The Dionysia

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Hades tore out across the lawns of his kingdom, looking frightful against the darkness of his lands. Dionysus kept merry company, he would give them that. Mortals and nymphs sang and dance, drunk on Fates knew what, writhing to the chaotic beats of the drummers. Some carried torches, others spun the flames like batons. They had already crossed the river.

He would not be swept up in the theatrics of it. The revelry only darkened his mood.

And there he was, right up at the front of all the chaos he brought. Dionysus grinned at him as the two approached each other from across a barren field. Hades drew several deep breaths as he came into the light, forcing back the fissures of black that had exploded over his skin.

"King Hades!" Dionysus called as they grew closer, extending his arms out wide as if he were the one doing the welcoming. His grin was broad, his white teeth shining in contrast to his deep olive skin.

"Dionysus," Hades said in return, his voice flat. It was all he could muster that wasn't the absolute fury clawing at his gut. "You did not send me word."

"I thought to surprise you," said Dionysus with a clever tilt to his mouth. There was a certain deviousness in his eyes that Hades despised. "Seeing as Demeter has the Mortal Realm in pieces over your actions, I didn't think you would dare refuse us hospitality."

The nymphs, maenads, and other mortals behind him carried on as if they were not in the presence of two gods staring each other down.

"You should have sent word," Hades said, not trusting himself to say much else.

Dionysus did not deign to answer, instead looking around behind Hades. "Where is she?" he asked, feigning a light, innocent tone.

"Who?" Hades said back, heat creeping into his voice. He knew exactly who he was speaking of.

Dionysus had the gall to roll his eyes. "Persephone, of course. I can feel her nearby."

A heavy knot grew in Hades' throat, some terrible mass of jealousy. He tried to reach out, to feel her darkness, but if she was nearby then she was effectively blocking him. But, Dionysus was not of the darkness -

"What do you mean, you can feel her?" he asked, straightening. Like called to like. And Persephone was like him.

Dionysus' grin grew. "Her life, of course. It's the brightest thing in this quiet place." And then, not bothering to be welcomed onto King Hades' lands, he brushed past him with a confidence the Dread King envied. His party, undeterred by the scowling king, followed behind him. A woman, naked from the waist up and drunk out of her wits, bumped into Hades and then fretted over him, grabbing his arms and apologizing over and over while giggling. Her pupils were blown wide. Hades shucked her hands off him and spun, marching after Dionysus who was at the helm of his demented crew, taking a sharp turn and heading toward the trees.

"No need to hide, my lady," Dionysus called out into the trees. And then there was a flicker of movement and it was as if Persephone blossomed into view from behind the briars.

"Hello, Dio," she said with a coy grin.

Hades' entire mouth went dry. She was wearing practically nothing. As she emerged from the darkness of the trees and into the light of the torches, every inch of her came into view. She was wearing nothing more than a single gauzy wrap flowing freely, the lines of her breasts, the darkness of her nipples, the curls at the apex of her thighs on full display behind the translucent fabric. But worst of all she wore was the broad smile aimed at Dionysus.

The noise of the partiers tapered off into silence as the mortals gasped at her appearance. And Hades could not fault them. Even he had to hold back a noise at the sight of her. He did not possess fertility powers, but he knew then exactly what Dionysus had meant when he said he felt her life. She was the most lovely thing in his kingdom. In all the kingdoms. Even lovelier than - dare he even think it lest he call her wrath upon him - Aphrodite herself.

A Bloom So Deadly: Hades and Persephone RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now