Chapter 2: Urie

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[Urie fuser- My singing butterfly]

Urie and the other devils had no way of finding out where the Grimore was, it was like at a lost for them. He was starting to think that finding it was impossible as he walked through Shiro academy. That was until he heard an entrancing female voice come from one of the music rooms. Singing 'The Devil Within By Digital Daggers' Urie came into the room curiously to who it was. She sang as Urie got closer only to realize it was his girlfriend from when he was in Gehena

"T-Tani?"Urie said shocked

She had her eyes closed as her Black hair was over her face. "Hello...Traitor." She said coldly

"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't ever coming up to the human world." Urie asked confused

"I was banished up here for a few years, I've been looking for you and Rem." She said as she got up.

She looked to him her golden eyes staring straight into him. He felt his heart getting crushed by the cold stare and the emotionless look within her eyes. He knew he was the reason behind it and knew he had to do something about it.

"You know I never wanted to leave you Tani, I had no other choice in the matter." Urie said sadly

"Whatever, where's rem?"

"Probably still in the third library right now."

She jumped down from where she was and she began walking to the door. "Then I guess that's where I'll be going. But before I go...tell me Urie. Were we nothing?" She asked as she placed a hand on the door handle.

Urie looked to her sadly. "No, never. There hasn't been a day that I haven't missed you Tani."

She sadly smiled before she opened the door and walked out. She went to the third library and Rem looked surprise to see the young raven haired female.

"Tani Gorgon its a pleasure to see you. May I ask what are you doing here?" Rem asked

"I was banished here to help you find a certain thing you're looking for." She said with her arms crossed

Shiki and mage looked to her curiously and confused as Roen went up to her and rubbed his head against the side of her leg. She looked down to him and smiled. "Well hello Roen. Its nice to see you too you little trouble maker."

She picked up Roen and she went up to Rem. "I am only here till you find what you need to give your father then I will be on my way back home like nothing ever happened." She said seriously

"This may actually be what I need. Can you get close to one of the female students here Tani?" Rem asked

"Just tell me who and I can take it from there." She said with a smile

"Ritsuka Tachibana."

"Consider it done Rem." She said before she gave Roen a soft kiss on the top of his head before she waved off to Rem.

Once she was gone Mage and Shiki looked to Rem curiously . "Just who was she?" Mage asked

"A dear friend to Rem and I, My ex girlfriend actually." Urie said with a sigh

"You actually had a girlfriend?" Shiki asked

"Yes, and I wouldn't mess with her if I were you. She's a siren and a short tempered one at that." Urie said as he sat down at the big table "If she's here that means that what I can do is limited."

Rem got up and he looked to Urie. "She's going to get as close as she can to Ritsuka, with her doing that none of us have to do much. Tani just enrolled today so it will be a few days before the two will be friends."

[COMPLETE] Devils of Love [Dance With Devils]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora