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Yeonjun and Taehyun stood in the Southern courtyard, side by side under a snow topped tree, and looked at the engagement ring Soobin intended on giving. Taehyun held it between his fingertips and boasted "it's beautiful! But are you sure about this? You haven't been together for long!"

Soobin couldn't stop smiling. His thoughts of Kai made him want to jump up and down or run a mile a minute. "I'm sure. I've been waiting for him since we were kids."

"I'm so happy for you!"

Yeonjun snatched the ring from Taehyun's hands when he got impatient. "It really is beautiful. I'm sure he'll say yes."

"And everything is set for tonight? No one on your staff spoiled anything to him?"

"None. I run my staff with efficiency." Yeonjun handed the ring back then sharply whistled for the closest servant. A gardener came running up. "Is everything prepared for tonight? Roses included?"

"Yes your Highness. We struggled to find enough black roses in the time frame requested but we substituted some for fakes if that's alright."

Yeonjun turned to Soobin and asked "is it?"

Soobin demanded "bring one of each."

After the servant ran out, Taehyun softly said "Kai won't care after he sees the ring. That's also suggesting he would care at all."

"I know. I just want everything to be perfect." Soobin was handed two flowers. They looked the exact same. Only by touch could he tell the difference between the real rose and the fake one. "They're suitable. Thank you."

The servant breathed a sigh of relief then left as quickly as he came. Yeonjun bragged "I love being a King."

"I'll admit, you have exceeded my expectations. The morale in the North has been restored. The people have hope again."

"I'm lucky they trust me to lead them. I take my position seriously. Having myself in the North and Taehyun in the South was brilliant. One day, I'll be sure to tell Kai how gifted he is."

Taehyun playfully asked "where does Kai believe you are by the way?"

Soobin nervously looked around. "Finding chew toys for Takashi. He's doubled in size since you two last saw him and has ruined all of my damn shoes. Kai's are of course, completely untouched."

"Perhaps he put a spell on them?"

"He insisted he hasn't! My theory is Beomgyu taught his dog to hate me."

Yeonjun laughed. "Beomgyu is petty but not that petty! Plus, Kai told me he saw you two snuggling on the couch."

"Snuggling?! I was trying to sit but the dog wouldn't move!"

The two Kings heard complaints but they saw right through it. Soobin loved the dog because Kai did and that's why they worked so well together. Taehyun nicely asked a nearby servant to fetch a pile of bones from the kitchen. He then looked at the time. "I have another meeting to attend. Hopefully the next time I see you, you'll be engaged!"

Soobin took the sack of bones then bowed to the Kings. "Thank you for everything your Highnesses." With the tap of his finger, he let his sweetheart know that he was ready to go home. A portal opened up. He stepped inside to see Takashi patiently waiting on the couch while wagging his tail. Beneath the couch was a chewed up shoe sticking out from underneath. Instead of it irritating him, it only made him smile because he knew he wouldn't trade this life for anything. "Here boy. Catch!"

Kai watched his dog jump high in the air to catch a pig rib in it's mouth. Hearing the thud from Takashi's landing was another reminder he was no longer a puppy. "It's truly amazing how much he has grown in two months. Oh! That reminds me! What would you like for your birthday?"

"You." Soobin secured the bag in a high shelf then opened the door to let the dog out. Takashi ran like the wind. His bone flapped in his mouth while he rolled around in the snow. Soobin stopped watching after seeing him about to do his business.

"You must want something else. I can literally create anything you desire."

"Taehyun is hosting a dinner for me. I truly desire nothing else but your company." The bone was dropped at Soobin's feet. He picked it up then threw it as far as he could into the nearest snowbank. "Do you still have a meeting with Yeonjun?"

"I do. I believe he said we're set to meet you two there?"

"He better not make you late! This dinner is important and your dress robes are here!"

"That was once Soobin!"

"He is a King! He needs to be punctual!"

"Once baby!"

Soobin picked up the bone and threw it again. Admittedly, watching Takashi run was entertaining. "I was never late as a King..."

"Please don't start this again." Kai hugged his boyfriend from behind then kissed his petal soft lips. "He won't make me late. I love you. See you later!"

"I love you more. Bye baby." Takashi once again dropped his bone at Soobin's feet. "Alright fine. One more time!" The bone was thrown. The dog ran after it until he happily scooped it from the snow. Birds flew overhead. Soobin watched them fly on by while singing their songs. The ocean waves softly crashed in the background. It felt peaceful.

Takashi pressed his paws onto a softer patch in the ice. He then dug until a he was satisfied with the hole he created. The bone went inside. Snow was kicked on top to cover it up. He then circled over the patch and laid down.

Soobin's heart broke when he heard the dog whimper. Not enough time had passed for Takashi to forget who Beomgyu was. He figured he must've really missed him. To cheer him up, he happily yelled "here boy!"

Takashi's big head lifted.

"Come on! It's cold out here! Blanket?! Couch?! You can chew on my shoes! Not that it's ever stopped you before..."

The dog ran inside and headed straight for the slipper under the couch.

Soobin sat down on the opposite end and looked at the time. There was three hours left until his surprise. His stomach began twisting in knots. Nervous excitement had him drumming his hands on his thighs. Lyrics started subconsciously being sung as he tried to think of what to do to. Nothing seemed distracting enough. All he knew was that it killed him to wait because in three long hours, he could finally ask Kai to marry him.

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