He Was A Showboy (AU)

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TW: Drinking

Context for AU: SMG3 and SMG4 lost WOTFI and Mario said that he wouldn't leak 3's notebook if they worked in the casino

As SMG4 finished a song he began walking over to the casino's bar whilst ignoring the many catcalls he got while he walked over

He huffed as he sat down in a chair at the bar to be greeted by SMG3 who was cleaning a glass


SMG3 asked as he placed down the cup in his hands

"Why do you think I'm here dipshit?"

SMG4 growled, obviously exhausted

As SMG3 finished pouring his drink SMG4 took it and chugged it

"Keep 'em comin' man..."

SMG4 tiredly sighed as he placed the empty cup down on the counter

As SMG3 poured him another drink he looked up at him and gave an annoyed sighed

"Are we doing this again?"

SMG4 looked at SMG3 confused by his question

"What do you mean?"

SMG4 asked as he took his drink in his hand and took a sip

"I mean, getting drunk out of your mind to power through your shift... AGAIN"

SMG3 groaned as he crossed his arms

"I'm not!"

SMG4 said in a defensive voice before snatching the bottle in front of him that was used to pour his beverage

"Can I have this?"

SMG4 asked as he pointed to the bottle in his hand

SMG3 sighed before giving a gesture that said "OK"

"You know you won't find the salutation to your problem at the bottom of the bottle right? Trust me I've been looking there as well..."

SMG4 sighed as he sipped the liquid from the bottle

"Well, it's helping numb the pain, I'll tell you that"

"Yeah, well it's not gonna help us get out of here..."

SMG3's words stung SMG4

SMG3 sadly sighed thinking about his words

"Sorry, but it's true..."

They both sat in silence before SMG4 quickly chugged the beverage in his hand, shocking SMG3 seeing how it was a fairly large bottle

SMG3 quickly grabbed the bottle from 4 before he finished it

SMG4 instantly tried grabbing for it but quickly gave up cause he collapsed onto the bar table and began to quietly sob

"I'm so sorry 3... This is all my fuckin' fault..."

SMG4 quietly sobbed with his arms crossed and placed his head in between his arms

As SMG4 cried SMG3 ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down

It was no duh SMG4 was burnt out and stressed

He was so tired, he wanted rest, he NEEDED rest

But he wasn't getting it anytime soon, except for the times he's blacked out on stage a good couple of times... And right now

His breaths were slow, his cheeks still stained with tears, and was calm

SMG3's cheeks heated up seeing this

Was it weird he liked watching him sleep?

Maybe he just liked seeing him finally getting some rest

This lasted until Mario walked into the bar

"Hello! How you guys holdin' up?"

Mario smiled as he sat down at the bar

"Suffering and exhausted... Y'know, the usual"

SMG3 rolled his eyes as he turned to Mario

"You uh... Want something? To like drink...? Didn't take you for an alcoholic type"

"Oh, i'm not! But i can see 4 is!"

Mario said as he pointed to SMG4 who was still blacked out

SMG3 glanced at his partner, scratching SMG4's head a bit with his hand that was still in his hair

"He's so tired..."

Mario looked at SMG3 who was frowning at 4

"Why can't you just let him go? I'm all you need... So why keep him here to?"

Mario frowned as he stood up

"I would if I could 3... It's not my decision..."

SMG3 eyes watered before growling in annoyance

"Then try to convince him to let him go... You have me... Just..."

Tears began running down 3's face as he spoke

"Convince him to let HIM go..."

Mario sighed as he walked to the exit of the bar

"I'll see what i can do"

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