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I sat there in my office busy with my paperwork when there was knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled.

I watched as the door opened and in walked the brown haired girl. She had a small smile on her face. She closed the door and walked further into my office.

"You wanted to see me?" She asked looking at me with her dark blue eyes.

"Yes take a seat." I said. She nodded her head and sat down.

"I just wanted to inform you that if there's any trips we have to attend you will come along with me, but there won't be anytime soon, all you have to do is your main job, is to set up meetings, take my calls, and arrange fundraisers, you know all the assistant things. Do you have any questions?"

She shook her head.

"Good, welcome to hell." She laughed a little, making me stare at her even more than I was. If it was any of my other assistants they wouldn't dare to laugh in front of me.

There was something about her that seemed different. It wasn't something bad, but she's not like most girls. She's not all jumpy and girly. And I noticed all her clothing was muscular than feminine. You can clearly see that she's a tomboy, with her short hair and long lean body. But even so she has masculine features on her. To be actually honest it suits her perfectly.

"Why are you so different, with your style of clothing?" I asked her curiously. Her eyes widened at me and her face went a little bit pale. She opened her mouth and closed it.

"I mean it's just-" I held up my hand.

"No I'm just wondering, but to be honest the style suits you." She cleared her throat and nodded.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Mhm, you may go back to work now." I said going back to my paperwork.

"Have a good day ma'am." She said standing up from the chair and left my office.

After a few hours doing paperwork my door burst open and in walk my niece Ella in all her glory.

"Didn't my aunt learn you how to knock." I asked her with my eyebrows raised.

She laughed and plopped down in the seat in front of my desk.

"She definitely did." She said with a smile.

"How are you?" I asked giving her a smile.

"Good, I just opened my own coffee shop and it's been doing great so far." She said cheerfully.

"Really! I'm glad I will drop by sometime and see how the place looks." I said with a smile.

I can remember her telling me from a young age that it's her dream to open her own coffee shop. Since she was little she was a little coffee addict. Me and Ella is close since we were little. My aunt had her when I was four years old, she was eighteen at that time. Yes there were fights about how young she was being pregnant but my family accepted it and supported her.

"So how's work?" She asked. I sighed and stood up from my chair and grabbed us some glasses and poured some red wine for us.

"Stressful, endless of paperwork to be done, meetings after meetings." I said pouring some wine for us.

"Isn't it too early for that?" She asked and pointed at the wine bottle. I chuckled.

"It's never to early for me." I hand her the wine glass.

"Thanks, I'm glad I'm not a CEO of a company sounds way too much for my ass too handle." I laughed at what she said. She's always been the lazy one in the family.

"Trust me I know." I said taking a sip of my wine, loving the feeling of the burning sensation going down my throat.

There was a knock on my door, and I sighed already done with this day.

"Come in." I yelled. Getting annoyed with all the knocking.

The door opened and Mika walked in with a paper in her hand, she looked at me with a smile on her face and when she looked at Ella her smile dropped and her face went pale.

"I just need you to sign this ma'am." She said in a small voice giving me the paper without making eye contact with me or Ella. I can see Ella move uncomfortably in her seat, not making eye contact with me or Mika, she's staring hard at my desk as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

I signed the paper and handed it back to her after that she left without another word.

Ella kept staring at my desk looking deep in her thoughts.

"What was that about?" I asked her, her head snapped up at me. She gave me a fake smile.

"Nothing." She said awkwardly, making me confused, I frowned.

"Tell me the truth Ella?" I said my voice stern. She looked ashamed of what she's about to say.

"I bullied her in high school." She said in a whisper, I almost didn't hear her.

"Why the hell would you bully someone Ella!" I said, my tone cold towards her. She knows very well form a young age I don't like it when others bully people for fun. When I was in school I was also popular but I made sure in that school that nobody was bullied.

"She was an outcast in that school she wasn't even rich like everyone there, she only went to that school because she got a scholarship." She said in a small voice.

"That doesn't give you the right to bully her Ella, why did you guys bully her then, what have she done to you!?" I asked glaring at her.

"She did nothing, absolutely nothing, she was actually really sweet and well mannered, but once there was a photo leaked of her all hell broke loose." She said with tears in her eyes.

"What photo?" I asked.

"I don't think it's my place to tell you Valentina, it's actually very personal and I think if she wanted you to know about it she would have told you." She said wiping her tears that fall from her face.

"Did you ever apologise to her?" She shook her head. I threw daggers at her.

"No, I was too ashamed of myself to do that." She said taking a large gulp from her wine and slammed the glass on my desk and stood up grabbing her purse.

"I have to go." She said walking out of my office leaving me there stunned.

Who would of thought Ella was a bully in high school, I wonder who else she bullied in school.

I wonder what photo was leaked of Mika that made them bully her to such an extreme. A bunch of questions are swirling in my head.

What the fuck.


~ R

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