Touch Starved

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The two sat on the large wooden crate staring at the dusk sky as it slowly turned to night

SMG3 shut his notebook after jotting down some notes and sketching a few things, he glanced over to SMG4 who was resting his head on his shoulder, looking at the sky as it got darker

As the twilight sky turned to night, the stars shined down on the two but they were nowhere near as bright as the moon right now

There just so happened to be a full moon that night so it was incredibly bright

SMG3 stared at the moon admiring its beauty then looked back at SMG4 who was passing out on him

As soon as SMG3 noticed this he smiled softly, then gently shook SMG4 to wake him up

"Dude, wake up..."

SMG3 said quietly as SMG4 gently lifted his eyelids and looked up at SMG3 with the moonlight highlighting his blue eyes, which made SMG3 blush a bit

"God, he's handsome"

SMG3 thought to himself as SMG4 yawned

"Hm...? Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm awake..."

SMG4 mumbled tiredly as he stared back up at the stars, SMG3 did the same but was still keeping an eye on SMG4 just in case he passed out again

He wasn't trying to keep him up but he wasn't doing a good job of not doing that

SMG3 sighed as he looked at the moon

"...The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

SMG3 whispered to SMG4 to which he got no response

As he turned his head he saw SMG4 resting his head on his shoulder again, and he was dead asleep

SMG3 shook his head head smiling as he stood up, picked up SMG4, and carried him bridal style to the castle so he could put him in his bed

As he entered the castle with SMG4 in his arms he noticed how quiet it was since no one was there except for them

It was never this calm in the castle... Usually, Mario would be screaming somewhere, and the others were off somewhere else, usually in the game room playing some game

So this was nice...

As SMG3 entered SMG4's room he walked over to his bed then put him down

As SMG4 slid out of SMG3's arms SMG3 put a blanket on top of him

SMG3 groaned as he sat down next to SMG4 with his arm over his eyes

As SMG3 took out his notebook he flipped through some pages then stayed on a page with a drawing he did earlier of him and SMG4

SMG3 smiled as he stared at the drawing, then slid down onto his back, holding the notebook in the air as he looked at the picture

SMG3 sighed as he closed the notebook and stuffed it back in his hat

As he stared at the ceiling he felt something curl up next to him, then pulled him into a side hug

It was SMG4

SMG4 smiled as he hugged SMG3, which instantly gave SMG3 butterflies

As SMG3's face grew red he turned over and returned the hug

SMG4 then quickly snuggled up to SMG3 smiling, leaving him in a blushing mess

"Heh heh... Oh geez..."

SMG3 whispered to himself as his heart raced

SMG3 then started rubbing 4's back

As he ran his fingers along his spine he noticed the many knots in his back

"Geez man how the hell do you even stand up straight with these?"

SMG3 spoke quietly as he gently rubbed 4's back

As he continued to rub his back he swore he could hear SMG4's heartbeat going nuts

Ether that or it was his own...

But he was definitely enjoying the rubs, so he continued


SMG4 whimpered as he scooted closer to SMG3, burying his face into his chest as 3 continued to rub and get the knots out of his back

"thank's 3..."

SMG4 murmured as SMG3 glanced down at him

"Oh please... You need this you touch starved idiot..."


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