Love at first site: part 2

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Maze's pov.

For a second,

I decided to take a risk and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

I kissed the dean caught up in the moment.

I felt his hands circling my waist and pulling me closer.

This was not supposed to happen.

I felt his tongue dominating mine and I let him lead.

My mind drifted as I lost myself in the kiss.

"I love you." I moaned as soon as we parted.

And I covered my mouth as soon as we parted.

"Sorry. I haven't been kissed in awhile,
I honestly don't know why I said that."

I rushed out mortified that I made things awkward.

What age am I? 5? Who does that after a simple kiss?

Well clearly this psycho that is me.

To be honest there was nothing simple about that kiss.

I felt like I was at home for a second or am I losing my mind?

"No. Don't do that to yourself.
I don't hate what you said."

Said the dean before pulling me to kiss me more.

Damn what a man!

Where has he been my entire life?

Oh shit it's so late out, my mom won't like this.

My poor mother is probably searching for me, while I'm here enjoying myself.

We pulled away and hugged.

"You are definitely mine, make no mistake.
I'll kill anyone who tries to take you away from me.
Let alone anyone who dares to lay a finger on you."

Said the dean making me melt.

For the life of me, I've never heard of something so romantic.

"You as well,
let me find out that you have a girl friend or wife.
This world won't be able to contain the both of us.
I'll break those girls legs like pritzel sticks."

I said irritated for some reason as jealous,
Threatened to swallow me whole.

"Hey, Maze.
There is no one else but you.
I don't have anyone else and I don't need anymore else,
If it's not you."

Said the dean,
as he cupped my face and gently kissed my cheek.

Butterflies filled my tummy and a surge of happiness filled my body.

"I need to get back home,
it's already dark out.
My mother is worried sick."

I said as I ran my hand in his wet hair.

I just took off after you.
My brother is probably wondering why I haven't called."

Said the dean but we didn't move even an inche apart.

It felt too miserable to leave when all I needed was here.

We just kept saying where we needed to be and ended up kissing again.

My lips were getting tingly and were getting swallon.

Not just that but my boobs against his chest was doing things to me.

"We can't,
if we have sex without the ritual it could destroy our mate bond."

Said The dean,
and I immediately moved away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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