Chapter 1: Rem

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[Rem Arlond- Someone much better]

Yuna was the younger sister to Urie, she had heard about her elder brother but hadn't done anything to find him until she got old enough to do things on her own. At that age she was 13 years old, she had found a way to warm up to her brother and she told him just who her mother was and he rolled his eyes. He told her many things about his own life as he mentioned Rem she rose an eyebrow at him.

"You're insane brother, how can you be friends with a devil prince?"

"You'll see in time he's very trust worthy." Urie said with a smile

She rolled her eyes and the next time Urie went to meet up with Rem he took Yuna with him with her purple eyes in confusion. His clothes were so different from hers she looked to her brother who smiled at her.

"Rem this is my sister Yuna, Yuna this is Rem Arlond."

Yuna waved nervously to him as he gave her a half smile, Urie looked between the two and shook his head. "So Rem I heard that you're going to the human world soon. You're not seriously going alone are you?"

"I'm not, I'm taking you, Mage nanashiro and Shiki natsumezaka." Rem said seriously

Yuna looked to her brother sadly, without even looking to her Urie could see the sad look on her face. "Why don't have my sister with us? She had a keen sense of smell when it comes to demonic things. She was able to find me without a problem."

"Is that so?" Rem said curiously as he looked to Yuna. "Do you mind if I test this?"

"Go for it. I want to go with my brother!"

He told her what she had to find and showed her a picture of it. When she was told to go find it she was only gone for a short period of time before she came back with the item in hand.

"Really? Is this the best you got for me?" Yuna asked curiously

Rem looked to her astound "Alright, you may come with, but if trouble starts because of you. You must return here without a second thought."

"Alright! Thank you Rem!"

Yuna then listened to Urie and Rem about how they were going to find it and what Rem already knew. Yuna heard about a Grimore before but didn't think that something like that actually existed. Days later she went to the human world with Urie and the others where forced to wear girlish things that annoyed her.

But she dealt with it because of Rem and her brother, she found little interest in the others that were around. Her focus was to help Rem no matter what the cost, she constantly asked him what she had to do. She knew she was a tool and knew that once her use was done for that she would be just another person who he had knew in his younger years.

But she always got 'When I need you I will let you know' and was dismissed. She refused to leave the third library mainly because she had no reason to. She was trying to hard to get Rem to realize he didn't need to do things on his own. She soon came across something that would help her out and she focused herself on it only to find herself in front of a house with a brunette female and a red haired male. She saw that there were holy seals warding off demons. She grumbled a bit and she hid over night until she saw the female pass by her.

As she did her senses told her that what she was looking for was the female. Yuna's purple eyes widen before she went back to the school running there to get to Rem and her brother, she finally was able to do something right and that made her happy inside. She rushed up the steps and went into the library as she went up to her brother.

"Urie! Urie! I know where the Grimore is!" She said happily

That not only got his attention but the others as well. Urie took her out of the room and into a secluded place. "Tell me what you found out Yuna."

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