A Trip to the Market

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Before Kai drew his portal, Soobin had to know something. "Wait."

"Yes sir?"

"You don't have to call me sir anymore. Or your highness, or sire for that matter. We're equals now."

Old habits die hard. Kai had been calling the royals that since he was six years old. Part of him didn't want to see the Prince as an equal because he knew they weren't. Anyone could be a royal. Only a special set of DNA produced mages and even then, Kai was a one in a million mage. "Was that what you wanted to say?"

"No. I meant to ask how long you think we need to hide for."

"Prince Beomgyu will ascend the throne once they declared the South as their territory. I don't think they'll do that as long as you're alive. The South believes in you as their King now, Soobin. I think it's your choice to appear when you feel the moment is right."

Soobin didn't want to claim his throne alone. He wanted Kai committed to his side as his partner. In his fantasies, he would be his lover. In that scenario, Beomgyu wouldn't lay a finger on them if Kai swore the South's protection. The mage's clear disdain for royals confirmed that wasn't going to happen. Hiding didn't seem so bad. This was his chance to break down those walls. To get to know him on a sincere level. With that in mind, he stepped up to his side and declared "I suppose so. I'm ready to leave now."

Kai drew a circle with his fingertip. A neon blue portal appeared in front of them. He stepped through with the Prince following closely behind. They stepped out to the edge of a grassy cliff. It was so different yet so similar to what Kai remembered it to be. In front of them was the same shining blue sky. Below them, in the heart of the valley, wasn't village full of life but full of sorrow. The huts had half charred roofs. Some were total ash all together. The villagers weren't laughing. Music wasn't flooding the valley. Instead there was only silence from the town trying to rebuild from what was.

Soobin innocently asked "what happened here?"

"Mages used to trade magical artifacts here for goods. One of the armies raided this village. They probably took all of the artifacts that were left. Was it the South? Would they do something like this?"

"My father would... yes."

Kai threw his hood up then started walking down the cliff. The Prince didn't tell him anything he didn't already know. Soobin wasn't his father. That's what he had to keep reminding himself when he heard him follow at a distance.

The old stone steps were chipped. The railing was no longer there. A quick spell turned his cloth shoes into black combat boots so the path wouldn't cut into his feet. He looked over at the Prince's shoes and did the same.

Soobin didn't even notice until his steps became louder down the stairs. "Thank you Kai..."

"You're welcome sir."

"You really don't need to keep calling me that."

"It would feel inappropriate to call you anything else."

"Even my name?"

As far as Kai was concerned, the Prince didn't have a real name. Calling him "Soobin" was akin to calling his mother "Julia". It just felt wrong. He wasn't comfortable with him like that. To avoid being rude, he lied and said "I'll try."

Soobin wanted to protest but the younger put his hand up to silence him. The path to the village was just at their feet. It occurred to him that neither of them had money. He wanted to bring it up but was silenced again. His gaze was brought down to Kai's hand. He saw him doing a motion. He then watched those rosey lips mutter a spell that he couldn't quite hear. When he looked back down, a small satchel of coins was in the mage's hand. "Whoa..."

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