Gay Panic (In A Suit)

794 21 18

As SMG4 watched the votes pour in on his laptop he looked over at SMG3 who was playing with Eggdog

SMG3 dangled the toy in the air above Eggdog who was hopping up and down trying to get it

"You can do it Eggdog! Get the toy! Get the toy!"

SMG3 cooed as Eggdog finally managed to snag it out of 3's hand after a few tries

"Good boy!"

SMG3 smiled as SMG4 stared from afar, kinda wishing he and Beeg were like that but Beeg never wants to play with him seeing how he's off doing his own thing like stacking cards or just relaxing

SMG4 looked over at his computer and smiled seeing how Eggdog was winning the current vote

Sure, it would be awesome to bring Beeg along for the heist but SMG4 knows for a fact Eggdog would kill for SMG3... Pretty sure he HAS killed for SMG3...

"Good news 3! Eggdog is currently winning the vote!"

SMG4 said as he looked back over at the pair

"Like he should be! Seeing how he's the bestest boy ever!"

SMG3 laughed as he patted Eggdog on the head

"You must be SO jealous!"

"Hey! Beeg's a good boy to! Isn't that right little buddy?"

SMG4 said as he stood up and called over to Beeg who was munching on a popsicle and didn't acknowledge what SMG4 said

"Damn it..."

SMG4 sighed as SMG3 started looking around for something

SMG4 was a tad confused by this as SMG3 went over to a desk and starting moving stuff around

"What are you doing?"

SMG4 asked puzzled as he walked over to him

"Looking for a lint roller... Eggdog got his fur all over my gorgeous suit..."

SMG3 said sadly as he brushed some of Eggdog's fur off of him

"Oh! Uh- I think it's over here somewhere"

SMG4 said as he walked over to his desk and scavenged through his drawer that was full of random junk until he pulled out a lint roller

"Aha! Here ya go!"

SMG4 smiled as he handed 3 the lint roller

"Thanks man"

SMG3 said as he got the rest of Eggdog's fur off of him

"There we go! Much better!'

SMG3 smirked as he struck a pose

SMG4 stared at this in awe before playfully rolling his eyes

"Looking good handsome~"

SMG4 winked as SMG3 processed his words before blushing and throwing the lint roller at SMG4


SMG3 yelped as SMG4 fell to the floor laughing

"Haha... Can you help me up?"

SMG3 glanced at SMG4 who had a hand out, hoping 3 would help him up

As his blush died down he grabbed SMG4's hand and pulled him up

As SMG4 stood up he took a stretch

"Geez i'm exhausted... I could use a nap"

"How are you tired?"

SMG3 said confused as he looked at SMG4 who gave a quick yawn

"How aren't you?"

SMG4 asked as he sat down on his bed and fell onto his back

SMG3 didn't answer as he lied down next to SMG4

As he stared at the ceiling SMG3 looked over to SMG4 who had his eyes shut

SMG3 couldn't help but gaze upon his features and smile

He looked nice in a suit

He also looked nice without his hat on

It was a rare sight... And SMG3 wanted to soak it in

SMG3 looked around for a second before pulling out his phone and snapping a photo of him

It was then SMG4 slightly opened one of his eyes

"Are you taking pictures of me?~"

SMG4 smirked as SMG3 looked at him and blushed at him again


SMG3 stammered as SMG4 slightly opened both his eyes and stared at SMG3 as he continued to blush more

As SMG3 continued to protest against him taking pictures of SMG4, SMG4 slid his hand underneath SMG3's and intertwined his fingers

SMG3 quickly looked at his hand then looked at SMG4 who was staring at his hand and rubbing it with his thumb before making eye contact with SMG3

SMG3's heart was practically pounding out his chest, he couldn't focus (which was kinda good seeing how there were two memes in the room), so he did the only thing he could do

SMG3 slowly slid down onto his back and pulled his hat over his eyes in a attempt to hide his face that was bright like a glowstick

SMG4 turned over on his side and quietly laughed

"You're adorable when you're like this..."

SMG3 slightly lifted his hat from his face and looked at SMG4 who has staring at him lovingly

SMG3 turned over on his side to face SMG4 and stared at him for a moment before asking

"4... Am i dreaming?"

SMG4 shook his head as he playfully rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around 3 and pulling him closer

SMG3 felt like he was going to pass out right then and there

So he wrapped his arms around SMG4 as he hid his face in his chest and closed his eyes

This all felt like a dream...

SMG3 had secretly craved this kinda affection for so long

So he tried to soak in this moment for so long until...

SMG4's computer blew up with sound that sounded like wii shop channel music which instantly made the two jolt up from SMG4's bed

SMG4 quickly ran over to his computer to see what was happening and that's when he saw...


SMG4 screamed in horror


SMG3 yelled back at SMG4, still sitting on his bed


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