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Kai was horrified by what he was seeing. His sweetheart didn't look like the person he knew. He looked like Beomgyu. The pride, the hunger for power in his eyes, was scaring him. Though the crowd wasn't as large in the North, they all cheered the same things. He felt as if he left one King for a replica. War was inevitable. He just didn't think it would happen so soon. It became too much for him to handle. While Soobin continued to speak, he vanished to his bedroom.

Taehyun found it difficult to be excited when their only hope of winning just disappeared. Yeonjun's leadership and Beomgyu's fury were a deadly combination. Without Kai's support, the South was doomed. With extreme subtlety, he tapped Soobin's shoulder on the side Kai was originally standing on.

Soobin finally noticed the mage was gone when he turned around. Quickly, he ended his speech by giving everyone tasks to prepare. The Knights needed to gear up and train. The court needed to diverge as much funding as possible for supplies. As for him? He needed to find Kai now. "Taehyun. Might you oversee-"

"Go find him."

"Thank you." Soobin knew exactly where Kai was. He rushed into his bedroom to see him sitting by the windowsill, staring at his mother's dead rose bush. To his surprise, the mage didn't revive them. As softly as he could, he asked "are you alright?"

"I apologize for leaving."

"Don't be. What worries you baby?"

Kai felt a light kiss on his cheek. He moved forward so Soobin could sit behind him. Another kiss was felt on the side of his neck when Soobin gently pulled him backwards to rest on his chest. "I thought we had more time."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"It's not. I want you to be happy. What else troubles you?"

"You reminded me of him."

Soobin held him even tighter. That was the last thing he wanted to hear.

Kai took a deep breath. "I understand why you declared a war. I apologize for worrying you. That wasn't my intention."

"Baby turn around so I can see you." Soobin kissed his lips when he did. "Do you fear me?"

"No Soobin. I fear what you could become."

Soobin touched their foreheads together while he cupped Kai's cheeks. "I vow to never turn into someone you feel that towards. You are my life. I was empty every moment you weren't in it."

"You have me now. Why were you so quick to declare war? Is it a crown you desire?"

"My only desire is a life with you. Beomgyu threatens that goal. I need to prepare before he does because he will stop at nothing to have you back." Soobin kissed his forehead and then his lips. "My crown means nothing to me. I never had to earn it. You, I fought a lifetime for and I'd do it all over again if it meant the result was you loving me in return."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too. I'll call off this war at your request. You can have anything I can provide."

Kai truly desired a peaceful life away from the bullshit of royalty. He wanted what he had when his family was alive. Privacy. "What if I desired a quiet life in my childhood home? Away from royalty? Abandoning my crown?"

"Would it make you happy?"

"Only if you joined me."

"It would be my honor to join you until death do us part."

"The honor is mine." Kai wrapped his arms around Soobin's neck as they sunk into another kiss. Through a stolen breath, he asked "when do you think we'll have another moment to ourselves?"

Soobin wanted it as much as he did. "Doesn't matter. I'll create as many as you desire." His lips nibbled the edge of Kai's jaw. His hands slipped into the younger's pants and tightly gripped his ass. A hard bulge pressed against his stomach when they started to grind their hips together.

"I've missed you so much Soobin..." Kai stood up and stared at the taller's waist. With the snap of his fingers, they were both naked. He fell to his knees and smirked. "You're perfect baby." Gently, he seperated the taller's thighs so he could see everything he had to work with.

Soobin fell backwards against the edge of the window when Kai swallowed him whole. There wasn't any teasing. There wasn't any taking it slow. He was being sucked off with a rapid passion that was nothing short of magical. "Oh my god baby..." His hands gripped his hair and then slipped to his shoulders. He soon found himself unable to grip anything properly when he heard his sweetheart gag.

Kai planted his lips at Soobin's base and began to flick his tongue against the underside of his shaft. One drop of white kissed the back of his throat. Sucking back hard caused a few more to spill out.

"Baby please..." Soobin felt as if his soul was being sucked out. If Kai kept this up, all of the love he had was going to pour down his throat. "Baby... oh my god KAI!" In the blink of an eye, Soobin found himself sitting on the bed instead of the window sill. He then saw his sweetheart start to crawl on top of him with a large seductive grin. Using his strength, he flipped them over so he could be on top instead. Kai's stare burned with an intense lust. Soobin was lost in how turned on, how in love, the mage easily made him. "You're so fucking beautiful baby."

"You too." Kai's nails dug into the mattress when Soobin entered inside. "Holy shit... fuck me harder..."

The bedframe slammed against the wall as Soobin found Kai's weak spot. Taking his time became impossible when he felt lips lightly sucking the side of his neck. His brain could no longer think. His body repeatedly pinned the younger into the mattress at an ungodly speed. "I'm gonna cum baby. You're so fucking tight. I'm gonna cum!"

Kai wanted it. He stroked himself with the same intensity that he was being fucked with. His eyes rolled to the back of his head when he was met with another kiss. Their tongues danced in sync while the bed rocked against the wall. He was close. In one shallow kiss, they came together.

Soobin slowly pulled out and then kissed him again. "That was wonderful."

"It was. Think of how often we can do that when this is over!"

"That seems like a dream. You still seem like a dream."

Kai cutely laughed when he was pulled into Soobin's arms. "I can assure you that I'm very real."

"If you're not then allow me to keep dreaming."

"As you wish baby."

Both desperately desired a peaceful life. Kai only feared how far Soobin would go to achieve it.

The Southern Mage- SookaiWhere stories live. Discover now