Blasting Music At 3 AM

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SMG3 layed on the floor with a blanket underneath him while SMG4 was sleeping next to him on his mattress sleeping

It had been a few hours after the stream that they had going for 2 days straight to which he had the misfortune of having to stay up with 4 to make sure nothing went wrong

Thankfully nothing really did... Well... Mostly...

It was no duh they were both exhausted though, so after analyzing the missions they would be doing and talking about the choices the viewers picked, they finally decided to get some rest

SMG4 quickly passed out as soon as he plopped down onto his mattress, SMG3 was sure he would do the same as soon as he lied down on the floor... But something was keeping him up... A thought that's been on his mind...

"Come on... Come on... Sleep 3, Sleep!"

SMG3 silently groaned, trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn't wake SMG4 up

SMG3 removed his arm from his eyes and turned over to SMG4 to make sure he didn't wake him up, luckily... He was out like a light

SMG3 stared at SMG4 who was still wearing the suit he was going to wear to the heist to blend in

...He looked nice...

SMG3 didn't wanna admit it... But he did... He looked great

SMG3 sighed as he rolled back onto his back, pulled his phone out, and put on a pair of headphones he had in his pocket

He put the headphones in his ears and picked out a playlist he put together on some music app to distract his thoughts and get some sleep, seeing how when he plays music it usually helps him sleep sometimes

As SMG3's music played, he cranked the volume up to as high as they could go and faced the other side of the room

After a few minutes, SMG3 realized... THIS ISN'T WORKING... In fact, this was probably making his sleeping problem worse...

~ SMG4's POV ~

SMG4 tossed and turned at the noise he couldn't get rid of and soon woke up from it

"Damn it what is that noise...? What time is it?"

SMG4 mumbled as he grabbed his phone and saw that it was 3 AM

"...Fuck's sake..."

SMG4 was still hearing the noise that disturbed his slumber

As he sat up, he looked around his room for the noise... It was close but where the hell was it?

He looked around until he glanced at SMG3 who was curled up in a ball with headphones in his ears

There it is... That's the noise... It was SMG3's music

"Damn dude how are you still up?"

SMG4 groaned in a low and tired voice

SMG3 couldn't hear him though, his music was to loud

SMG4 pouted as he reached down to SMG3 and tapped his shoulder

SMG3 jumped at this and shot around to see SMG4 who was sitting on his bed staring at him with a tired and annoyed expression

"Oh, Sorry... Did i wake you up?"

SMG3 whispered as he took his headphones out so he could hear SMG4 if he spoke to him

"Obviously... Dude it's 3 AM... How are you still up... And why are you blasting music in your ears? Do you wanna go deaf or something?"

SMG4 sighed as SMG3 stared at the floor in shame

"I was having trouble sleeping and I just thought..."

"To make it worse?"

SMG4 cut him off as SMG3 stared at him with tired eyes

"Dude you look like a god damn zombie get some sleep"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!"

SMG3 silently shouted as he yawned

"Here... Just..."

SMG4 threw a blanket down to SMG3

"Get some rest will ya?"

Before SMG4 lied back down he pointed a finger at SMG3

"And stop blasting music! please..."

SMG4 covered himself back up with his blanket and drifted off

SMG3 stared at the blanket SMG4 threw at him a moment ago and smirked

"Thank you..."

SMG3 glanced at SMG4 who was once again passed out and layed down, covering himself up with the blanket

"...i love you..."

SMG3 whispered as he finally fell asleep

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