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Valentina was finally back at work so first thing that I did when I saw her, I let her sign those documents and went to Howard to gave it to him. He was angry at first but once I explained to him why it took so long he apologised and said he would talk to Valentina.

Valentina isn't so cold towards me anymore which I'm thankful for it's seems like everything is going back to normal between us. Even Sienna was happy about it because she couldn't take us ignoring each other anymore.

I was stepping towards my office, I stilled when I heard loud voices coming from Valentina's office. She was screaming at someone in full anger and I couldn't help but feel pity for that person. But that doesn't mean I wasn't glad it was someone else and not me.

"You are fired. Go pack your fucking stuff." She said to that certain someone when I reached the door of her office. "Never show me your face again!" Her voice boomed through the whole floor, making a shot of fear go through my spine

After a brief pause, a man stepped out of her office that I guessed worked at finance. He had tears streaming out of his eyes uncontrollably and he's nose flushed red. Who would've thought Valentina Vitale can make a full grown man cry. Poor soul.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, but he ignored me and ran away with his shoes making noise against the tiled floor.

Sighing, I entered her office and handed her over my cup to her.

"Your latte exactly how you like it." I said.

"And where is the muffin?" She asked.

"They were out of muffins but I brought you a ham and cheese sandwich." I passed her the bag.

"I asked for muffins, not for a sandwich." She snapped, her nostrils flaring.

"Well I'm sorry that's all they had." I said and cleared my throat.

"You're useless, Mika. Go do something useful and don't waste my damn time." She said sternly.

Not wanting her to burst out on me, I left her office immediately and went to mine. Just when I started thinking she wasn't so bad, she went out her way and proved me otherwise.

I stayed in my office for the next few hours, working on some projects. In the lunch break, I left the office and went on to the break room where a group of women and men were gathered around a round table.

I only knew Sienna among them. Noticing me she motioned me to come and sit with them. She made space for me and I seated myself in between her and another guy.

"This is Mika guys." Sienna introduced me.

"Trust me we know. She's the one who tolerates Ms. Vitale for the rest of us." The guy said beside me and everyone chuckled around the table.

"Sshh, that bitch has ears everywhere." Another guy stated, and I felt uncomfortable hearing that. Yes, she wasn't an angel, but still, but calling her a bitch is too much. She was the CEO and our boss, she deserved some fucking respect.


"I wouldn't call her bitch. I mean she has her moments but-" I was speaking when I was rudely interrupted by someone. I hate it when someone cuts me off.

"John is right. She is exactly a bitch. You guys know she fired Carl today? Poor man. He didn't even do anything." A woman with light brown hair spoke up this time.

"Umm..." I gulped, not knowing what to say. I looked at Sienna seeing her clearly pissed at them for saying such things about her best friend.

"Do they know your her best friend?" I whispered to Sienna.

"No." She whispered back. Makes sense why they talk shit about Valentina in front of Sienna because they don't know she's Valentina's best friend otherwise they wouldn't.

"Did you guys hear Danny-" I tuned them out and began to eat my lunch.

Thank fuck someone change the subject and talked about other things. These people were nice, except for their hatred towards Valentina. I couldn't really blame them because she can be really mean sometimes. But also nice which is extremely fucking rare.


It was almost 8 at night. The whole office had left by now, except Valentina and me. We're sitting in her office, working on her presentation for our investors from Spain. I took a deep breath. She had been in a awful mood the whole day and I didn't want to be her next victim.

"What are you doing?" She asked suddenly.

"Nothing." I said confused.

"You are moving your leg." She said. I looked at my leg that I'm moving nervously.

"Sorry." I say awkwardly.

"Just shut up." She said.

I rolled my eyes, I observed her silently. Her face was blank. She sighed and then pulled her blonde hair up into a messy bun. Making her look sexier than she is, if that's even possible. It made my dick twitch slightly making me shift in my seat a little.

"Am I paying you to stare at me." She ask making me gasp.

"Respectfully saying this Ms. Vitale, but what's exactly wrong with you?" I asked tired of her awful fucking mood.

"What happened today, that your acting like this?"

"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked glaring at me.

"I'm your assistant and as your assistant, it's my job to tell you that you can't be firing people and be mean to them just because you're having a bad day. Do you have any idea what everyone says behind your back?" I said, although I didn't want anyone getting into trouble.

"I don't care what people say behind my back." She threw daggers at me.

"Well I do." I said and her expression changed all of a sudden, a hint of surprise and shock in her eyes. Like she didn't except me to say that at all.

"I mean it's my job to care about this kind of things."

She exhaled loudly. There were dark circles under her eyes meaning she's not getting enough sleep.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

She stared at me for a brief moment. She looked like she wanted to be held, like she needed someone. She looks lonely.

"Yes, you can go home now. It's late."

"Do you want me to call your driver?" I asked her collecting my things.

"No it's fine." She said.

"Are you sure? It's getting pretty late." I asked.

"Yeah I'm sure." She said and went on her phone.

There was a part of me that wanted to ask her what's wrong but also decided against the idea. We said our goodbyes to each other. Walking out of the building I went straight home ready to get into bed to get some sleep.


~ R

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