A Knight's Oath

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November snow looked pristine on the journey to the South. Yeonjun appreciated every silent moment it had to offer. Silence meant peace. He didn't have to think about war or the irrational behaviors from the other two Chois. It was just him listening to the way his horse's footsteps crunched in the white covered trail.

Behind him was whispers of his men questioning Beomgyu's authority. Regardless of whether he agreed with the new King or not, they all took an oath to defend the throne. Something he was sure to remind them in the harshest way he could.

Abandoning their oath meant death to themselves and to their families. Traitors were considered the worst criminals of all. Their bloodline was tainted. In the most extreme cases, they'd kill up to two generations from the offender's family tree. It happened to a couple of his men in the last war. He couldn't let it happen to another.

When they arrived at the castle, Yeonjun hopped off of his horse to give his crew very specific instructions. "We are on a scouting assignment. Blend in. Treat these citizens as you would with your friends and family back home. Your title is meaningless here. My assignment is in the castle. You all know where you're going and who your partner is I assume?"

In unison, his squad replied "yes Sir."

"Very well. We'll meet again in the North by the full moon's appearance. A new title is available to those who do best."

"Yes Sir!"

"One last thing... I placed myself in the castle to gain knowledge on what happens everywhere. You are NOT Knights. You're those we protect. No causing trouble. No wasting your time away on parties and whores. Am I understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Very well. Dismissed." Yeonjun lead his warhorse to the entrance of the Southern Castle. To his surprise, Taehyun walked out to greet him in a long fur lined trenchcoat. "You knew of my arrival?"

"Only suspected. I assume you've heard Soobin declare war?"

Yeonjun smirked. It sounded odd for anyone but Beomgyu to refer to Soobin without a title. "Didn't have to. King Beomgyu anticipated it."

Taehyun pulled him into a locked cleaning closet so they talk in private. "They're similar yes. What of your arrival Yeonjun? I have a lot of business to attend."

"I'm requesting you come back to the North with me."

"Go back? You can't be serious!"

"The South is not going to win unless Kai is willing to kill which we both know, he is not capable of doing. A shield can be created but the South will starve within. He is only one. The North is many."

Taehyun knew all of this. He also knew that a Kingdom ruled by Beomgyu would be one ruled under a veil of fear like never seen before. If he wasn't afraid to kill his own parents, there was no limit to what he would do.

Yeonjun pleaded "you're the most brilliant person I know. Your friendship is my longest and the one I hold most dearly. Please, join me on the winning side. I can't bare the thought of you tortured in the prisons because of this."

"A world under King Beomgyu's rule is not one I desire." Taehyun was sure of it. Soobin's leadership in the South was nothing short of perfect. He lead with kindness like a gardener gently tending to his crops. In return, the crops were more bountiful than ever. That's the future he wanted. "King Beomgyu's hunger for power knows no ends. Our allies will become our enemies when he desires their Kingdoms. There will be no peace. We will always be under war. The South winning means this will be the last war."

Yeonjun desperately gripped Taehyun's shoulders. A couple of footsteps passed in the hallway. He held his breath, hoping no one heard them. When he knew he was in the clear, his attention was directed back to the shorter. "You're making a mistake!"

"No. I'm not. Join me instead. Let King Beomgyu fall on his ass!"

"I took an oath to defend the throne! You know this!"

"Screw your oath! Soobin will pardon you of your crime if we win!"

Yeonjun let go of him. His steps were slow as he began walking backwards towards the door. Disappointment rang in his voice. "Screw my oath?"

"I didn't mean that..."

"You did! Let me inform you on what my oath means to me! EVERYTHING. IT MEANS EVERYTHING TAEHYUN!"


"I sacrificed my relationship with my parents! My relationship in the academy! My body! My sleep! EVERYTHING! So I could stand at that ceremony to take it!"

"I know you have."

"My dedication to my oath is the reason the North is so resilient! I see it now. You can't be reasoned with and I can't save you from when the South falls."

Taehyun was ready to kick the Knight out and send him back to where he came from. "The South will not fall. I promise you that Sir Yeonjun Choi."

Yeonjun smiled in disbelief. Since they've known each other, they've never used proper titles in private. It was only a formality for the public. Their friendship was over from that point on. "Well then. May the North be victorious and may my flag fly true."

"It won't be."

Yeonjun stormed out and slammed the door behind him. He hated this castle with every passion in his being. Not once did he feel welcome here. Beomgyu may be an ass but at least with him, he was always appreciated for his gifts.

Seeing Soobin in the distance command a team of servants without a crown, began to infuriate him. "You're not a King. You're nothing." He taught Soobin a myriad of tips and tricks. His army was trained because of him. All of that and he had never received so much as a "thank you" for his work.

The North was going to win and he was going to ensure it.

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