13. Silence is so freaking loud

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On the  ground, amidst the bustle of practice drills and batting sessions,  Raina quietly goes through his motions. His mind  however, is elsewhere, replaying the disappointment of his last performance. Despite his outward focus on practice, his heart is heavy with self-doubt and frustration.

teammates engage in their routines, they fail to notice the subtle signs of his distress. His outward appearance remains composed, his movements fluid, masking the alarms brewing within. To them, Raina is just another player on the field, unaware of the storm raging beneath the surface.

Raina's mind drifts back to the days of glory, when his bat wielded magic and his name echoed in stadiums across the country. But now, plagued by a string of poor performances, he finds himself questioning his abilities, haunted by the specter of failure.
As the practice session progresses, Raina's isolation deepens. Despite the presence of his teammates mere yards away, he feels alone in his struggle. The gap between his inner turmoil and the obliviousness of those around him widens, leaving him feeling isolated and misunderstood.

Though Raina's distress remains hidden from his teammates, there are subtle clues that betray his inner turmoil. The occasional missed shot, the distracted gaze – these fleeting moments of vulnerability go unnoticed amidst the flurry of activity on the field

As a seasoned cricketer, Raina knows the weight of expectations all too well. The pressure to perform, to live up to the standards set by himself and others, bears down heavily upon him. With each missed opportunity, the burden grows heavier, threatening to crush his spirit.
his silent struggle, Raina yearns for someone to see beyond the facade, to recognize the pain hidden behind his practiced smile. Yet, the fear of judgment and rejection keeps him from reaching out, trapping him in a cycle of loneliness and despair.

(Someone is desperately looking for him )

Jad, wanders through the team hotel, searching for his dear sonu bhai ,Despite being away from practice due to personal reasons, Jad  thoughts are consumed by the well-being of his sonu bhai .

Standing outside Raina's room, Jad hesitates for a moment before mustering the courage to knock softly. "Sonu bhai," he calls out, his voice a blend of concern and affection, hoping to reach through the walls of solitude that encase his bhai .

As seconds stretch into minutes, Jad's heart sinks at the absence of a response from within. His worry deepens, knowing that Raina's silence may be indicative of the battles he's fighting within himself. Determined not to give up, Jad persists, calling out once more.

Jad's concern for Raina's well-being stems from a place of deep affection and understanding, forged through years of shared victories and defeats.

As Jad waits outside Raina's door, the weight of his absence from practice pales in comparison to the importance of being there for his bhai in need. He understands that sometimes, the battles fought off the field are far more challenging than those on it.

Refusing to give up hope, Jad continues to knock on Raina's door, his voice a steady beacon of support in the darkness of solitude. He knows that sometimes, all it takes is a friend's presence to provide the comfort and solace needed to weather life's storms.

With each knock, Jad's concern reverberates through the silent hallway, echoing the depths of his worry for his brother's well-being. In Raina's solitude, Jad's presence serves as a reminder that he is not alone in his struggles.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Raina opens the door to find his brother , Jad standing there, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and concern. Without a word, Jad enfolds Raina in a comforting hug, silently conveying his unwavering support.

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