Before Blonde

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"You have to be excited! Tell me how you're feeling! Tell me!"

Excited wasn't quite the word Kai would use to describe his upcoming crowning. Time went by so quickly. He hardly had a moment to himself these days. The King and Queen seemed to spend every waking moment with him. While it was annoying, he understood why. Being a royal was a big deal. He needed to know the ins and outs of everything regarding the North. Their laws, their customs, their alliances, their trade routes, their history and the responsibilities that being a royal carries. Currently, he was sitting in a chair getting his portrait painted. "What if I don't look presentable as a blonde? My worries are vast."

"Your face belongs in a museum. I have complete confidence you will be able to pull it off. I swear to it."

Kai was most nervous to see Soobin's reaction to his new appearance. He was set to dye his hair at the end of the night. Thinking about Soobin in any capacity made him anxious. He wanted to see him yet he feared seeing him. He wanted to hold him yet he knew he shouldn't. Kai shook his bangs out of his face to expel some leftover anxiety. The artist asked him to move as little as possible. He apologized then addressed the Prince. "If you say so."

"Why do you doubt yourself?"

"It's not that I doubt myself."

"Then what would you consider it to be?"

Kai muffled a laugh as he said "doubt."

The Prince bit his bottom lip in his smile. "I can't wait to give you your crown. Wait. That reminds me." Beomgyu pulled up a small stool next to Kai. He sat down and looked into his eyes. The artist told him he was blocking his view and asked him to move. Beomgyu grumbled as he dragged his stool to the other side of the mage. "Pay him a lifetime's worth of coin only to be told I'm in the way."

"It's okay." Kai kissed the back of his palm. "You were saying?"

"Taehyun requests a meeting with you before your evening with Soobin."

"You're allowing me to go?"

"You have complete freedom as I've said. I don't own you. You may do as you wish. Truly."

"What does Taehyun want with me?"

Beomgyu honestly wasn't sure. The most he was told, was his friend wanted to advise and advisor. He also knew him and Yeonjun had been closer lately though he wouldn't be able to say why. He suspected they were concocting a plan. While he had his suspicions, he decided to not investigate further. As far as he was concerned, as long as they weren't interfering with his own goals, he was fine with what they were doing. "Get to know you I suspect. Offer advice perhaps? I'm assuming a mentor role."

"It's a bit odd I don't see him considering how long he's been back."

"Being a Captain is a daunting task. He's in charge of thousands. I've barely spoken a word to him myself. He did say he had a newfound appreciation for Yeonjun. Don't tell him I told you that."

"Of course not. Yeonjun seemed to have a lot of time though."

"Yeonjun trained harder than anyone to get into his position. I've never heard him satisfied with himself and that's how he trains his leaders. He invokes deep respect with a touch of fear. Taehyun lacks the fearsome aspect which may be the reason for his struggles."

"I suppose." Kai was told to stop moving again. He thought signing cards for an hour was bad until this. Sitting for a portrait was damn near torture. "How far along is the painting?"

Beomgyu walked to the other side of the room to see. "Would you like me to lie to you?"

"That wasn't promising."

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