Poisonous Vapor

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(This is a oneshot inspired by my love poison fic, so if haven't read it I suggest reading it before reading this)

CW: Sorta Suggestive?

As the suited men were tossed into the room they helplessly laid on the floor before sitting up

"Ow... My ass..."

SMG4 mumbled, putting a palm to his forehead


SMG3 groaned as he stood up and kicked the door in front of him, trying to open it

But no matter how hard he kicked and banged his fists against it, it wasn't budging


As SMG3 collapsed onto his knees with his fist still on the door SMG4 could only watch in awe, unsure what to do until he noticed some kind of smoke seeping into the room

"3! They're filling the room with something!"

SMG4 voice said in a shocked voice as SMG3 looked down at the smoke

Usually, he could tell what smoke it was but... This was a new kind... It was pink

They aren't usually pink

"Fuck! What is this?!"

SMG3 said in a worried and confused tone

"Whatever it is... Don't inhale it! Could be poisonous!"

SMG4 said, beginning to hold his breath

"Please, it's a truth serum at best... But still, you're right..."

As they vapor consumed the room, the two held their breath while trying to find a way out

Soon enough their luck turned and SMG3 was able to find a button that got rid of the smoke and punched it

As the smoke exited the atmosphere SMG3 gasped in the fresh air

"Oh, thank fuck... Don't think I could've held my breath any longer... Now c'mon, let's find a way out of here"


SMG4 smiled

"We could just... Stay here~"

SMG3 stared at SMG4 confused, mostly cause of his current behavior

"Wha- What the hell do you mean "Stay here?" that fat bastard still has my notebook!"

"I mean, we're not in any kind of rush... So, maybe we could just..."

As SMG4 slowly moved towards SMG3 as he spoke, he grabbed ahold of SMG3's tie to pull him closer

"Get comfortable~"

SMG3 blushed at this sudden gesture, it wasn't until he looked deeper into 4's eyes which were suddenly pink he realized

"You fuckin' breathed the gas didn't you..."

SMG3 groaned, sounding disappointed, mostly cause he was

"Eh, maybe a little"

SMG4 smirked

SMG3 sighed before pulling his tie back from 4's grip

"Great, now I have to deal with your delusional ass while trying to find a way out"

"Oh, c'mon 3~ You need to chill out..."

SMG4 continued to have a smile on his face that was accompanied by a flirty tone as he grabbed SMG3 by the arm

"Maybe I can help with that~"

SMG4 winked at him as he walked his fingers up SMG3's sleeve until he reached his shoulder

"Fuckin' christ man..."

SMG3 mumbled as his face blushed a bright pink again

"Fine, I guess I do need to sit down... At least until all of THIS wears off... But don't try anything funny man!"

SMG3 said as he sat down with a finger pointing at SMG4 indicating him to back off

SMG4 just shrugged with the same stupid giggly smile that's been on his face and sat down next to SMG3

As SMG3 thought in silence he hissed at the sudden pain in his hand, catching SMG4's attention

"You ok? Are you hurt?"

SMG4 asked concerned as SMG3 took off his glove and stared at his bruised hand

"Shouldn't have pounded on that fuckin' metal door... Damn it..."

SMG4 frowned at how much pain SMG3 was in

And then he perked up when he had an idea to make him feel better

"Hey, 3?"

SMG4 asked politely, which made 3 put his attention on him


SMG3 asked confused by what he could possibly want now

"Would you like a kiss to make you feel better?"

SMG4's offer instantly made SMG3's face go pink like a cherry blossom


SMG3 stuttered as SMG4 began getting closer to him

"I asked if you maybe wanted a kiss to make you feel better is all"

SMG4 said calmly as if it were a normal question

"WELL- I- EH- I-"

SMG3 continued to trip over his words as SMG4 kept getting closer, to the point he was on top of him

"Here, let me just..."

As SMG4 placed a hand on SMG3's face 3 knew where this was going and in a panic put a stop to it


SMG3 screamed as he kicked SMG4 in the crotch, making 4 yelp in pain and making him get off of 3

As SMG3 crawled over to a corner, away from SMG4, his counterpart continued to weep

"What the hell was that for...? What's going on?"

SMG4 groaned, still holding his pained crotch


SMG3 screamed at SMG4, still a flustered mess


It wasn't until SMG3 looked back at SMG4's eyes he noticed they were finally back to blue

Thank fuck he's back to normal...

(They eventually found a way out and continued the heist)

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