Loss of Appetite

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Kai woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon and hot chocolate. He dreamily smiled as he sat up. In front of him, was Soobin holding a large wooden tray with breakfast to share. He took the hot chocolate first and sipped it. "You didn't have to do this for me."

Soobin joked "I hoped you'd be too full to dine with the Prince so you'd have to stay with me!"

Kai giggled into his hot chocolate. "I'm not sure it works like that."

"One can only hope." Soobin opened his mouth when he was fed a piece of bacon. He returned the favor. The way Kai nibbled remained one of his favorite things about him. He found him unbelievably cute. In the corner of his eye, he could see the sun start to rise. Time was moving too quickly. His promise to himself to not cry threatened to break with each passing second. "It's too soon..."

"I know..." Kai's pancake suddenly didn't taste good. It was flavorless like the idea of life without his favorite person. He really didn't want to go back. Going back wouldn't be so horrible if he knew there was times to sneak out but his schedule being so packed, lacked that opportunity. If his was that full, he couldn't imagine what a King's schedule would be like. "Is there any gaps in your days where you could allow some time with me?"

"No. I seem to be always in either meetings or attending frivolous events. How about you?"

"We have similar schedules."

Soobin grabbed the blonde's hand while he did his best to ignore the sun's taunting rise over the valley. "I can't, I won't, wait another year to see you."

Kai watched the way Soobin began to glow in the golden yellow rays of dawn. He lovingly stared, making sure to capture this moment because he had no idea when he would get to live it again. His heart broke as he said "I have to go..."

"Please don't?" Soobin moved the food to the floor and then pulled Kai in for a long kiss. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye when he felt the younger cup his cheek. "I love you..."

"I love you too. Goodbye Soobin."

Soobin fell as he reached out to grab onto nothing. More silent tears fell in his depression. He had a council to address soon. With a deep breath and a lot of conviction, he pulled himself together to prepare for it.

Beomgyu paced around the royal dining hall in frustration. He grumbled various threats to give Soobin if Kai wasn't back like he said he would be. When the front door opened, he ran out. "KAI!"

Kai quickly changed his attitude and put on his servant mask of contentment. "Hello dear Prince. You have a lot of energy this morning!"

"I always do when I see you."

"Is there food ready? I'm starved."

"We have a feast prepared for you dear royal! I ensured it."

Kai held out his hand until the Prince took it. He held it tightly in fear of their upcoming discussion. Takashi ran up to them and waddled at Beomgyu's side. Something was off. His nerves were on edge. They were only heightened when he noticed the staff looking mildly terrified at the Prince. "Is everything alright with them? Did I miss something?"

"Had a slight mishap with my puppy. I found him bloody in my room. I did not take it kindly."

"Was he okay?!"

"He was okay." Beomgyu picked his pitbull up to proudly show him off. Takashi attacked him in kisses while he scratched his belly. "See? He's perfectly fine. Aren't you boy?! Oh yes you are! Maybe more walks for you though. You're getting a little puffy." The puppy was set back onto the floor. Beomgyu was thankful Takashi was enough to distract Kai from what happened last night. "I trust your night was pleasant?"

Kai took a small breath as he sat down. "It was. We don't have to talk about it though."

"I'm actually very interested in how it went."

"There's nothing much to say." Kai dramatically slowed his cutting into his eggs benedict. He briefly looked up to see the Prince leaning over the table with an intense stare. "We shared a slice of cake and talked into the moonlight."

"Anything else?"

"Nothing worth mentioning."

Beomgyu assumed they had sex but he let it go. "Taehyun and I had an interesting conversation before your arrival."

"Is that so?" Kai stopped eating. Though this was his second breakfast, his stomach remained starved from lacking the will to eat. He assumed he could trust Taehyun. That was in doubt now.

"He said you would choose me if you thought my love was genuine."

"I did." Kai waited for the Prince to mention the potion or the antidote. A couple seconds passed and neither were. Taehyun proved himself to be trustworthy in his eyes.

"My love IS genuine Kai."


"It is!"

"You only want me so you can have the throne!"

"I want you by my side when I do have it! There's a difference!"

Kai set his fork down. He was officially done eating until lunch. "My heart belongs to Soobin. I'm sorry."

"Then why would you say you'd choose me?! I'd have an easier time letting this go if I was certain you didn't feel something for me but you do! I know you do!"

"What would you do if I chose him? Say I ran away from my contract and went to live with him instead? What would you honestly do Beomgyu?"

Servants rapidly left the area. Beomgyu gripped his fork in an effort to control the rage building inside. "So you're saying you feel nothing for me?!"

"I didn't say that!"

"Then what is it?!"

"I do like you!"


"But I don't love you..."


"Because I fear you."


Kai wished he had never gotten out of bed. "I fear what will happen to me if I don't act a certain way with you. I fear another war if I marry you or if I marry Soobin. I'm stuck between you two and I'm tired of it. I never wanted this! I love my magic but the price of having it is a heavy burden. I'm just... I'm tired Beomgyu."

Beomgyu wasn't upset. The blonde's speech actually gave him an idea to work in his favor. "You never have to fear me. Honest. Can I suggest something to ease your burdens?"


"Marry me."


"The South is under my control. Soobin can't start another war without risking his nation crumbling altogether. You wouldn't have to choose anymore. You're my equal. I will always treat you as such. Give it some thought?"

"But... I don't love you."

"Marriage doesn't have to be about love. That is especially true in our world. Arranged marriages have been customary in different cultures since love existed. It can simply be a mutually beneficial agreement. My parents were married this way and they learned to love each other. I'm confident enough and patient enough to change your mind about me."

Kai felt like a bomb was dropped on him. He was thankful his lunch with Taehyun was next because he needed advice quickly. It wouldn't be long before this proposal turned into a threat. "I promise to give it thought."

Satisfied, Beomgyu stood up and offered his hand. "My parents are waiting. Are you finished with your meal?"

"I am." Servants raced from the back to clear the table. Kai thought it was odd how urgently they were clearing it until his attention was directed towards the King and Queen at the end of the hall. His stomach grumbled. He willed it to stop so the other royals wouldn't worry. Lunch was in a few hours. He just had to make it until then.

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