourselves that we were clear so how...?

''Impostor? What's that?'' Black asked.

''It's hard to explain, so you can just refer them as a murderer instead since all they do is just killing innocents.'' Pink rolled his eyes. I bit my lower lip as I heard that.

I knew it was true, but...

''Well, we human started it first. According to the history that I learnt before I came here, impostors were originally like human but from another planet. They were caught by some mad scientists that turned them into monster before released those monsters  to another planets, the homeland of living creatures. Many planets got infected by it, so the monsters that were left alive planned on taking a revenge on us human.'' Orange suddenly stated his own judgement. ''It's no wonder they started attacking us.''

Everyone seemed to be quiet after hearing that. I didn't know if what Orange did say was really true, but I was touched that he was defending us impostors.

''Where did you learn about those histories? I've never heard of them. Did you make it up?'' Grey asked.

''You never heard about it since Mira was hiding all the truth behind their back, well, not until today'' Orange replied. His voice was so calm and soft, making us almost believe his words.

''So how did you get to know about it?'' Lime asked, raising her eyebrows.

''I had my own way.''

''You're suspicious.'' said Cyan. ''It sounds more like hoax to me. If it was really true, can you show us some proof then?''

''I can't today.'' Orange replied. ''But I promise, I will.''

''This guy seems off'' Pink questioned. ''He's talking like he was the impostor himself''

''I know right? He's always calm, but the way he spoke is such unbelievable!'' Lime added.

''How about we eject him from here? If he was really the impostor, we all could die if we let him alive now!''


If Orange got ejected, doesn't it mean that the amount of crewmembers would decrease too? Wouldn't it make my mission easier? 

I knew I should be happy about it, but... I really wanted to know the reason why Orange was defending our species.

I couldn't let him go just yet.

''Wait, I don't think it's a good-'' My words was cut off by someone's scream.

''ORANGE! ISN'T! THE IMPOSTOR!'' Blue, who was behind me said it out loud. Well, too loud that made my ears started bleeding (jokingly).

''May I ask you... uhh how?'' Yellow commented.

''What?'' Blue seemed confused.

''I mean, why are you so sure that orange isn't the impostor?'' Yellow explained clearly.

''Well, there's no solid reason that would make you so sure about him being an impostor either!'' Blue responded, to be honest, he would make a good alibi for me if I were being accused by someone. I could keep him around longer before finally finishing him off.

''But he just spouted some nonsense, dude! He defended those evil monsters, and even created his little imaginary history about us human was behind all of this? That's absurd! And to be honest, so suspicious!'' Pink yelled back at Blue, seeming so frustrated.

''Pink, there's no need to shout...'' Black sighed.

''So what now? You better come up with brilliant idea, our intelligent leader'' Lime mockingly said to Green. Well, I assumed that she still could not get over the fact that Green showering her with many extra works.

Green seemed to think about it for a while before finally deciding, 

''Well, how about we do voting session then? It sounds more fair to me.''

To be Continued

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